Lola was wrong. The thing she expected that Blake could leave Grande in one morning, not at all happened. The girl underestimated the special life experience of an old man. Blake, a young man who is easy to get close to, sat at Grands table, thanking Alice for the hospitality, and anxiously settled the food on the plate. He wanted to settle the lunch quickly, so he could meet Old Hank. Continue to communicate.

Looking at the eyes of the two occasionally intertwined at the dining table, as if one old and one young belonged to a secret organization, it was curious.

Zac picked up the plate and smiled slightly at the table, “Sorry, I have something to deal with.” This is Zach’s usual excuse, but anyone who knows a little about Grande knows , The Grand Master has nothing to deal with at all.

The Great Dane Jin silently followed behind Zack, and the two guys entered the office.

Blake didnt care about Zacs early departure. In fact, he knew the little habits of this attractive man from Laura. He was very grateful for Zacs natural performance. . But Blake is a little curious about that Danny Firefly who even Lola doesnt know very well (Daniel, the fantasy man, officially appeared in the Grand House after getting his name, and only met Lola on Thursday) .

Thinking of this, Blake remembered that he was still carrying Lola’s mission.

“Alice.” Blake looked towards the girl who had been very quiet, “Lola failed to come over because of school activities this weekend. She asked me to tell you.”

Banshee’s face showed joy, apparently under the quiet appearance, she has been struggling with this matter. Blake laughed, Lola was lucky to find such a friend and a group of friendly people in a peculiar way.

However, Blakes mission is not over. His eyes looked towards the two men who were immersed in eating, Benjamin and Matthew. “The girls on the cheerleader and the football team are in friendship. This is the high school The most important activity of the school year. The two most popular group unions in the school are the most needed by lower graders like Lola.”

Benjamin didnt seem to hear it, but Matthew and Alice He became curious and asked, “Why?”

Blake scratched his head. He realized that one was Matthew, who had little experience in high school life, and the other was Alice, who had no idea about school. Choose a very bad angle to cut into the topic.

Blake waved his hand, and a mature smile appeared on the young face. Dont forget that this is a young man who has stepped into the political circle (Newton City). He may be on vacation. He has taken off his straight suit, tie and leather shoes, and put on the usual hooded jacket, but still, he is’ Stone’s proud descendants.

“haha, its a typical high school status consolidation, there is nothing to say.” Blake smiled and quickly changed directions, “However, it can help several high school couples. This is the group of guys. Whatever you want.”

“Oh.” Matthew and Alice don’t know if they understand, anyway, nodded, continue to deal with food.

Blake sighed in his heart, his first judgment was not at all wrong. As a friend of Lola, he really began to hope that Lola could meet a good young man in the friendship, and be able to put aside the worries that belonged to teenagers.

“Speaking of teenagers!” Old Hank said suddenly, his voice was so loud that he couldn’t ignore it, his eyes were inexplicable disdain, “I still remember a guy named Raymond! A sinister thin guy…”

No one wants to know Old Hanks teenage story, lets go back to the vampire.

Crowley played with her blonde hair leisurely, her white and slender fingers circled a strand of hair and pulled it to her eyes, as if she said casually, “What do you think of my short hair?”

Jin was lying on the workbench, his eyes were out of focus, looking at the demon sitting at the desk, his mouth crackling.

Zac grinned and shook his head, “If you want to create a certain image, I can only say that short hair is very good.”

Crowley is already a man. Formally dressed, now thinking about short hair again, Zach’s meaning is very obvious.

Crowley raised her thin eyebrows under her smooth forehead, “Can this be blamed on me? You have already made it clear that appearance cannot affect the thinking of any one of you, you, Anthony.” Crowley twitched his Lips, it seems a little regretful, “James. Then why do you want to keep that form for you to read the jokes?”

Zac raised his eyebrows clearly, “Oh, that’s how it is. Its to show a strong power position. Does it appear in an image that is negotiable and sufficiently valued?”

“Do you understand now?” Crowley shook her head. Obviously she was disappointed. The influence was too great, and she didn’t have any effect on the modification of the appearance, instead she went completely on a strange road…

This kind of bad luck can only happen in Barton City. There is a demon that has only been seen through!

Zac shook the lunch in his hand, “Crowley.” The vampire watched the demon fiddle with his hair, “Why are you here?”

“Can’t you guess?” Crowley shook off her long hair impatiently, and sat up straight, the button on her chest shirt tightened due to the action. Her appearance is not useless at all, occasionally, it can create a little distraction.

“I’m very upset.” Crowley looked towards the vampire’s eyes through the transparent and blood-red glass walls, “Why would you let the lady West go.”

Zac put down the wine glass, with a sincere expression of asking for advice, “Then what do you want me to do? Kill her?”

Crowley does not want to and always praises her legality The citizen vampire argued about this issue. She frowned, “At least, you should stop her writing.” Her long fingers drew circles on the desk, “I don’t think I need to remind you that this kind of person threatens How old is it.”

A woman who can manipulate real events with words, and she still doesn’t know her abilities. This is enough to make her the most terrifying person in this World.

“Relax, Crowley.” Zach smiled and waved. “If you want to say a threat, we are all threats, each other, or humans. But we are not sitting together and chatting friendly now. Yeah, Anthony didnt burn me either, and you acted in Barton City just as you please. Let us face this in a peaceful way. I let Maddison watch her closely, thats enough.” Zach blinked Blink.

Crowley still stares at Zach, shrinking? No, she was not really trying to convince the vampire about anything, nor was she really dissatisfied with the vampire’s handling, but tentative. The content of the test is whether the vampire plans to monopolize such a’terrifying’ woman.

Madison is watching each other closely? This means that Leon, who is tired of being with Madison, also looks at her. When Grande and the demon’s men watched this ignorant woman at the same time, their leader naturally wanted to communicate. The most important point is to rectify your point of view. The woman is a threat. None of us want to touch it. We hope that this threat will disappear.

Only in Crowley’s view, Grande has the advantage, and Barton’s “model citizen” aura gives Zach a reason not to let this woman suffer misfortune. heaven knows This is not a foreshadowing left by Grande in order to use the woman in the future.

“Okay.” Crowley looked for a long time, and saw nothing from the vampire’s mask-like smiling face, “Let me reiterate, we are friendly.”


Zach was nodded with a smile, he certainly knew what Crowley was thinking. But Zach wouldn’t make it clear that he was only interested in this Ms. Sheila West, and decided not to affect her life. He needed Crowley to have a sense of crisis. As for the question that demon surveillance is much more effective than Grande, Zach doesn’t care. If Crowley dares to use Sheila, Grande will make the demons regret it.

“How’s Seth?” Zach changed the subject.

Crowley tilted her head and said, “The’general’ didn’t completely let go. She found someone to move around, and he will come out soon.”

A story beyond words Still continuing, reality begins to control the direction. Wells’ death was indirectly caused by the beatings of the three, and their confession is still there. This is an irreversible fact. Wrong, it was restored by the’general’. Among the people gathering in Pop Bar, there are lawyers. Don’t forget these.

The story constructed by Sheila West, the waves stirred up, were completely smoothed out at this time. It makes people happy does not raise.

Zac waved his hand, I believe he can hear the details of the party tonight, without Crowley saying, “I mean Seth, I hope You have been able to communicate without any complaints.”

Crowley snorted.

This incident was strange. Seth was in trouble, and Crowley told Zac instead of solving it. Zach also needs to go to the prison to see Seth in person if he wants to know the details. For the demon with convenient communication, it can only show that there are still some problems between Seth and Crowley, and the two refuse to communicate properly.

Zach twitched his lips and was too lazy to care. He just wanted to test Crowley’s arrangement with Constantine, so he had to give up. The reason for this idea comes from the fact that when Zach went to prison to pull the body during the heavy rain on Thursday, he found that the priest of the church still had Constantine, and Crowley actually did not let her own people take care of this fixed source of cultivation. , It made him a little curious.

The Great Dane has cleaned up the food on the plate, and rarely rushed to Crowley’s nose. Obviously, he was a little unhappy with Mike’s infringement before. Limbs kicked and jumped off the workbench, Kim’s departure was at Summon Alice to clean up.

Zac stood up, “You can go, we still have guests.”

Crowley glanced across the side door. Of course she knew Blake. Stone is here, and the vampire has tried so hard to establish contact with the people of Western Region that she disdains. With her delicate lips, the light and shadow were scattered around her by unknown things, and the sound of the air being squeezed and propelled sounded. In an instant, the beautiful demon disappeared into the air.

Zach walked around the desk and the phone rang.

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