Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 385 Losing money to buy tickets

If only SCSI interface is added... Jobs silently calculated the cost, then nodded.

"OK, there's no problem with that."

Huh~ Very good, Bai Chuanfeng heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then what kind of assistance does Apple need from SIC? In addition to the chip, we can also send technical personnel to assist your developers in the adaptation between the chip and the system."

In order to get the ticket to enter Beimi, Bai Chuanfeng was very active.

Leader Qiao was also very satisfied with his hospitality.

"I once asked people from the development team to try your chip.

In terms of performance, it is on the same level as Motorola, but it is not mature enough compared to Intel.

But your chip has one advantage" Jobs raised his finger and tapped twice, "that is, its instruction set is very simple and convenient. "

The reason why SIC chips attracted Jobs was that after developers used related chips, they unanimously reported that SIC chips were relatively easy to develop.

The reason is that its instruction set is much simpler than other chips on the market.

The advantage of this is that the instruction format is uniform, the types are relatively small, and the addressing methods are less than complex instruction sets.

Developers will of course feel that the processing speed of the chip has increased a lot during use.

And Jobs' plan was far more than just buying SIC chips, "Apple is going to develop a brand new series of computers, which is different from LISA, but not inferior to LISA in terms of high performance.

Internally we call it the Macintosh, and I'm currently working on the project. "

Macintosh? Is this a later Mac?

Bai Chuanfeng's eyes lit up, as if he had participated in some great event today.

"If SIC wants to get Macintosh orders, then you must commit. In the future, if Apple needs it, SIC must fully disclose the instruction set system of the chip."

Bai Chuanfeng narrowed his eyes, Qiao Gangzhu's ambition is not small.

The instruction set is a bridge connecting software and hardware. With its various circuits inside the CPU, various commands of developers will be faithfully executed.

At the same time, completely opening the instruction set to a company means that the chip is authorized to the other party.

Gang Leader Qiao is now making this request. Is this a preparation for Apple’s own core making in the future?

Does the current Gang Leader Qiao have such foresight? Bai Chuanfeng expressed doubts.

But regarding his conditions, Bai Chuanfeng nodded happily and agreed, "SIC can agree to this request, but the authorization fee will be discussed in the future."

It is quite common among semiconductor design companies to license their own chip architecture to other companies.

Even in the future, this will be one of the main profit points for chip design companies, and this also applies to SIC.

It's just that because it's just started, and because it wants to earn more profits, SIC basically doesn't let go of its authorization.

Especially in Neon China, when SIC has not fully grown up, opening authorization early will lose a lot of profits.

But the SIC market here in Beimi is blank, even if it is open to license to Apple, it doesn't matter, at least there are still some profits.

And if the situation changes in the future, SIC will also consider licensing its own chips to other design companies.

Of course, the authorization belongs to the authorization, but the price cannot be fixed now. The development of chips is changing with each passing day, and it is updated and iterated almost every year, and its price is also constantly changing.

With Bai Chuanfeng's promise, Jobs reached out again.

"Mr. Bai Chuan, happy cooperation."

"Pleasant cooperation."

Participating in the CD-ROM standard meeting unexpectedly got a windfall, and Bai Chuanfeng was also a little surprised.

This is Apple, the first personal computer in the true sense came from it.

Yes, the Apple I, born in 1976, was the world's first personal computer, even if it was extremely simple.

IBM, the giant in the computer industry, released its first personal computer, the 5150, in 1981.

Although IBM is a well-deserved overlord in mainframes and compatible computers, it is actually a latecomer in the personal computer business.

However, because IBM changed its usual bulky figure, it wisely chose a compatible personal computer with Microsoft MS-DOS and Intel 8088.

After two years of development, in this year, that is, in 1983, IBM's accounted for 26% of the market share of Beimi personal computers.

In contrast, Apple, which was the first to eat crabs, now only has a 21% share of the personal computer market.

Think back to when the IBM personal computer was first launched, the arrogant Apple once published an entire page advertisement in the "Wall Street Journal".

"Welcome, IBM Seriously"

That's right, that's what Apple did back then. Call it a gentleman or call it arrogant.

In short, this sentence is destined to become a classic famous scene, and it will be ridiculed by people from time to time in the years to come.

Jobs, who is now feeling the pressure, decided to launch a computer with advanced performance and revolutionary changes.

It's a pity that Lisa's Waterloo gave him a solid blow.

But even so, Jobs' determination has never changed.

LISA kicked him off the development team, so he was going to put the Macintosh on top.

The Macintosh series originated in 1979, but it was positioned as an inexpensive consumer computer, priced at around $1,000.

Jobs, who now took over the Macintosh team, was not reconciled to the failure of LISA, and was still preparing to charge for high-performance computers.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to have a conflict with Ruskin, the team leader who accepted him, which shows how firm the belief of Qiao Gang is to focus on high-end.

Compared with him, the Lei gang leader of the later generations is more than a step behind in the high-end determination to win.

But although Jobs was iron-headed, he was not stupid.

The high price is one of the main reasons for the failure of LISA.

Therefore, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, first of all, the cost must be greatly reduced.

Motorola's chip is too expensive, he needs to find other alternatives.

It's a pity that the chip that meets the requirements of the development team, except for Motorola, is only Intel, and the latter is more expensive than the former.

In the end, SIC, which accidentally entered the line of sight, became another candidate.

After the business was concluded, Jobs also invited Bai Chuanfeng to visit the Apple headquarters in California.

The latter also happily went there, where he saw Apple's system 1.0 system for the first time.

I have to say that it is really a product of another generation than the DOS system.

Desktops, windows, icons, cursors, menus, and scrolling columns, this is exactly what the operating system of later generations will look like.

Bai Chuanfeng gave a thumbs up directly to Gang Leader Qiao, awesome pen!

After visiting Apple, Bai Chuanfeng went to Washington again, where Microsoft's headquarters is.

He had heard that Microsoft was already developing a new graphical system, and he also wanted to see what the original Windows looked like.

But when he actually saw its appearance, Bai Chuanfeng couldn't help scratching his head.

Hey, why does the framework look so similar to Apple's system 1.0? Is there any connection here?

Cough~ There is indeed some connection, but the honest Mr. Gates said that it was all a coincidence.

Graphical operating system is the ultimate direction of future computer development, and Jobs and Gates agree on this point.

Just in the words of Mr. Gates answering Joe's gang leader, we also have a rich neighbor named "Xerox". I broke in and wanted to steal his TV, but found that you had already stolen it.

This is the classic rebuttal of Jobs when he asked Gates why he cloned the Mac system.

To put it bluntly, the graphical user interface (GUI) is not their original creation, it is the result of Xerox.

It's just that one strikes first, and the other is a step late.

Of course, Bai Chuanfeng has nothing to do with the grievances involved, he is just a businessman who wants to sell his CD-ROM and chips.

Like Jobs, Bai Chuanfeng tried his best to persuade Gates to add a CD playback function inside the Windows system.

But Microsoft has no direct business relationship with Shirakawa Electric, and Gates only promised that he would focus on this proposal.

It's a pity that Shirakawa Electric has no computer business. Otherwise, because the computer manufacturer is a potential customer of Microsoft, Gates might have directly agreed to such a request.

But the road has to be taken step by step, and it is already very good to get Apple's support.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Chuanfeng also visited the Windows 1.0 system under development at close range.

However, unlike system 1.0, which has been practically applied, Windows 1.0 is still in a semi-finished state.

And it only has a graphical prototype on the interface, and the core inside is still the DOS system.

Seeing this, Bai Chuanfeng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. This is still a long way from the Windows of later generations.

But despite this, Bai Chuanfeng still praised the innovation of Windows.

Afterwards, he didn't forget to give Gates a thumbs up, awesome pen!

Cough, Bai Chuanfeng's bowl of water is flat, and he treats Gang Leader Qiao and Gates equally.

I still count on them to support my CD-ROM in the future, to make money, it's not shabby.

I visited Apple, visited Microsoft, and finally got in touch with IBM alone.

This time, Bai Chuanfeng's trip to Beimi can be regarded as the completion of all the plans.

The matter of the CD-ROM is a reassurance, and we just have to wait for the release of recordable CDs next year.

In addition, it is a surprise to be able to cooperate with Apple on the chip.

However, the SIC80281 costs $100 a piece. In fact, SIC does not make money at this price.

Even if Macintosh shipments are not satisfactory, SIC will most likely lose money.

But as long as you can get tickets to enter Beimi, it is worth it, and there are some things that don't need to pay too much attention to immediate interests.

After finishing his business in Beimi, Bai Chuanfeng just wanted to go back to Tokyo, but before leaving, he received another unexpected invitation.

The invitation came from Massachusetts-based Analog Devices (ADI), whose main business is various signal processors, decoders, converters and other products.

Their core is still the chip, and in order to carry out more related businesses, but also to reduce costs.

The reason why Ardeno invited Bai Chuanfeng to visit is very simple, that is, like Gangzhu Qiao, he wanted to obtain the chip authorization of SIC.

The price of SIC is lower. After obtaining the authorization, Analog Devices can develop chips suitable for its own products on this basis.

Moreover, Analog Devices also has its own fab, the design cost is minimized, and the production cost is also minimized, so the profit will come up.

Capitalists don't pay attention to domestic chips and non-domestic chips. They have only one purpose, which is to reduce costs and create more profits.

Bai Chuanfeng did not refuse Adeno's request for cooperation, and of course he did not directly agree.

His answer was to discuss with Neon before giving a specific answer.

This is different from Apple's authorization in the future, and Arduino can directly start production.

For professional advice, you need to discuss with Masatoshi Shima and the others before making a decision.

However, the authorization can be discussed slowly, but Bai Chuanfeng first asked whether Analog Devices accepted OEM services.

Have a fab? That's just right, Apple's chips will be produced locally in the future.

Facing the sudden extra orders, Ardenau was stunned for a moment, and then he accepted the orders naturally.

If you have money, you don't make money, you bastard.

In fact, in his heart, Bai Chuanfeng agreed to authorize Adeno. Although the profit is not as high as the finished product, it has extraordinary significance.

When facing that flood in the future, this may not be a backup.

Of course, this is a funeral. After the last visit to Arduino, Bai Chuanfeng also went home directly.

Time has entered May, and the child in Yuko Tanaka's belly is three or four months old, and she will become pregnant if she doesn't go back.

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