Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

"No, I will sleep with Qiao'er tonight." Shu Xin turned away, not looking at Huo Yanqing's handsome and thrilling face, trying to keep him from being seduced by the male color.

Huo Yanqing felt that if such a good opportunity tonight could not allow Shu Xin to agree, she would definitely not wear it in the future, because he knew that his heart was a conservative woman, and he had to take her to take that step.

Huo Yanqing threatened to use beauty together.

"Promise my terms, and I agree that you will not sleep with me tonight." Huo Yanqing said not to be comforted, and bowed her lips to her lips.

Shuxin propped him up and could not push at all.

Huo Yan pryed her teeth, her bite was tight, her big hand gently squeezed on her pretty buttocks, Shuxin was the most sensitive there, and in a moment felt a current passing through it, spreading to her limbs instantly Baikuu, the feeling of crispness made Shu Xin couldn't help making a loud noise, and his mouth opened unconsciously.

Huo Yanqing took advantage of the opportunity to enter her comfortable mouth and began to absorb her sweetness.

Kiss for a while, let go of her, "Don't you wear it?"

Shuxin was dizzy, but there was a trace of defense in his heart, "Don't wear... Um..."

Huo Yan tilted her head to cover her lips and continued to kiss. This time the kiss was more intense, like a storm in the heart of Shuxin's mouth.

This time it took longer than the last kiss. The straight-hearted Shuxin little face was flushed, and she let go of her when she was not breathing. She asked in a dumb voice: "Will you wear it?"

Shu Xin's eyes were blurred, and his mind was blank. People still didn't look back in the love that Huo Yan dumped to her. The fans obstinately followed his words: "Wear."

"Really good!" Huo Yan poured light smiles into her deep eyes, and she smiled, and she lowered her head and pecked on her comforting lips. "Good night."

It took a while for Shuxin to recover, looking at the corridor, where there was Huo Yanqing, what did she just say?

She seemed to agree that Huo Yan leaned through that set of underwear? !

Shuxin stretched his hand and rubbed his face, despising himself in his heart for not having a good time. In the end, the male color couldn't bear it!

Shu Xin stood in the corridor for a while, and turned back to Tong Qiao's room until the heat on his face subsided.


Mu Tranquility walked into the room and saw that Shen Tingxi was placed on the bed by Huo Yanqing and Lu Jinshen, his shoes were not taken off, one slender leg rested on the edge of the bed, and the other knee bent on the ground.

Mu tranquil walked to the bed and stared at the man on the bed.

The man's facial features are deep, the outline is sharp, the eyes are slightly closed under the eyebrows of a pair of swords, the nose bridge is tall, the lips are thin and pale, I have to say that he looks very handsome, is the kind of masculine handsome.

Such a face is intimidating and inaccessible.

But if he treats a person well, it will make him feel safe.

Shen Tingxi's feeling of Mu tranquility is the latter.

Mu Tingxi looked at Shen Tingxi for the first time. He never dared to look at him carefully before. His heartbeat was very fast.

Mu Ningping calmed down his heartbeat before crouching down to take off Shen Tingxi's shoes, and then put him on the one leg outside the bed, and then looked at his coat and worried.

It’s hard to sleep without taking off clothes in winter, and it’s easy to catch a cold when getting up, but how does she take off clothes for him?

Mu tranquil tried to call, "Shen Tingxi."

"……"no response.

Mu Tranquility bent over his shoulder and patted gently, "Shen Tingxi."

Shen Tingxi opened his drunken eyes, and his brain reacted for a few seconds before recognizing the person in front of him, "Ning Ning, what's wrong?"

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