Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 350: Aiding the White Pioneers!

Sony's CD player debuted with a collection of classical music, although an Eagles album was later added.

But Bai Chuanfeng has already seen the facts clearly, and Sony can't count on the content.

Although the public has not reacted much yet, people will be surprised to find out after a while.

I bought a tape player and vinyl turntable that beat the sound quality, but now I don't know what I should listen to?

So what is the use of such a machine?

The fact is so embarrassing, after all, the public prefers more popular music.

Whether it is classical music or American albums, neither is the mainstream of aesthetics.

If the situation is allowed to continue to develop, the wave of CD players may quietly return to calm before it is set off.

In order to prevent consumers from having no songs to listen to after their own CD players were launched, Bai Chuanfeng had no choice but to do it himself.

Like Sony, it wants its desktop CD player to be a high-end machine that plays classical music or foreign music, and Bai Chuanfeng doesn't care about it.

But Bai Chuanfeng was very clear about the positioning of his own portable CD player.

The price of 49,800 yen has already explained everything, and it focuses on the more affordable mid-to-low-end market.

Young people must be the main consumers of portable CD players, music players that can be taken out of the house and onto the street.

So if you want to choose the best partner for your CD player, pop music is definitely the best choice.

Bai Chuanfeng viewed the portable CD player from the same angle as the Walkman.

They are all consumer-grade products born to enjoy personal music more conveniently. The difference is that the sound quality of CD players has been greatly improved.

Of course, the working principle and some functions are different, but this does not affect the similar positioning of the two.

Since it is a consumer-grade product and wants pop music as the first work in terms of content, then the only thing to do is to find a record company.

The current Baichuan Electric is not involved in the entertainment industry too much, except for games, there are basically few others.

Tokuma Bookstore is communicating with Hiroto Takei, who is the vanguard of entering the entertainment industry in the future.

But in the field of music, there is nothing. This is why Bai Chuanfeng asked Matsuda Seiko about the record company last time.

It was at that time that Bai Chuanfeng overheard the existence of her old enemy in her life.

Of course, at that time, Matsuda Seiko didn't regard Nakamori Akina as an opponent at all. In her words, she was just a newcomer with some potential.

After all, Nakamori Akina's "Girl A" has a high degree of discussion, and the completely different rebellious style is in stark contrast to Matsuda Seiko's "Girl of Light".

Unconsciously, the student group in the school and the teenagers in the street are naturally divided into the "Shengzi School" and the "Mingcai School".

Although this phenomenon has not yet become a trend, Seiko Matsuda has already heard about it.

However, in her opinion, the current Nakamori Akina is still just a junior, and the so-called "Holy Son Pie" and "Akina Pie" are nothing but wishful thinking of fans.

The current Matsuda Seiko has enough confidence to say a word, just look at whose era it is now.

The "Holy Sons" who are all over the streets and alleys outside is the best answer. In the same period, neither Hiromi Iwasaki nor Yoshie Kashiwahara could be her opponent.

In the entire music world, the only two new generation idol singers who can compare with her are Masahiko Kondo and Toshihiko Tahara.

However, Matsuda Seiko didn't care about Nakamori Akina's existence, but Bai Chuanfeng's eyes lit up.

Look at this portable CD player of Shirakawa Electric, isn't the popular record object that you want to bundle and promote coming?

During this period, Akina Nakamori had just emerged. No matter the advertising fee or the difficulty of invitation, it was too easy for Shirakawa Electric.

But her popularity is about to explode, and it would be too bad if she doesn't make good use of it at this time.

Who is Bai Chuanfeng? His own women can prostitute for free, let alone a newcomer who just showed up.

So after thinking about it for a while, he went directly to Warner Pioneer, the firm where Akina Nakamori had a record appointment.

As you can tell from the name, this is Time Warner's subsidiary in Neon.

But because the time to enter Neon was in the 1970s, overseas wholly-owned record companies did not work in Neon at that time.

It is necessary to have the shares of Neon Club, that is, a joint venture, before overseas record companies can start business activities.

Is this condition familiar? That's right, many overseas groups want to settle in China, and they must abide by this rule.

However, in order to protect the local industry, the Chinese government requires that the shares of local companies must exceed 51%, but now Neon does not have this requirement.

Warner Bros. Pioneer was formed with 50% investment from Warner, 25% from Watanabe \u0026 Associates and 25% from Pioneer.

A few years ago, due to the divestment of Watanabe \u0026 Associates, the current record company was renamed Warner Pioneer.

As for why Watanabe's firm withdrew its capital, the story here is even more complicated.

It is one thing that Watanabe \u0026 Associates wants to set up their own record company, and the conflict between local faction and foreign capital is also one of the reasons.

But no matter what, because of Watanabe's departure, Warner headquarters now has the dominance of Neon Warner Pioneer.

It doesn't matter to Bai Chuanfeng whether it's local or foreign.

Even the profit-seeking of foreign capital groups makes it easier to promote cooperation with each other.

After all, what they value is only interests, and they don't care about traditional practices.

Shirakawa Kaede's cooperation request to Warner Pioneer is very simple, that is to make Nakamori Akina's third single into a CD record for sale.

And the release date of the single was released simultaneously with Shirakawa Electric's portable CD player.

Pioneer Warner's first reaction after hearing this request was to refuse.

why? Because now singers release records in the form of LPs, that is, vinyl records.

But what is a CD record? Although the music industry has heard of it, this new technology is still a little strange to them.

Sony's CD player is already being promoted before it goes on sale, and so is Shirakawa Electric.

For record companies, however, this is entirely new territory.

The production and playback forms of CD records are completely different from vinyl records, which also means that previous experience may not necessarily be useful in the production process of singles.

The most critical thing is how well the public accepts it, are they adapting to this brand new music player?

Before there is no relevant achievements or experience in the industry, record companies are very cautious, except for Sony's own record company.

The same is true for Warner Pioneer, although Akina Nakamori is just a newcomer who just debuted.

But with the second single selling 400,000 copies ahead, no matter how you look at it, the third single will perform well.

And if you choose CD records, the results are dismal. So aside from Akina Nakamori's stardom, Pioneer Warner would be at a loss.

The profit of hundreds of thousands of vinyl records is as high as hundreds of millions of yen. Such a large amount cannot be ignored by Warner.

Facing Warner's scruples, Bai Chuanfeng's solution to this matter was quite simple and rude.

That is to use money to clear the way and directly sign a gambling agreement with Warner.

If Nakamori Akina's third single is released on CD, but the final sales volume is less than 300,000 copies within half a year, then Shirakawa Electric will make up the difference in the price of the shortfall.

In other words, Shirakawa Electric supported Akina Nakamori's third single.

Regardless of the final result, 300,000 copies is her guaranteed sales.

This not only guarantees Nakamori Akina's reputation in the pop music scene, but also guarantees the interests of Warner Pioneer.

Of course, if the market sales exceed 300,000 copies, then Shirakawa Electric does not need to have additional expenses, and Warner is responsible for its own profits and losses.

This is the condition Shirakawa Electric offered to Warner Pioneer. To be honest, the latter has no intention of rejecting such an agreement.

300,000 copies, this is really a big deal. The cost alone is close to 100 million yen, not to mention the guaranteed selling price of hundreds of thousands of copies.

The sales volume of 300,000 is a watershed in the music world. The neon entertainment circle's certification for record sales is that more than 200,000 copies are gold records.

If it is 300,000, then the record company or firm's announcement can directly write the word "big sale".

Similarly, if the singer reaches this sales volume, it means that you are the most popular pop singer nowadays.

If the sales of several consecutive singles exceed 300,000 copies, then you are the top streamer in the entertainment industry and a popular spicy chicken.

Akina Nakamori has already sold 400,000 singles. If her next single sells 300,000, her popularity will take a qualitative leap.

Whether it's status or qualifications, they will be initially recognized by the entertainment industry, which is a rare step.

Shirakawa Electric's support for the sales of this CD record is definitely a win-win for Warner.

The artist's reputation has been improved, and he still holds hundreds of millions of yen in profits.

Such a condition, what reason does Warner Pioneer have to refuse?

The avant-garde faction in the interior is quite critical, they don't want Baichuan Electric's portable CD player to go on the market so smoothly.

Because Pioneer also makes CD players, but due to progress issues, it may not launch its own products until next year.

But despite this, it is instinctive to trip up competitors.

But it's a pity that Warner is now dominated by the foreign faction from the headquarters. In front of Baichuan Electric's gambling agreement, they signed it without thinking.

Under such conditions, Warner won't lose money, and fools will not sign.

So Akina Nakamori's third single, which was originally scheduled to be released in early November, was immediately brought forward to mid-October.

Warner is responsible for the digital mastering of the single, but Shirakawa Electric has to find a way to suppress the record.

Now, except for Sony's optical disc factory, which can be officially started in Neon, no other publishing house has such a factory.

Even Shirakawa Electric's own optical disc factory is under construction, and it will not be officially put into production until the end of the year at the earliest.

However, this was not a problem for Shirakawa Kaede. Under his leadership, Nakamori Akina's CD recording was directly handed over to the Sony CD factory in Fukuoka.

Will Sony accept this order? Yes, of course!

The disc factory has been in operation for half a year, but except for the collection of classical music and the album of the Eagles some time ago, they have never started work again.

Now that an order has finally come in, there is no reason not to accept it.

Not only did they pick up, Sony's disc factory also worked overtime to suppress it very cooperatively, and strived to distribute the records to all neon record stores before mid-October.

In the matter of aiding Bai, Sony has never disappointed.

Bai Chuanfeng could pat his chest and say, Sony is an old friend and big brother of Baichuan Electric!

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