The chaotic state of mind continued into the afternoon.

Zac managed to sort out Hank’s situation. Zach realized that his attitude towards Hank had to be adjusted-Hank was no longer the human old fogey waiting to die in Grandy, just let it go. Hank is the vampire colleague of the Magic Banquet and one of the rivals of the Patriarch of the Luxembra clan. It is not good for both of them to continue to get along with Grande’s continued emotion as the core guidance.

But for Eli, Zach has no clue.

The situation with Hank is the same. On Hank’s side, the core of the problem is that when the emotions of the human period are extended to vampires, there will be dissatisfaction.

On Eli’s side, the continuation of human emotions? Zach can’t remember. No, if I don’t remember it is inaccurate, it should be… the emotions of Zac and Eli during the human period have long gone bad.

It’s easy to see it by comparison–

For Eli and Hank, Zach was the first to become a vampire, which is the premise. What we want to compare is the difference between Eli and Hank.

Hank, became a vampire in Zachs in front of one’s eyes. Basically, Zach also contributed to this fact. Then, Grande was almost as a shelter for Hank. Under Zach’s move, the world of vampires was spread out in front of Hank.

Basically, Zach is already standing on the top of the building, showing Hank the way, so that the human, who was waiting for the damned old man, can walk step by step to a place where he can begin to enjoy the eternal scenery.

All the feelings Hank had towards Grande when he was still a human being, Zach had already filled up when he explicitly asked him to be the capital of Luxembra-the capital of vampires.

Compared to Eli.

Four centuries ago, what were the feelings of two human beings who were refugees in welcoming the drastic changes in fate in front of the noble Torrido? Who did it? No one will fill in.

Too many things have been forgotten in the long eternal life. The feelings that were once empty, waiting to be satisfied, and left over by human emotions are squeezed out by other things. Of his own human experience, Eli only remembered one summary fact-he sold Zac to Torrido.

This feeling is similar to…Today, you have experienced the greatest grievances of your life, and your world outlook was shattered to scum. Then, ten years later, you can talk about todays story with a smile and laugh at yourself at the time. Then, 20 years later, self-deprecating is no longer possible, because the self in that incident feels like the self in the previous life, completely different from the current self. This story has become a’other’s story’. Continue and then, 30 years later, on an unintentional occasion, someone mentioned this matter, you will be stunned for a while, and then, inexplicably ashamed,’Yes, yes, there is such a thing, don’t mention it’…

Finally, for 50 years, you are already an old man who knows not to like things but not to sad. You will only remember a dull fact that 50 years ago, your world changed once, apart from this, what else can you say about it, only this summary is left.

We can say that Hanks human emotions have been meticulously transformed…qualitatively here in Zach. This is a process that looks a little bumpy, but the results are pretty good now.

At least, we witnessed that Hank moved back to Grande from the living quarters at his own will, right. It also witnessed Zach planning for Hanks Luxembra identity many times, and ascertaining his position for Hank. Both parties worked hard. In the morning call, a final harmony was reached. Hank was able to speak to Zach calmly, and Zach could let Hank act for his own future.

This is a successful case.

But Eli? Failure case.

And the fault of this failure, I’m afraid Zach. It was Zac who ran to confess to Eli that he was a vampire and’scare away’ Eli.

In Hank’s case, Zach guided Hank’s change from human to vampire step by step. In Eli’s case? Zach took away the popularity.

Remember, in Zach’s version of the story, Eli was scared away after Zach confessed that he was a vampire. In Eli’s version of the story, he was taken away by Zach’s show off. Which version is true, it doesnt matter, what matters is

This is the beginning of deterioration. Zach was immortal, but Eli was still a laborer at the feet of a nobleman. Eli, I am afraid that at that moment, he lost the human emotions that he had once joked with Zac’s skin to change his fate while giving Zac the last food.

We don’t know the specific story after Eli left Zach, but we know that Eli has a new life goal, and he wants to live forever. Then he got immortality.

But what Eli got was not immortality like Zac. He is Zachary Torrido, one of the foreign vampires who can only survive in the dark in the eyes of the nobles, destroying the reputation of the nobles and threatening the interests of the nobles.

Tell me, is extreme contrast a good emotional fuel? It’s not.

What kind of vampire did Eli grow up… Well, he grew up to use the blood of vampires like gluttony to cultivate his own blood control skills.

Is there any other proof required.

The most wonderful thing is that this human emotion of Eli towards Zach has become what we see today, “Zachary Toledo is the right thing to do in my life.” The original words of Eli, right, he has always claimed that he’made’ Zac. Eli’s summary is not completely plain, not happy with things or sad, with such a strange emotion.

How did this wonderful emotion come about? There is a theory that I wanted to say a long time ago

We know that Eli jumped on the boat of the magic banquet and ran excitedly Come to the Federation, to fill the position of Toledo, and become a member of the thirteen clans.

With the immortality that Eli got before, can we make a hypothesis: Eli, want everything that Zac got.

If this hypothesis is true, the “most correct thing” in Eli’s mouth is easy to understand. His obsession with Zac, and Lut Luxembras obsession with Zac, are two completely opposite things:

Route Luxembra hates Zach Everything about Torrido! And all this is what Eli wants!

What I want is of course the most correct for me!

If everything really develops in this way, then Zach is the original sin of Elis deteriorating emotions, the original sin of making mistakes again and again-Zach, it seems that he has never stopped, waited and tried his best to catch up Where’s Eli~

You are immortal, you are a nobleman, you are a colonizer called by faith, you are the founder of a new country, you are an orphan of a clan, and you are playing the magic banquet by one person Guy, you are the one who created the alien pattern. Now, you have been shoulder to shoulder with the gods of other faiths and become the world guardian…

Said, this is the contrast between Hank and Eli. We are better than the last thing–

For Hank, he gets the capital that meets the status of Luxembra, and is a “player” in the thirteen clans with Zach. For Hank, it was enough, human life ended, and vampire life officially began.

To Eli.

The life of human beings has ended a long time ago. Has the life of a vampire begun? As the reborn vampire of Zac’s grandson, Eli Torrido, has begun his own vampire life? ?

This is where Zac is stuck.

After Elina made a call to “remember the past”, four centuries of faults were laid out, Zach didn’t know how to make up!

How does Zach get along with this grandson? Use the old human things that both have memory deviations to run into the future, or use the emotions that have deteriorated in these four centuries?

Zach really hopes to be the latter, because it is easy to control. The worst is that the other person starts to think of the old human things that have really happened! With Zach’s…’hypocritical’ character, an opportunity to make up for old mistakes has emerged. Do you think Zach will pretend to be invisible?

Youve been in a daze for the 15th time from the office doing nothing, then came out in a daze on the back porch, and then went back to the office in a daze. Repeat this. Sams voice said Zack remembered in his ears.

Zuck curled his lips, “How boring you are, count this kind of number.”

“Arent you forbidden me to leave you freely during the day, I wont count you doing What can I do?” asked the soul.

“When you weren’t able to move around freely before, I didn’t see any comments from you.” Zach was upset, and he was in a bad mood. No one liked the backyard and followed him.

The soul replied, “I can’t. I have to complain about something.”

The old example is turned out, people who are allergic to peanuts will not complain about not being able to enjoy the taste of peanuts.

Zach, “Then your complaint came too early. We will stay together for a long, long, long, long…time.” Zach said 15’very Long’ is also quite naive. But for the meaning expressed at this time, it is unusually consistent.

Sam was quiet for a while, “I’m not complaining about boring, you are more boring than this, I have seen things.” For example, counting stars… Zach did a lot of boring things in Grande Thing, “What Im complaining about is actually why you dont say what youre worrying about. You can discuss these issues with people.”

Its about Zachs own business, and Zach doesnt like to be with people. Discussion, we also noticed this situation. He intervenes in typical other people’s affairs, and feels bored when he gets to it.

“For example, who?” Compared to Sam’s warm-hearted response, Zach seemed a little uncomfortable. “You know what I’m up to. You heard two calls in the morning. . Do you have any comments that can be expressed?”

It is only an objective statement. This matter is indeed very private. It is an extremely’private’ matter for Zach and Eli.

“Like me.” Sam’s voice answered quickly, “I came to Barton to find Benjamin, but in the end I stayed with you. Eli came to the Federation to find you, but You dont need to be his destiny.”

Just ignore Sams words. This guy really understands what Zach is thinking!

Zac was stunned for a while, “I don’t need it?” Quoting, “Become his’home’?”

“He said to rely on your skin to enjoy the blessing, the truth is he Without you, he was immortal, right. He is not a member of the thirteen clan, but he is probably the only one in the origin of the (vampire) Blood Race who has discovered his own bloodline ability, right. In the Federation, even if he is demonic banquet Compressed, he cant intervene in federal politics like the real thirteen clans, but he is also a special style band (Night Sons), has a huge fan influence in the country, and those crazy fans are his descendants. (Mailing blood bottles), right. If it’s not for your reason, he doesn’t need to give up his own bloodline and descendants at all. Even if only on the night of the Federation, he will mix well, right. Even in the Republic, he Its not bad with Zagel, his bloodline, coupled with Zagels foothold in the hidden alliance, can you imagine what can be achieved in that clean land (referring to not being baptism by vampires) High? If you hadnt sent Louise, the real Torrido bloodline, to him, the cooperation between him and Zagel would not be terminated early, and Zagels fear of status threats would be targeted…”

“You wait.” Zach frowned. “Are you saying that I broke his good deeds?” It sounds like this, Zach, in this discussion, there is Is it a positive image? ?

This is not a backyard booze, it’s a fire!

“Im saying that Eli gave up a lot of things for your obsession with what he thinks is good. Good things, for him, are really what he has obtained through his own efforts, and he deserves to have Things.”

Zac… tilted his head, raised his hand and scratched his ear. Itchy, itchy for some reason.

The voice in my ears continued, “Just like me, if I hadnt been obsessed with Benjamin, I wouldnt have brought the wolves I tried to save in the middle to Barton. What happened? We all know that my wolves are gone in an instant. And I cant blame Benjamin, who I finally found…”

I found the cause of the itch-what did I do most of the day ? Comparing Eli and Hank, it’s a hairy! The real contrast is here!

“…Does Benjamin have any positive comments about the wolves that I rely on my own ability to protect? Just like you, the descendants of Eli and his bloodline, in your mouth, yes Okay? Benjamin didnt care what I did. He personally participated in the action to obliterate all my hard work, and then there was no comfort. What about you? When you decided to obliterate Elis bloodline, you thought about telling Eli. ,’I have turned everything you accumulated over four centuries into ashes, am I sorry you’?”

Zacs face is already dark. It’s to yourself. Sam was right, and Zac was impossible to say sorry to Eli, this idea did not appear in Zac’s mind at all! Now everyone can remove the quotation marks from’hypocrisy’.

“You won’t.” The voice in my ears continued, “I won’t blame Benjamin, nor will Eli won’t blame you. Because, when there are obsessions, not only will you not think you are sorry Our place, even ourselves, cant even think of what weve lost. You, cant be Elis home, for Elis own future.”

Zach doesnt scratch his ears, the expression on his face Gradually change-this is to force us to put the quotation marks on the’hypocrisy’ again… Zach said, “What can I do.” It seems that the real contrast is only now discovered. It’s too late, on Eli, Toredo’s blood was already left.

“Benjamin pointed me to you, didn’t he. When I was still obsessed and couldn’t resist him, he forced me to focus on you who was completely different from him. Then. , I just started to realize my own gains and losses.” I felt like Sam sighed, “You, you should be Torrido. I like to care about this thing very much. I can calculate all aspects clearly and find out what is right for myself. The most positive side. I dont know if Im so fascinated by my studies that Im not as simple as before.”

Zac twitched, “Who can I force Eli to see?” Does this trend point Eli to Benjamin? ?

Not Benjamin.

“The guy in the basement.” Sam: “Simon Gangelo. Torrido, no, it should be you, this kind of person who wants to put himself in the position of vested interests The opposite of man. Only in this way can Eli realize what his self-made people have lost for people like you, and then his life really begins.”

“Not too much Have you passed.” Zach is considering Sam’s suggestion very seriously, “I don’t want Eli to stand on my opposite side and hate me.” This is also Zach’s own heart knot-he used to be,’ Scared away Eli.

“He won’t. Eli and Simon are not the same kind of person, and Eli has never harmed the vested interests.” The last comparison, “Ilay to you is that you used to be a refugee for nothing. After becoming a nobleman with vested interests like Torrido, he began to shine. What Eli sees from you is the good of vested interests. It has become a longing and a obsession. This is what you have achieved. In the face of achievement, he felt that none of what he had obtained was counted. When the thirteen clans had not come to the Federation, Eli had not attacked the nobles (if there were, he and Zac would have met each other long ago, or he would be executed by Zac. Zach killed). Come to the Federation, Eli did not revolt in the Banquet. Elis achievements are all obtained without conflict with vested interests. Do you realize how rare this is? “As the other side of the comparison,” Simon is not like this. Simon sees the evil of vested interests. That’s why Simon became a criminal. He went to rob Smith not through his own efforts, but maliciously from vested interests. Take advantage in hand. The desired result is to let Eli see things he hasn’t seen, and then start to reflect. Simon is the best candidate.”

“You and I are not so extreme, right.”

Zacs ears are beginning to itchy again, it deserves–

“Arent you the murderer who personally created the history of wolves plundering wizards for the benefit of vampires? Me? That tragic life experience, didnt you do it?” Sam gave Zac time to pick his ears, “You and I can reach harmony, you should’create’ your Eli and be’made’ by your own hands. Simon has a little confidence.”

Zac… agreed.

The next moment, something terrifying happened.

Ilay appeared in front of Zach.

After looking at Zach, Eli smiled, “It seems to think of something good again~” Reached out and touched Zachs face, raising his eyebrows, “This time The memories are so vivid~ I must be breathing pains and hallucinations~ hehe, this feels a bit of texture…” Eli shut up, turned to Zachs smiling face, and looked around, “Its not like an illusion. Is this Grande?” The hand on Zac’s face, squeezed Zac, and his gaze returned, “You have a feeling that I don’t like. Rank suppression. Are you, really?”

Slap. Zach slapped Eli’s hand, gloomy face, “I’m real!” Zach didn’t have time to continue the eruption-Torrido’s rare eruption, we can’t see it anymore. Because:

“Is it daytime?”

Oh yes, Zach is on the back porch.

Elie faced the backyard of Grande, “I didn’t burn it!” Eli walked down the back porch, excited-the excitement of four centuries: “Sun! Look! It’s the sun Oh! My eyes hurt! Ah! But look! That’s the sun!!! Oh! I’m going to be blind! Ah! The sun…”

Something suddenly appeared in Grande’ When the madman was excited, Zacs ears, “Its that special breath again, I confirmed, its in the sun.”

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