Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 351 First Week Sales

With the cooperation of Warner Pioneer and Sony Disc Factory, Akina Nakamori's third single was in a hurry, and the distribution was finally completed in mid-October as expected.

Of course, among them, Baichuan Electric's money-making ability has played an indelible role.

However, since it is a single, apart from Shirakawa Electric's commercial CM, Warner's various song promotions for Akina Nakamori have not been left behind.

At the beginning of October, it has already appeared on major radio stations and programs in turn.

In recent days, with the advertisement of Shirakawa Electric's portable CD player, everyone knows that this newcomer who is quite topical, her latest single will be released simultaneously with the portable CD player.

As a result, the "Mingcai School", which has begun to take shape, and the public who are concerned about Shirakawa Electric's portable CD players, are secretly looking forward to the release date.

On October 15th, all major electrical appliances stores in Tokyo put up advertising signs such as "Discman" and "Portable CD Player" at the entrance.

And in the eye-catching position on the street, huge posters are naturally indispensable. In the subway line, there are also combinations of portable CD players and active speakers everywhere.

In shopping malls and mass-market stores, Baichuan Electric's CD players are placed in the most eye-catching positions.

The black metal body on the exhibition stand has a completely different shape from the previous walkmans and vinyl record players, which has attracted people's attention.

The first-generation portable CD player D-01 has not changed much from the style at the presentation. It is still a split design, and the CD player and battery box are two separate entities.

It's not that Shirakawa Electric doesn't want to make an integrated product, but because of technical limitations, it can only do so.

However, this problem should be solved next year, and the chewing gum battery at Northeastern University has already begun to show some signs.

As for the current first-generation model, no changes will be made for the time being. But in order to be more beautiful, the design of the battery box is very round, and a storage case is given.

If you want to take the CD player out, a storage case can easily solve it.

In addition, the active speakers launched at the same time are also used as a combination of CD players and are recommended to customers.

A CD player, a set of active speakers, this is a pocket-sized home audio system.

Compared with the hundreds of thousands or millions of audio combinations at home, this set of Baichuan Electric is so cheap.

A CD player (49,800 yen) and a set of active speakers (39,800*2=79,600 yen) add up to less than 130,000 yen, which is a great deal.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want speakers. Shirakawa Electric has a wide range of headphones, and you can choose them at will.

Even the battery, Baichuan Electric has related brands.

Anyone who buys Walkman, CD player, speaker, handheld and other products will get two batteries for free.

It's also very cheap to buy alone, one hundred yen a section, which is just a drizzle for neon people.

At this moment, the young people in the store are all around the portable CD player of Baichuan Electric, looking at it curiously.

They have heard of this new type of music player for a long time, and it is said that the sound quality is much better than that of the Walkman.

But how about the specific sound effect, we don't know, after all, it is a new product just released.

Sony's desktops are too expensive, and few except middle-class and above families can afford them.

So for the CD player, Sony and Shirakawa Electric have played several rounds of advertisements, and everyone has heard of it, but the specific effect is not known.

But it doesn't matter, Shirakawa Electric will set up a CD player for trial listening in the store, and the latest CD single of Nakamori Akina is in it.

At the moment, there is a long queue in the store, all of them are waiting to try out the CD player.

In terms of caring, Shirakawa Electric has definitely considered very well. You can see that Sony does not have such measures.

Sony's desktops are for noble classical music lovers, why would you fall in love with you hairy kids who have no money in their pockets?

So although CD players have been available for half a month, many people still haven't experienced what CD sound quality is like.

But Baichuan Electric is much closer to the people. From the price to the service, how many people can refuse?

In order to present the most perfect state of the CD player, the earphones used for the trial listening are Shirakawa Electric's top-of-the-line noise-cancelling earphones.

A young man had experienced the sound quality of a CD player. After taking off the earphones, he immediately returned to the shelf and looked at the exquisite packaging boxes with bright eyes.

Looking at the price again, 49,800 yen~ This price is really not expensive, and it is about the same as a better Walkman.

So he gritted his teeth, took out his wallet from his pocket and clicked, and took down a CD player reluctantly.

The sound quality is really great, and it is completely different from tape vinyl. After listening to the CD player, it seems that the ears have been washed again.

However, more people bought Nakamori Akina sets than bare CDs.

The so-called package is a combination package that includes Akina Nakamori's CD singles.

The overall price is 51,000 yen, and a CD record is about 1,200 yen separately.

Of course, customers can also go to the record store to buy Akina Nakamori's record for 1,500 yen.

In other words, if you buy a set, you will get a discount of about 300 yen on the record.

It is worth mentioning that, whether it is an electrical appliance store or a record store, everyone is surprised at the price of CD records.

Surprised because it was so cheap, so cheap for vinyl records.

The price of an ordinary vinyl is generally more than two to three thousand yen, and it will be even more expensive if it is an album.

But look at the current price of CD records, which is only about half of that of vinyl.

This is because their production costs are different. The material cost of a CD is only 20 to 30 yen, but the cost of vinyl is several times higher.

Moreover, the size of the vinyl is too large, with a diameter of 30cm, and it is inconvenient to maintain.

Compared with it, the CD record is simply a product of another generation. It is only 12 cm in diameter, not to mention compact, and it does not even need special maintenance according to the instructions.

In the past, the public didn't have much idea about CD records, but such a comparison makes the difference.

More importantly, in the eyes of many people, the sound quality of CD is better than that of vinyl.

It turns out that CD records have so many advantages. People who have experienced it are full of praise for CDs.

So after looking at the affordable price of the CD player, most people directly chose to buy the set.

Of course, if you have ample budget in your pocket, you simply focus on the combination package, and the pocket-sized audio system can be packed and taken away in one step.

In addition to their love for CD players, there are also some people who buy Shirakawa Electric's CD players purely because of Akina Nakamori.

They are her die-hard fans. Now that the idol has released a new single, if they want to support her, they can only buy another CD player.

At present, there are only two types of CD players on the market, one is 169,800 yen and the other is 49,800 yen.

A portable CD player at an affordable price, plus a pop CD, is the perfect combination to sell a CD.

Do you think this is all the means used by Baichuan Electric to promote CD players? of course not.

Shirakawa Electric and Warner Pioneer signed an agreement. If Akina Nakamori's CD single's initial sales in the first week exceed 50,000, then Warner will continue to release CD records of other artists.

Bai Chuanfeng saw very clearly that the content of the CD player was an indispensable part of the long-term business.

Only the continuous release of new records will attract consumers to buy CD players.

These two constitute a stable CD ecological environment, if there are consumers to pay.

Then the future CD will grow slowly until the day it replaces vinyl.

Now with the official launch of Shirakawa Electric's CD player, a revolution in the music industry has kicked off vigorously.

In the market, there are far more people concerned about the sales of Baichuan Electric's CD players than Baichuan Electric.

Sony, Philips, Panasonic, Pioneer, etc. are all secretly estimating the sales of Baichuan Electric.

After all, they are all participants in the CD player market, and the performance of their competitors will give them a certain reference value.

And the bustling scene in the market made friends and merchants eager to move.

Not to mention the throngs of people in various electrical appliance shops and record stores, there were enthusiastic discussions on the launch of Shirakawa Electric's CD player on TV and radio.

The reason why there is such a big topic is that Baichuan Electric has combined its own products with the entertainment world.

The entertainment world exists as an entertainment for the public, and it has always been the object of talk.

Shirakawa Electric put out the slogan "Discman and Akina Nakamori made their double debut", which attracted people's attention.

In addition, this is Neon's first pop music CD, and there are not a few people who are early adopters for this.

If there is a topic, there will be traffic, so will there be fewer people buying CD players?

Although the specific results will be, the friends and businessmen do not know, but it does not prevent them from taking action.

Panasonic, Pioneer, NEC, etc. are all contacting record companies, and are also preparing to launch a bundled promotion for their own products.

Even Sony, which has already started selling, has quietly asked its own record company to start producing CD records of popular songs.

For example, some records of "Girl of Light" Seiko Matsuda are the first choice.

As for how to promote the CD player, Baichuan Electric has prepared a sample for them. If you don't know what to do, it's really hopeless.

But a week is fleeting, and on Monday of the second week, Shirakawa Electric and Warner Pioneer announced their first-week sales at the same time.

70,000 portable CD players! "Second Love" 80,000 first move results!

This first-week sales volume, which was almost the same as the previous one, blinded the eyes of friends, businessmen and the entertainment industry.

A brand-new music player sold 70,000 units in the first week without any record support on the market, which is quite an achievement.

As for Akina Nakamori's third single, the record of 80,000 copies in the first week, it is no surprise that it airborne at the top of Oricon's weekly singles list.

Cough, but Oricon does not have a CD list at this time, and the current statistics on the list are all vinyl and tapes.

But the score of 80,000 copies, no matter whether it is vinyl or cassette, is second to none.

The top of the weekly list is well deserved.

The hot sales of portable CD players and Akira Nakamori's menu all prove that the future of CD records is bright.

And the public is clamoring for cheaper CDs.

In fact, after careful calculation, whether it is a CD player or a CD record, it is cheaper than the corresponding vinyl record player and vinyl record.

In terms of sound quality, most people think that CDs are clearer than vinyl.

What does this mean? It means that Baichuan Electronics has brought the high-quality music that only petty bourgeoisie can enjoy, into the homes of ordinary people.

Although this method of "downgrading" music will be criticized by some old and stubborn people, the enthusiastic feedback from the public is the best counterattack to them.

Again, demand determines the market, and the market determines capital.

A series of unconventional practices of Baichuan Electric have also brought more changes to this market.

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