There are now two phones in the Grand House. This small change gives Zach an innocuous little hobby, that is, guessing who will call. Especially when the ringing phone is the one on his desk.

Of course, most of the time, it will be James Lance, the young police detective with a well-known surname, speaking in a low tone that makes Zach just want to roll his eyes. Occasionally, the mayor of Barton City, Anthony, who drank too much, said vaguely in the middle of the night some drunken words that even vampires have to be identified carefully to hear clearly…

It seems that there are basically these two people, of course , Zach kept his mind open. Haven’t people like Quinn, Barton, Herman, uh, and Quest, also called this phone?

Zac picked up the receiver, “Zachry Grande.”

“Very well, it’s you.” The human voice in the receiver is strange, it seems to be very The charming middle-aged bass, “I’m still hesitating how to speak if it’s someone else.”

“Sir…” Zach said in a questioning tone, the last name needs to be supplemented by the other party.

“Smith.” The other party understood the response, “Stuart Smith.” The person in the receiver said his full name politely.

“Mr. Smith.” As a result of his open mind, Zach faced the surname of a wealthy old man who was with Quinn and Mrs. Barton, but the person opposite the receiver Obviously the second generation. As for the third generation, she was lying on Lauras shoulders crying for her early love.

Zach smiled into the microphone and said, “Please call me Zach, can I help you?”

Smith is the earliest building material supplier in Barton City. In the beginning, when the founders of Barton City built the skeleton of transportation in Bache, the Smith family made great efforts to keep waterways, railways, and highways smooth, and this is what Barton is now.

There was a pleasant laugh from the earpiece, which was completely different from Herman and Quests rapid excitement. There was a feeling that it was just a greeting call between friends, “Yes Yes. My father mother recommended you. They said you are a very efficient person, and now I have found it too.”

Zach smiled at the air nodded, “Thank you for the compliment of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The only few times I have met because of occasions, I have not formally introduced myself. Its a shame.”

Of course, its all funerals. Should vampires send out business cards when a few old people mourn the death of their friends? ?

There was a laughter in the earpiece, “Its not necessary. Their friends often mention you Grande, as if they are already familiar.”

Ke raised his eyebrows and often mentioned it. This gave the vampires some inexplicable thoughts, and he could not express it in words for the time being, “Mr. Smith, what’s the matter?”

“Smith is just fine, our generation is different. Not far away.” The voice in the receiver neither fast nor slow, “There are indeed some things that require trouble Grande. Of course, I will pay the deposit first, we are not Quest.”

The other party told a joke. , Zach smiled in response, “Thank you, let me listen to your entrustment.”

In Smiths account, Zach sat back at his desk and was written on the paper in front of him. Gave an address.

The matter is not complicated. Recently, there have been consecutive thefts in Smith’s warehouse. It’s not uncommon. Some guys who are greedy for cheap will sell the best building materials as scrap. Smith doesn’t care about such small things that not at all cause real damage to interests, but yesterday morning, although there was no more theft, something that people couldn’t ignore happened.

An employee becomes a corpse.

Zach can already think of James in frowns, thinking about whether this was done by an alien. But since the detective has not harassed Grande so far, it seems that this has been ruled out.

“So, Smith first…” Zach stopped, laughed, “You want me to confirm that this was done by’Yuri’, right?”

“Yes.” The voice over the receiver is still gentle and gentle, “Competition is not at all, but it hurts my employees. This is beyond the scope of friendly competition, right? So if confirmed, I hope Grande Sir…” The other party laughed, he himself asked the other party not to use honorifics, but he used to use the formal address, he smiled and changed his mouth, “I hope you are like my parents said, regardless of the process, if you confirm It was done by’Yuri’, and he was directly given the same punishment, so there is no need for my follow-up commission.”

‘Equal punishment’ is said from the gentle bass, there is actually a kind of concession People involuntarily agree with the feeling.

Zach is smiling, he is not at all surprised by this direction, Poch is Quinns grandson, Kyle is Bartons grandson, look where they are now.

“It’s nice to work with you.” Zach kept smiling.

“Me too.”

Hang up the phone, Zach picked up the address he wrote down, the smile on his face had disappeared, and he began to realize that he had never thought about it before The problem. Of course, it is not the so-called “equal punishment” that will make Anthony and James uncomfortable, but those in Western Region who seem to naturally put Grande in their box.

It means, too much trust, such as now. Smith had no hesitation in telling the true intention of this commission because of the competition with Yuri. This is already a commission that is closely related to Smith’s interests, and is fundamentally different from the restriction that Zach took over in the “family dispute”.

It is necessary to explain what is happening in Barton City.

Do you remember the cemetery near Pai Siying? The cemetery that originally belonged to the [Ford Funeral Home], the development of the North Park has started, but the North Park is only a small part of the entire cemetery, and the rest is really important.

The planning of the city is completed by the municipal government. After the planning is completed, the land will be purchased by the merchants and the construction of new buildings and facilities will begin. Now that this step has been completed, it is time for building materials vendors to start competing. The two sides of the competition, do you still have to guess, the veteran Smith of Barton City, and the guy who will always be later in front of the veteran-Yuri.

Herman was not accepted by Quinn and Mrs. Barton’s circle. You can imagine Yuri’s impression in their hearts.

In such competition, a scandal that is neither too big nor too small can affect the final result.

Zac aside the address in his hand, he is not yet preconceived, thinking that Yuri has made a cross-border behavior, the vampire is sideways, his fingers lifted the curtain behind him , Squinted at the warm sunlight outside the window, curl one’s lip, stood up. He picked up the empty plate on the workbench and walked out of the office.

The commission can wait. Now Zach is also a person with internal resources. Waiting for James news before acting is the correct decision.

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