Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 386: The Rich Man's Suggestion

In May, Bai Chuanfeng was still on the way back to Neon.

Here in China, Shirakawa Electric has once again attracted the attention of the public.

After a month of the red-blue showdown that was hyped up by the media, it is finally time to see the outcome.

In the first week just after the May Day holiday, both Shirakawa Electric and Nintendo announced the first-month sales of their respective home game consoles.

Shirakawa Electric FES sold a total of 580,000 units, and Nintendo FC sold a total of 420,000 units.

There is no doubt that in terms of quantity alone, Baichuan Electric is slightly better.

Professional media magazines also roughly estimated the actual shipments of the two companies from various channels.

The final sales volume is basically consistent with the data disclosed by the two officials.

So far, in the first round of the red-blue duel, Shirakawa Electric wins!

Almost all game and computer magazines on this day reported this news.

After all, it can be regarded as a grand event in the microcomputer world, and young people have basically paid more or less attention to this matter.

With the gradual spread of influence, the market digestion speed of both FES and FC is gradually increasing.

It can be predicted that with the fermentation of word-of-mouth, their shipments will increase month by month until they reach the peak one day in the future.

But the fierce competition between the two game consoles in the first month has brought various things to the public.

Listed on the same day, not to mention the same price. In order to increase sales, even in commercials, you and I will appear on the stage, taking turns.

You Shirakawa Electric invites artists to bring goods, then I, Nintendo, can also let idols sell to passers-by on the street.

In turn, you Nintendo can host themed events. Then I, Shirakawa Electric, can also use the name of the event to invite heroes from all walks of life.

In short, the means are dazzling and dizzying.

Not to mention that although they are in a competitive relationship, I have been in contact with each other a few times in this way, and it has spread the popularity of home game consoles.

If you expand the cake, everyone will sell more, which is a win-win situation.

And those professional magazines, in addition to the sales of the two game consoles, even made statistics on the sales of their respective cassettes.

The top three games are all from Shirakawa Electric, namely "Pac-Man", "Tank War", and "Double Dragon", all of which have sold more than 500,000 copies.

"Pac-Man" was the best seller at the beginning because of the addition of Namco's arcade IP.

As for the latter two models, it was only by word-of-mouth and word-of-mouth of tap water that they finally climbed to this height.

The next four or five are Nintendo's "Donkey Kong" and "Donkey Kong JR". 400,000 copies of the former, 360,000 copies of the latter.

Also benefiting from Nintendo’s addition of IP on arcade machines, they are the most well-known, and they are also the first consideration when buying game cassettes.

The remaining few games of Shirakawa Electric, due to the subject matter, only sold more than 100,000 copies.

It may not seem like much, but this is only the first month's sales, and there is still room for improvement.

According to this list, the media also analyzed the reasons for Baichuan Electric's victory from various aspects.

The advantage of game console hardware is the basis for winning, and the abundance of game cartridges and interesting games are the must-kills for winning.

Apparently Nintendo is also aware of this, so at the beginning of May, the two announced the game release plan for this month.

Nintendo has added several games such as "Gobang", "Mahjong" and "Tennis", while Shirakawa Electric announced three games: "Gold Digger", "Circus" and "Motor Racing".

Only by constantly adding new content to your own game console can you guarantee its long-term sales.

And it is not difficult to see from the plans of the two companies that their competition is far from over and will continue for a long time in the future.

Regarding game consoles, the media spent a lot of time reporting on the Red and Blue games, but Sega, one of the "Three Royal Games", was rarely mentioned.

Of course, it's not all attention. Some magazines use places the size of tofu cubes. I probably mentioned that after the sales volume of 40,000 in the first month, no one cares about it.

Especially after Shirakawa announced the "Golden Cross Game Creation Contest", the only remaining eyes on Sega also quietly moved away.

The Golden Cross Game Creation Contest, with a total prize pool of 10 million yen, these words all stimulate the nerves of the public.

10 million yen, even if it is divided equally by the top 50, it is still a huge sum.

Especially for young people, many college students have just graduated with a salary of only 110,000 yen.

Compared with the 3 million prize money for the first place in the prize pool, it is simply not the same.

What's more, for the top three, if they aspire to be in the game industry in the future, then Shirakawa Electric can even support them to set up a personal studio.

All games released in the future will be divided into royalties in accordance with the Copyright Law.

And as game developers, they can also print their names in a conspicuous position on the game cassette or CD.

After seeing this, many people gasped.

Hiss~ This. This condition is too generous, right?

The royalties are shared. Doesn't this mean that I can be like a writer, and after owning my own works, I can eat them until I grow old.

And the game card is famous, what an honor is this?

Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, countless young people were moved by it.

They seem to see a brand new profession beckoning to them, and it is still the kind that can get rich overnight.

So countless young people who love games, whether they are students in school or young people who are already working in society.

They all started to study or learn how to program, how to turn the ideas in their minds into interesting games.

Of course, this is the stimulation brought by Baichuan Electric to young people. For stock investors, the real stimulus is the stock price of Baichuan Electric.

With the announcement of the first month's sales of game consoles, the fastest response was not the media, but the stock price in the stock market.

Stocks that had gone through a wave of skyrocketing were once again favored by stockholders in May.

After a week of fermentation, the stock price of Shirakawa Electric officially broke through 3,500 yen, and the total market value passed the threshold of 3 trillion.

Looking back at the market capitalization rankings of neon companies, Baichuan Electric's ranking has risen to about 15.

In the past two months, the stock of Baichuan Electric has been rising like a rocket.

The investment institutions are all smiles, and the stockholders are also flocking in wave after wave.

Look at how luxuriant the leeks are growing, several securities companies are like old farmers, looking at the lush green leeks, showing gratified smiles.

However, Shirakawa Electric is not the only one whose stocks are rising. Nintendo's stock is also rising.

The stock price, which was still hovering between two and three hundred yen last year, jumped directly to more than one thousand yen this year, and the market value has doubled by four or five times.

The reason for such a big change is that in the April financial report, Nintendo achieved profit for the first time.

Yes, the huge debt that Nintendo had previously carried has all been paid off. In addition, there is a profit of 4 billion yen.

In the past two years, due to the income from the handheld, the debt burden of more than 10 billion owed in the past few years has finally been thrown away.

Its stock price has increased significantly in April. Although it lost a bit in the red-blue duel, the capital market is optimistic about its development in the game console business.

So the feedback is on the stock price, that is, the stock price that was seriously undervalued before, began to rise sharply.

Once the company returns to its normal operating trajectory and restores a healthy financial situation, its market value will gradually return to its proper level.

Bai Chuanfeng, who is far away from the other end of the proofreading, is not very clear about the turmoil of the neon lights in the past half month. At that time, he was busy contacting Joe and Gates.

Tokyo, Haneda Airport.

Just as Bai Chuanfeng got off the plane and hadn't left the pick-up hall, a large group of people suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Bai Chuan-san, may I ask Bai Chuan Electric's market value to enter the top 15 of Neon. How do you feel about the sudden surge in wealth?"

"Eh?" Bai Chuanfeng was a little confused by the sudden appearance of the reporter, "Isn't it the nineteenth place?"

"Hey" The reporters looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

It turned out that Bai Chuan-san didn't know that Bai Chuan Electric's ranking had risen.

Seeing his bewildered look, everyone even felt that the rich man in front of them was a little cute.

At this time, the people from Baichuan Electric who came to pick up the plane managed to squeeze in from the crowd.

This Oda-san is Bai Chuanfeng's travel assistant and also Bai Chuanfeng's junior.

Because of Meiji's special recommendation, coupled with his cleverness and carefulness, Bai Chuanfeng arranged for him to exercise by his side.

Xiaotian squeezed to Bai Chuanfeng's side, and after reporting the changes in the neon lights in the past two days, he showed a dazed expression.

"Bai Chuan-san, based on the market value, you already have a wealth of 6.9 billion U.S. dollars. How did you achieve this in just a few years?"

Regarding this question, Bai Chuanfeng smiled, "Let go of your imagination and keep making progress."

This is the business purpose of Baichuan Electric, and he used these words to answer at this moment. Exhortation is one aspect, and advertising for oneself is another aspect.

See, the rich talk differently. A pun is full of force.

The surrounding reporters applauded one after another. They felt that Bai Chuan's smile showed a smell of Japanese yen, and everyone yearned for it.

"So what advice do you have for young people today?"

Bai Chuanfeng himself is a young man, but the reporter treats him like a respected senior.

Well, why do reporters like to ask this kind of question? He doesn't have the hobby of being a good teacher.

But with so many people watching, it's not appropriate not to say a few words.

After thinking for a while, Bai Chuanfeng looked at the camera, "If your conditions permit, you might as well use this money to buy a house in Tokyo, anywhere in the 23rd district of Tokyo.

Then sell it five or six years later, and then you will find that this will be the most successful investment in your life. "

"Hey..." Faced with Bai Chuanfeng's serious suggestion, the reporters all looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Shirakawa-san, are you optimistic about the future appreciation of real estate in Tokyo?"

"Bai Chuan-san, please explain in detail the reason for this suggestion."

However, Bai Chuanfeng turned a deaf ear and quickly left here under the escort of Sama and Kojima.

If you believe in a joke, you have it, but if you don't believe it, you don't.

Coming out of the green passage, Bai Chuanfeng directly got into his other car, Toyota Laurel.

The price of this car is very ordinary, only about 3 million yen.

As for why not drive a luxury car? That's because on the neon streets, there are only two kinds of people who drive out in luxury cars.

One is extreme, and the other is nouveau riche.

None of the major chaebol families and numerous business executives would drive a conspicuous luxury car to go out.

Bai Chuanfeng has no intention of breaking this low-key traditional style, he doesn't want to make himself special.

And that Toyota Century will only be driven out on solemn occasions.

"Okay, just go back to Chiyoda District directly, and then you can rest too."

After asking the people around him, Bai Chuanfeng motioned for the departure.

At Chiyoda's house, senpai must have been waiting for him.

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