Zac first thought of Sibera. After all, Banshee and the wizard’s ability to report funerals is under the same system. Let Sibera this wizard take a look, you should be able to get some clues, no matter who it is, what method has been used to block Banshee’s’sight’.

But immediately the vampire shook his head helplessly. Zach doubted that Sibera would be willing to help him. Think about it, I just came back, although it sounds good, I came back to clean up the mess for Grande, but compared to helping Grande please the people of Western Region, Sibera’s role is more inclined to the harmonious development of Barton…

The vampire doesn’t want the hunters who exchanged to produce the wrong impression. Sibera must remain objective towards Grande in order to balance it. This is easy to understand-the first thing Sibera returns is to pick up Ryan, and send it back to Derek with half a push. This is not a clearing up of relationships, but it is a real personal intersection of’liquidation’.

In this case, it is not wise for Grande to pull Sibera into Grande’s private interests.

The burst of colored light in the basement gradually calmed down. What Zach said was right. The facts in front of him were not caused by Danny. Zach softened his voice, “Danny, go and rest. .” Zach looked at the phantom silhouette with blurred borders, and emphasized again, “This is not your fault, don’t blame yourself. On the contrary, this is also the completion of the commission, although it is not the result we expected. To blame, I can only blame my not being positive. .”

Zac twitched his lips, and it was not easy for the vampire to admit this. Without knowing that and so on had happened, because the vampires passive shelving of the commission, the current situation may still be very big.

Danny can only approve, a little blurry head. The stream of light within the body completely breaks the boundary between the body and the world. The thick colored rays of light are like post-modern oil paintings, which are completely smudged in the space, and then upwards, leaving the originally gloomy basement space floating away.

“Alice.” Zach patted Alice in his arms, “You go up too, Derek is leaving. How about going to prepare something for him?”

Alice raised her head buried in the arms of the vampire, “Is he leaving?”

Zac took off her misty goggles and smiled, “Well, he found it here. What I was looking for, I have to go back now.”

There is thinking in Alice’s eyes. Do you know what Alice is thinking? She is learning from experience, dont forget, she also has a big brother, and the confused Alice still doesnt know how to face that little big brother.

Zach smiled and patted Alice, comforting.

Only the vampire and Alpha remained in the basement. The two aliens frowned and looked at the corpse on the stone platform, completely confused.

“Someone buried them.” Benjamin squeezed a handful of dirt that had been on the surface of the charred corpse and said nonsense.

Zach looked at Benjamin and asked tentatively, “Where can you smell it?” This was a very slim hope, but Zach still asked.

Benjamin glanced at Zach, and put his fingers in front of his nose, “West.”

Zac raised his eyebrows, there was hope, “Where is the west?”

Benjamin erased the dirt on his hands. “Anyway, its not land near the sea. It should be close to the river, Paisin or Charles River. Pick one.” Benjamin snorted, “One day and two nights, look How far can she run.” After all, Alpha only relies on smell, and it’s pretty good to be able to get such results.

Zach is nodded, enough.

The Charles River and the Paisin River present a’V’ shape, and they meet at the intersection of the northwestern districts of Barton, and enter Massa Bay together and merge into the ocean.

Two rivers correspond to two roads, one passes through the Western Region and enters Barton Western Region directly from the northern end of Newton City, and the other is adjacent to Paisin, passing through the junction of the west and north. Directly cross and enter Massa Bay.

According to the hint given by Promise, Barton is not suitable for Hayley to stay because of Bi Sharps influence. Bishop also confirmed that she left suddenly at night, so which way would she choose? It seems that the probability of the northern one is very large.

Zach hesitated, touched the chin thinking.

“humph.” Benjamin suddenly chuckled. Alpha knew exactly what the vampire was hesitating. “It’s already like this. It’s okay to drag it for a while.” Alpha was telling the opposite.

As I said before, the two corpses in front of me, without knowing what happened and so on, are very likely because Zach is not positive about the commission and delays the delay. , Resulting in the mother and child who could have been alive now.

And now, it is obvious that people have been burned like this, then the destination is no longer full of probabilities and constantly moving away from Barton, but stopped by the horrible status quo at this time. As long as the vampire goes out and looks for it, you can find the location of the incident.

It’s midsummer daylight, and the vampire doesn’t want to go out…

Zac pouted and cast a look at Benjamin. “You don’t have to stimulate me.” Zach looked at the stone platform. Shook the head, “Let’s go, I want to prepare something.” Naturally, food.

Benjamin waved his hand and went up with Zach, reminding harboring malicious intentions, “Bring more, we may leave Barton and enter Newton. Hehe, who knows how far we will go.”

This is the truth. Just hope good luck and don’t run into demons with too keen senses. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Zach is not afraid of the demons in other cities, but thinks of the imposter “Toredo”, it will feel inexplicable.

Remember, the demons other than Barton have an agreement with Moyan, and it is not certain whether they will exchange messages.

Zac knows himself that Toledos identity will be fully exposed sooner or later. Now the aliens in Barton are getting closer and closer to the outside world. I dont know when Toledo will become a party. The bargaining chip used to carry out agreements between different races. Agreement is not a bad thing, maybe our vampire will agree to himself someday.

Hiding now is just to delay the arrival of that day, not a cowardly performance, but Zach has a kind of naive expectation.

He wants to face those’Torido’s by himself. It’s best that they find Zac in front of them through hardships, and then Zac smiles and tells each other, “I have a descendant by Papa Midnight”, and appreciate the other’s face.

‘You left your hometown and named someone else’s surname for your ability to walk in the sun. I’m sorry, I let you down~’ Zach wants to express this.

So naive.

Leaving the basement, the outdoor sunlight makes Zach helpless. Benjamin just sat in the car and waited indifferently. Zach showed up on the ground, went down to the basement, which belonged to him, and began to prepare.

When the third bottle was filled, Zac raised his eyebrows, and Grande had guests.

Familiar and unfamiliar guests.

Leaving the basement and going up the stairwell, Benjamin also came in. He glanced at Zac who was up, shrugged the room, and turned directly to the kitchen.

Obviously it will take a long time, and Alpha is not interested in waiting.

Stepping into the office, Zach smiled, “Did she agree to cut her hair?” Zach looked at the woman sitting in the chair, and kept moving. But after all, it was up there. Derek could appear at any time. Zach held a wine bottle and filled it into a portable metal wine bottle, and sat behind the office by the way.

Scanning the sticky notes on the table, Louise has arranged the car that Derek will leave. After lunch, the true heir to Grande will say goodbye to Barton. .

Zach twitched his lips, he wanted to give them personally, it seems impossible. Louise should be aware of Dao Pill’s return, and the scene in the basement. It is estimated that Derek himself asked so urgently.

Crowley also smiled, ignoring Zacs question about the appearance of her container, and glanced at the sticky note on the table, “Would you like to go out, train, to the center? One-way ticket, eh.”


Zac also chose to ignore Crowley’s question. The two Super Chang Family guys are like two old men on their backs, throwing sentences at each other before they can talk.

“You look a little bit, um.” Zach turned his head and looked at Crowley’s dress, still in trouser suits, “Weird, I think sweaters are more suitable for you (the original wandering Woman, just wearing a sweater).”

“The weather is good.” Crowley watched Zach put the filled wine bottle away, then took out an empty bottle, “You must be right to travel Very excited.”

It’s a tie.

In silence, the two looked at each other, waiting for the one who spoke first.

“Have you found Seth.” What broke the silence was the cyan ray shadow floating above the desk.

The smile on Crowley’s face disappeared and she glanced at Dylan. Obviously, this interruption was not her purpose. She shook her head as an answer.

“Did you find it.” Dylan asked calmly for the second sentence.

Crowley glanced at the other person again, frowned, looked towards the smiling Zach, twitched the corner of her mouth, “I don’t need to show you” The contempt in her eyes doesn’t want to hide it at all.” A dead spirit is nothing,’report’ these.”

Azure’s light and shadow flipped, and Dylan looked towards Zach, which means’please’.

Zac was very satisfied with this little interruption, “Crowley, this is not a’report’.” Zach raised an eyebrow with a smile, “This is your fault, you need to make up.”

Zach is right. If Crowley can communicate with Seth and Grande unimpededly, Seth’s expulsion will not happen, and No will be tortured by wizards.

When Zach realized that he had not done a good job of communicating with all the alien races of Barton, like Sibera, the organization of the Seth incident became clear. Everything lies in the flow of information.

Barton used to be calm, and the reason it was very hit is that Sibera connected all the alien races. There is nothing about mutual friendship, as long as the message can be delivered to the right ears, Barton is complete.

During Sibera’s departure, Grande broke Barton’s alien race to pieces, fighting each other. When the parties to an event cross, tragedy will happen.

Crowley shook the head, “Well, these books only need to be told to Constantine.” She rolled her eyes to Dylan, “Since someone cares about him, it doesn’t matter to tell you.” Crowley waved her hand and said with an indifferent attitude, “I tried, there is no news, nothing. Either Seth is hiding well enough, or he has been captured by other demons and blocked the news.”

Listen clearly. Crowley did not say,’Seth is truly dead’, this option.

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