The two people in Grande both heard a part of the meaning missing in Crowleys words.

Crowley smiled and looked towards Zach, “Its up to you to ask.” There is an inexplicable smug on her face. There is only one possibility, in the game of’whoever speaks first loses In’, she gained the upper hand, “Ask me why I am sure Seth is still alive.”

Zac raised his eyebrows, so the topic at this time has already reached Crowleys real reason for coming here. In front of the door, if the game goes on, it will be too dignified.

The vampire smiled and gave Crowley a sense of satisfaction, “Why?”

Crowley adjusted her posture with satisfaction, “I agree with what you just said. Its important.”

Zac waved his hand and curled his mouth. “Okay, Crowley, just say something. No need to go around.” Zach lifted his hand and was filled with Bottle, “As you can see, I still have things to deal with. I dont have time to spend too long with you.”

“Okay.” Crowley smiled and raised her shoulders. Before telling you something, are you going to tell me what you are going to do later?”

“It depends on the situation.” Zach was also straightforward, “You have a church, I have Grande . Regardless of whether we are broadly similar, we each have our own sideline.” Zach smiled, “If I find that something that is going on now overlaps with you, I will tell you immediately. Its still impossible to judge. So, let us keep our distance for now.”

This is what Zach is telling Crowley, “I’m doing a commission from a Western Region person. In view of your previous history of Smith, if there is no other problem, please Stay away! ‘

Crowley raised her eyebrows and made a helpless look, “It’s just that your preparation seems to be very grand. I just want to help you, don’t worry too much.”

“Thank you for your kindness, then.” Zach bent his mouth and looked at the wine bottle in his hand. “If I need to, I will speak.” Crowley stopped asking and took it away. The expression on her face said something inexplicable, “Sibera Hayate, I like this woman.”

Zac will not be surprised, Sibera is back, naturally she started to do what she has been doing What was done in Barton became the center of communication between different races, sending the message to the right person, “What did she tell you?”

“Me?” Crowley shook her head, “She I haven’t contacted me directly yet. I should be waiting for a more suitable opportunity. But she has already visited Constantine.”

“It’s the same.” Zach smiled.

The so-called more suitable opportunity, think about it, the hunter who came back with Sibera came to Barton as an exchanging people. This form is obviously not an ideal equal dialogue scene. But communication is necessary, and Sibera can think of Constantine, which is also intimate enough.

“Do you know.” Crowley squinted her eyes. “Newton’s demon is very curious about Barton.” She shook her head again, “No, it’s a demon other than Barton. There is this kind of curiosity.”

“Is it because you are here?” Zach smiled and waved, “I need to blame you for getting too much attention for Barton?”

“hehe.” Crowley smiled, “Then please blame yourself too.” Crowley looked at Zac’s eyes, “Me? I’m not that attractive yet, they might want I disappeared, but it is not so obvious in this World.”

Crowleys have hidden meaning, the power to control Crowley in hell, can already doom Crowleys future. Her follow-up power is empty, and it will be sooner or later that she will be driven away by the demons of the world. Could it be that the demons other than Barton now clearly show something in this world?

Zac frowned, “Saint, Gangaro.” After a brief thought, Zach shook the head, really wanting to blame himself, “This is what attracts their attention. .”

Crowley looked at Zach with expression, “Vampire (Gangelo), Alpha (the city lord identified at the beginning of the year), Saints (coming from the collapse of Newton’s club) Cici), Fallen Angel (Crowley herself), Hunter Fiend (Seth who flees here from the west), Hunter.” Crowley was inexplicably comfortable, “This is a very attractive city.”

Zach found out that he had made himself dead. He had been in Barton too happily. All he thought of was Bartons descriptions of harmony and ideals, but he ignored how the outside world would view this city that is beyond common sense.

Zach took a deep breath and looked towards Dylan, “Dylan, you can rest assured. In order to get the situation in Barton, the demons of hell will make him even if he finds Seth Live.”

The suspended Dylan swayed in the air, accepted this statement, and disappeared.

Zac looked towards Crowley, “It can be said that it is business. What did the demon of Newton do, how did Sibera find out.”

Crowley raised her finger Seven or eight black spheres suddenly appeared between her fingers, spinning rapidly! Crowley’s tone became hard, “When she came back, she caught a few.”

The harsh, sharp whine suddenly filled the entire office!

Zac looked at the thing at Crowley’s fingertips, in the black sphere, scarlet spell imprint flickering, shuttle back and forth! This is the soul seal of witchcraft!

The curse is not as gentle on the surface as binding Ryan in the morning, but violently embedded in the body of the devil, cutting and destroying any’bandage’ that wants to resist!

Sure enough, Sibera in the morning went directly to Constantine! It seems to be giving away these things!

Crowley shook the palm of her hand, and the devil’s wailing and the ball disappeared together. Crowley has a strange smile on her face, her eyes are bright, “I like Sibera.” She squinted, “She reminds me why there are Indians in the Federation now.” /p>

The vampire frowned. Crowley was talking about the stalemate in the colonial war. It was these Indian wizards and werewolves under the leadership of Papa Midnight…make the former colonists impossible to move A single step, forced to carry out a peace treaty, and established the current federation.

The love of Crowley gives people the feeling of have one’s hair stand on end…

“Focus, Crowley.” Zach twitched his lips and didn’t know how to be Crowley likes whether it is good or not. But Sibera is very strong, able to summon Papa Midnight, and then dare to fight Papa Midnight. Remember the analogy between the belief in witchcraft and the belief in the Holy Lord, Papa Midnight is a figure in the status of the Holy Lord.

Don’t use Sibera to judge Sibera’s ability even if several hunters who want to kill Ryan can’t handle it. Ravenge and Ryan are both the sons of Sibera. As a mother who sees both sons go astray, how can Sibera choose? ! Close your eyes and walk away, or choose one to give up completely?

Be aware that it was Grand and Papa Midnight that ruined Rivenchs future, not Sibera.

Although Sibera lost in the midnight confrontation with Papa, a fallen angel who was demoted too much is really nothing, so dont worry about the extra things, “What did these demons do? “

“Stealing.” Crowley looked towards Zach, “When I had the container.” She pointed to herself, “The hellhound started to stop going to hell to send people in Barton City Soul.”

Zac pursed his mouth, another thing he ignored. He regarded Crowley’s acquisition of the container as something beneficial to Barton and himself, ignoring the outside world’s view of this matter-the fallen angel had a good time at Barton, and he had completely controlled the Hellhound!

Another thing that makes the demon outside infinitely curious!

“So they started stealing Barton’s soul.” Crowley looked at Zach’s wink and continued.

“What do you mean.” Zach was a little annoyed. “Are you trying to say that Newton’s demon sneaked into Barton?” The vampire stared at Crowley, “That’s your complete negligence. “

“How is it possible!” Crowley smiled and shook her head, “It’s you, Zach.” Crowley pressed her finger on the sticky note on the desk, which read Information for trains leaving Barton City.

No need to explain, Zach already understands that those who travel from Barton are the souls who have been’stolen’! theft? Wrong, waiting for them to come!

Zac tore off the sticky note. Derek’s idea of going home must be put aside. Damn it! The devil only needs to be’strengthened’ to get all of Derek’s experience in Barton. He said that everything he experienced is too close to the core of Barton!

“The train?” At the door of the office, Benjamin was holding the dinner plate and leaning on the eaves of the door, “Sibera didn’t seem to be a train back.”

Crowley One Shrugged, “I’m just giving an example.” Crowley smiled at Alpha who didn’t know when he started to listen, and raised her hand. “These guys were on the way to Newton into the Western Region. Its.”

Crowley curled her eyes, “A enthusiastic backpacker forced several hunters to rescue the mother and son who had been in a car accident behind the demon.”

Li looked at Zac with narrowed eyes and smiled, “Why do you think I came here specially.” Crowley shrugged, “I said before, I’m here to help you.”

Zach looked into Crowley’s eyes, shook his head slightly, bent over and opened the drawer, took out the information Bishap had brought, and threw it in front of Crowley.

Crowley opened it and glanced at the photo, with a look of regret on her face, “This family has its own problems, so don’t blame me.”

“It depends on the situation.” Zach maintained his previous attitude.

“The content of the Newton Devil being tortured. When they discovered that the mother and child were Bishops lover and illegal child, they began to use this relationship to control the family in the Western Region and break into Barton. .”

Zac remained silent, although Crowley was talking about the Barton Demon, she seemed to be helping Grande sort out clues. But please be aware of this. Crowley will know why Bishop commissioned Grande. Isn’t it that she herself is very concerned about this illegal child!

Think about Smith! What attention Crowley is playing is already very obvious! She is playing the same game! I want to use illegality child to take advantage of Bi Sharp!

It’s just that what she said is right, she is not to blame for the current situation, because obviously, she failed!

When all the narration was over, Zach retrieved the information and the bottle, picked up the receiver, and dialed Bishop’s phone. The commission is completely over.

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