When there was a person in Grands backyard who abused his eyes with excitement, he was yelling, standing behind two different windows in the living area Two people. Two minutes later, the people behind the two windows almost left behind the window at the same time, rushed out of their room, and eagerly walked into the corridor, they met.

Soon, these two people realized that each other was going in the same direction as their own, they were leaving the living area.

Xiyun: “Where are you going?!”

Myers: “It’s none of your business!”

Xiyun: “*! Are you going to find Boss?!”

Myers: “*You!” Myers made a mistake.

Xiyun made a horizontal push, and the two raced in the corridor to stop. Miles was pressed against the wall by Xiyun, “I will let you know who*who!” Really straightforward~

Myers physical fitness determines that he cant resist. He doesnt seem to be ready to resist either. He is pressed against the wall by the opponent and is motionless, but his face doesnt seem to be submissive. , “Did you see it too?!” Miles stared at Xiyun’s eyes.

Xinyuns eyes dodged for a moment, “I dont know what youre talking about…” While saying this, he pushed away Miles, who was suppressing him on the wall. It looked like, It seems to be leaving here.

I dont want to, the role is reversed, Miles backs away with Xiyun, and moves directly forward, one, two, and three steps away, pushing Xiyun onto the opposite wall, “Ill I know! You saw it too!”

Xiyun seems to be still reacting to the fact that he was pushed against the wall by a weak chicken, but Miless mouth quickly threw words out at the same time “The Grand Boss on the back porch of Grande suddenly has someone in front of you!”

Xiyun reacted and pushed Miles away easily with one hand, “I don’t know. What are you talking nonsense!” Trying to leave again.

“Don’t lie in front of me!” But Miles seemed to be reluctant, and forcibly pulled Xiyun, “This is my specialty!” Uh… “Now in this living area, Only the two of us are paying attention to what is happening on Grandes side! If I see the weird things happening there, you will see it too!”

“Don’t touch me!” Just as easily, Push Miles’s hand away, and, “Don’t say that I and you are the same kind of person!”

“What kind of person? In this bad place and situation, the only thing to be awakened is Is there a way to think about our own future?” Miles blocked directly in front of Xiyun, “Look at my eyes and tell me that we are not the same kind of people!”

Wait a moment. We must pay attention to Miles’s terminology, bad place, bad situation? Is he talking about…Grande?

“*!” Xiyun started, raised his hand and held Miless mouth, “What are you shouting!”

Myers got rid of Xiyuns Hand, “What are you afraid of! Thanks to you, my assigned job is to clean in the living area. I have already figured out the life rules of everyone! At this time, the employees in the living area are either shifted to sleep in the morning shift. Either you are waiting for the night shift! Miles stared straight at Xiyun, Do you know this is right! Because you are planning to go to the Boss and ask the lawyer at this point without being noticed by others. The situation! So you are not the same as others sober!” In Miles’s tone, refutation is not allowed. Probably, this kind of not giving people the opportunity to lie is also his specialty, “So you definitely saw what I saw!”

“Shut up!” Myers IQ seems to be really affected Going on, at least Miles is rigorously reasoning, but he can only repeat this sentence, “I don’t know what you are pushing!” and try to get out again.

“Evan warned us not to treat Grandes people as normal people.” Miles continued to stand in front of Xiyun, “Logan also told us, dont use common sense. Everything that happened in Grande.”

This conversation, at this time, really went in a weird direction

Myers, “Just came to Grande At the time, you guys with well-developed limbs but no brains thought that guarding the grave for the rich was a better job, so you robbed the job of the southeast west garden (tomb), and I was pushed out to the north garden. You know Im here Did you find anything in Beiyuan?

This time Myers obviously didnt block the road of thin clouds, but Xiyun didnt break through by himself anymore. He stared at Miles and lowered his voice. *! What did you do?!”

“I dug the tomb in North Garden.” Miles replied, lowering his voice the same.

“*!*!” Xiyun spit out fragrance and backed away, uh, staring at Miles like a lunatic, “Why would you want to do that kind of thing…” It is totally unimaginable that this weak body in my eyes is digging other people’s tombs in Grande’s grave.

“Because I have a brain.” Miles stared at Xiyun, people backed up, and he moved forward naturally, “How do you think Logan stood by the Boss over there and was taken seriously , Trusted?” In Miles’ eyes, there is…I don’t know how to describe the expression, we should probably rebuild the image of this former criminal in the heart-“Logan knows the real secret of Grande! And then, why do you think you can get Evan free by looking for trouble? Isnt the biggest problem that our last batch of halfway house former criminals gave Grande the most because they injured the reporter? That was Evans work. Isnt it? Why did Evan get free, and those who really caused Grandes troubles were punished and thrown back to prison again? Think about it, Xiyun! You are the only one left with no brains. One guy with some brain functions, think about it!”

Xiyun… Let’s rebuild the image of this guy, too, the image of the bully? Uh. Xiyun, as if still immersed in a picture he could not imagine, watched Miles’s continuous retreat, “You are a lunatic!”

“I didn’t!” Miles naturally continued forward, hand Point to your own brain, “I just have a brain! And I came up with a conclusion! That is that they all know the real secret of Grande! This is how they differ from other former criminals! This is what they can use The reason for their freedom!”

There is no way to retreat, Xiyun has retreated to the end of the corridor, staring at Miles who is still close, gloomy face, without speaking.

“Tell me that you also noticed it-the Boss of Grandley showed the game look when he noticed that the two of us were trying to use Logan and Evan’s experience to gain freedom!” , No, not a trace, it is overflowing with malice on Miles face, “This is a game for that boss! A ridiculous game! Do you know why?! Because we are not Evan and Luo Root, we! I dont know the real secret of Grande!!!”

To some extent, we dont seem to need to reset the image of Miles. He said that he is the kind The person who gains the trust of others first, and then stabs others in the back, right, what he shows now is probably what he looked like when he stabbed.

“And your crazy brain feels that those secrets are in the Grand Cemetery?!” There is nowhere to go anyway, and Xiyun finally realizes that he is only half of his body size. The weak chicken looked hard, and finally organized an effective response, “I think your brain is swollen!”

Hey, it also fits the image of his bully: laugh, and don’t forget to show off. Violence. tsk tsk tsk.

“Why not.” Miles has a look that is not affected by insults, just like his attitude when facing malicious bullying,’I am smarter than you guys’, “We Everyone knows that Old Hanke used to do and so on. Do I need to tell you what is buried in the North Garden?”

Xiyun seemed to be reminded, his eyes lit up for a moment, but immediately The look of a lunatic was restored, “What then? Old Hank is obviously not the person in charge of Grande!” Continue to laugh, “What did you find in those cemeteries? Are you brother?” Well, this is mocking the weak body. The chicken Miles is the same length as the skeleton. In this regard, Xiyun’s mind moved very quickly.

“Ha.” Miles actually agreed with the insult, “It’s funny.” But his face is still malicious and crazy, “I tell you this because I am thinking about you There is still a glimmer of hope, you better not let me down.” He didn’t give Xiyun time to respond, “I dug up the corpse, but I didn’t dug up any complete corpse.”

“And you are the same as I expected, disgusting lunatic!”

“Your mind is not turning.” Miles stared at Xiyun, “You think I will dig someone else’s grave immediately. , Wish to discover the secret of Grande? Huh, I dont like to do useless work so much! Dont forget, Grande was and is also a funeral home cooperating with the prison! People who died in prison, except for a few last year Our “Warden of the Year” (given by Anthony) was sent to the cremation to save money, and they were all buried in the North Garden of Grande!”

“*! You twisted lunatic! You We dug our own tomb!!” Xiyun started again, with both hands on, Miles was pushed to the ground directly, but when Xiyun was ready to use his feet, Miles avoided.

Staggering back to his feet, Miless compelling eyes finally converged a bit, re-aware of the physical gap, and the speed of speech has also been much faster, in order to continue to master Xiyun again. The attention of the people who said “there is still a glimmer of hope in his mind”, “When we leave the prison, our own people (increased) are still intact! But none of the people in Grand North Park are intact! “

The thin cloud that was about to push Miles again stopped, half of Yin’an’s hard-lined cheeks twitched, “What did you say?!”

“Listen I’m clear!” Miles gave an expression that I will not repeat, and, “You don’t foolishly think that I don’t have any chips to go and contact that boss!”


Myers took advantage of the moment of faintness and continued to accelerate, “I thought I found the secret of Grande! I thought this secret was what Grande was doing secretly with the corpse! Then I found the right opportunity to contact that Boss!” Miles cast a mocking look at Xiyun, “It gave you a bargain, let you follow my action!” Then, Miles’ face , Back to malice, “But it’s still shit! I was wrong! It’s not Grande’s secret at all! You can find out by looking at that boss’s eyes! He is sympathizing with me! He thinks I am in Grande People who think about my own future are so cute!!”

Absolutely, the cuteness here is not a compliment.

Under Miles’ almost hideous expression, “And you, huh, it’s a complete joke to him! See how easily he subdued and mocked you? This Grande, this bad place! This Boss! He has absolute confidence and treats us as his toys!” In Xiyuns eyes, the look of Miles as a lunatic has never disappeared. , But at the same time, a trace of approval stayed in his eyes…

How did Grand Boss mock himself? He really doesn’t need to be reminded by the weak chicken Miles! !

Then, these two people were silent at the same time.

Because no matter how this dialogue develops, it can be objectively said that the apparently smarter Myers has always been in charge of the dialogue rhythm, but this will not change the reason why this dialogue will happen.

Both of them rushed out of their own rooms, racing out of the living quarters.

The silence at this time is because the premise of the explanation has been finished. After this conversation, two people who seem to be walking on different roads understand that the other party and themselves are actually standing On the same consensus! So, back to the reason why the conversation at first happened.

The two silent, their eyes met, and Miles was still in charge of the rhythm of the dialogue, “We, just saw the real secret of Grande.”

Continuing to deny it is meaningless, Xiyun, “A person that Grand Boss knows appeared in front of him from the air.”

“It’s not just someone I know.” Meyer Si added, “The kind of close relationship, did you see that person touch the face of Boss?”

Xiyun: “Of course I did!” His face was instinctively disgusted, “but still It’s too far, I’m not sure whether he is rubbing Boss’s face or pinching it.” Xiyun seemed to realize that it seemed to make no difference to say that, but frowned and didn’t want to continue describing this kind of thing.

“It’s not a fight anyway.” Miles said a summary, and then the topic, “If I suddenly appeared in front of you from the air, what would you do?”

” I will give you a shot.” Xiyun’s eyes twitched.

Myers: “If the situation is reversed, I will run.”

Do you know what is interesting about these two people’s answers? It was the violence that Xiyun could perform without relying on his own body, using tools far beyond biological functions. As for Miles, he ignored his physical fitness and chose the most desperate way of self-protection for him.

This is just the two people confirming one thing to each other-when they saw the situation on the back porch of Grande, Logan and Evan both left them with advice: Dont use normal The ruler comes to treat Grande.

They did the advice left by Senior. They have widened their rule of dealing with things.

hehe, but in fact, it still surpassed their ruler~

When they left the window and ran out of the room at the same time, what they saw was on the back porch of Grande Zach was beckoning to the excited Eli, “Ilay, please calm down and go to Grande.”

The two looked at each other and were silent again.

Even though the two have reached a consensus at this moment, they are paying attention to the situation on Grande’s side with their own minds, and they have witnessed a strange thing together by coincidence. And this matter is what they all need, the key to truly gaining freedom in this “bad place”-Grand Secret.

But, this secret…what is it?

“You are the one who pretends to be smart.” This time, Xiaoyun said, “What are you talking about what we see?”

Miles looked at Xiyun, “You also rushed out to find the Boss, you say first.”

Of course, since these two people have done the same actions, they naturally have something in their hearts. Descriptive words ~ can be said before they can be used to negotiate with Zac~

“I think…our Boss is an alien.” The clever man answered.

“Me too.”


“Hey.” At the other end of the corridor, Zach sighed and walked out slowly, “I still I am looking forward to your answers.” Show his whole body to the two people at the end of the corridor, two frightened people, “You ruined this.” Zach shook his head, but smiled. He didn’t want I meant to come over, raised his hand, and pointed to his instant red eyes, “I am a vampire. Now, forget these ridiculous things…”

After one minute, Zach left the living area . Shook the head inexplicably sentimental, to Sam, “Do you think I am bored and just keep running from the office to the back porch in a daze. I found these two guys peeking at me in the living quarter, they obviously want to find Let me talk. Since I dont have a clue about what Im thinking about, then give them a chance.”

“Then the real opportunity comes, and you erased them again.” Sam responded. .

“Blam themselves.” Zach crossed the backyard and returned to Grande, “Aliens? Uh, I don’t know how to evaluate their brain circuits.”

” To be honest, I dont think its a problem~ Evan used to think that you are the messenger of hell, who came to take him to his’heaven’. “Do you remember~

Enter Grande, Zac went upstairs and went to the office. “Evan was right.” Zac shrugged. “I did send him to his’heaven’.” Bishop Manor of Vicious Spirit… Forget it. Don’t talk about this. Zach opened the door of the office, “I think I have to re-look at Miles and Xiyun’s attributes. Miles is like Evan, typically bad. He shows it thoroughly and absolutely can’t get close to it. People. Xiyun, is really reliable, like Logan, in the initial situation where Miles was constantly questioning, he kept on not telling what he saw, until he confirmed that what Miles thought was good for him. , Just opened his mouth to express his position, the only problem is that Xiyun has not yet figured out who he should be loyal to.”

This summary is quite incisive.

“hmph, it’s interesting, but the two chose the opposite way~” Sam also concluded.

“Yes, it’s interesting.” Zach’s gaze fell on Eli who had just put down the phone, and the subject had changed. “Did you make it clear with Louise?”

Eli, “No.” Shaking his head, “How did I stay in the house arrest room they specially prepared to prevent my suicide last second, and come to you the next second. Such things, I’m impossible to say Understand. It’s ridiculous.” As he said, he stretched his hand to Zach again to make sure that Zach is real.

Zac turned his head and avoided, “There are many absurd things, don’t go to the limit now. Come, follow me.” Turning around, and then out of the office, it’s time to introduce Eli and Simon. Eli’s obsession that imprinted on her, put it on others~

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