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The two were close to each other. Mu Qingran looked at Shen Tingxi's suddenly opened eyes, and his heart beat quickly, and he hurriedly straightened up. "Take off your coat and go to sleep."

"Well." Shen Tingxi responded but lay still for a few seconds, and finally smiled at Mu Jingning, and extended his hand, "Take me a hand."

Mu Serenity looked at the big hand with clear bones in the air, his face flushed red, and the hand on his side curled up slightly, and there was no movement for a long time.

Shen Tingxi's hand stretched out in the air for a while, but he fell into bed and made a bang.

Mu Serenity heard his heart beating, he should really drink too much, the strength is not so heavy, it is so heavy to fall, should it hurt?

Mu Tranquility didn't hesitate any more, bent over, hand through his back neck, grabbed his shoulder and wanted to lift him from the bed, but she underestimated Shen Tingxi's importance and overestimated her strength.

She put force on her hand, and finally she was half stabilized. She and Shen Tingxi fell back to the bed together. Her hand was pressed by Shen Tingxi under her neck. Her upper body pressed directly on Shen Tingxi and her face fell on his neck.

The faint smell of wine in his body instantly penetrated Mu Mu's nose with his own masculine breath.

Mu Tranquility has never approached a man in such a way. He couldn't beat himself in a flash. His body got up from him, but he couldn't leave immediately because his hand was pressed against his neck.

Shen Tingxi smelled the faint body scent on Mu Serenity, coupled with the effect of alcohol, almost without thinking, his long arms stretched, embraced Mu Seren's waist, a reversal, took her from the ground to the inside of the bed.

Mu Serenity felt only a spin, and when she reacted, she was asleep beside Shen Tingxi, holding her hand around his neck.

The faces of the two are very close, and they can feel each other's breathing.

Mu Qingran was shocked with blushing cheeks and his eyes widened. His calm eyes were full of panic at this time. His heart was turned into chaos. The whole person was in a state of dullness. He even forgot to close or push away.

Because Mu Qingren's experience made her afraid to get close to any man, even though she had promised to be Shen Tingxi's girlfriend, the two kept the same distance as before.

Shen Ting moved to Mu Tranquility to the west, and never dared to approach her.

This is the first time Shen Tingxi has observed Mu Tranquility at such a close distance, his thin lips whip up a shallow arc, "Ning Ning, you are so beautiful."

The quiet temperament gives people a quiet and indifferent feeling. This feeling makes Shen Tingxi, who is rolling in the blood shadow of the sword, particularly excited, as if looking at her, all uneasiness and killing can be calmed down.

Mu Tranquility recovered when he heard Shen Tingxi's words. His blush was about to explode. He hurriedly took his hand from his neck and gently twisted his body to get out of the waist.

Shen Tingxi's big hands didn't move at all, there was no meaning to let go, "Ning Ning, don't be afraid, I won't touch you, let me hold you for a while, OK?"

Mu Tranquil looked at Shen Tingxi for a moment, lowered his eyes, looked at the tip of his nose, his hands were a little tight, his hands were sweating in the winter, but he didn't move anymore. It was the acquiescence of Shen Tingxi's words.

Shen Tingxi was very happy that Mu Tranquility was not as close to him as he had imagined, and there was a little smile in the drunken eyes, "Do you know Ning Ning? I have never liked a woman like this when I was so grown up. Give your life to you."

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