Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 497: One is the Secret of Top Scholars

In fact, relying on Poyang Lake to develop the aquatic industry has great prospects, but Poyang Lake is a seasonal lake, and the water level has a huge drop with the seasons, which will affect the stability of operation to a certain extent.

Even so, the layout of aquatic products can be made according to the seasonal water level of Poyang Lake, and the article can still be done, but he personally finds it more troublesome.

If the Taiji Group has made certain achievements in the development of new agriculture, he will not stop them from continuing to cultivate the aquatic industry, and it doesn't matter if they don't want to.

Compared with such a laborious traditional farming method, he prefers to use high-tech means to achieve large-scale production. Not only is the output not comparable to the traditional method, but the stability and risk are much lower.

After talking about this topic, Ye Zishu thought that the leaders would introduce other advantages, and hoped that he could invest, but he didn't, which made Ye Zishu a little disappointed.

Although he may not necessarily invest after the other party speaks out, it can also reflect some things. If you do some things, you may not gain anything, but if you don't do it, you will definitely not gain anything.

However, looking around the county's advantages, it seems that apart from the large water area, other advantages are not particularly obvious, at least not many that can arouse his interest.

Mineral resources are not rich, and the land is not particularly fertile, and it is dominated by hilly landforms, and there are not many lands that can be cultivated on a large scale.

Small businesses or small capitals may be more interested in these, but they are dispensable resources for him, and he himself is not particularly interested in resource-based businesses.

One is that this kind of business will naturally be subject to many restrictions. He is doing business seriously and is unwilling to get too involved in messy things.

The second is that he has not yet reached the point where he needs to rely on this kind of business to strengthen himself. He has countless good things in his hands, and there are not many ways to make money. He is not willing to earn some money.

The third is that many resources seem to be endowed by nature, and it is impossible to regenerate resources. In fact, they can also be produced using technological means, but it depends on whether the cost can be afforded.

For example, in the field of fossil energy, he does not need to search for oil everywhere like other fossil energy companies, and he can produce all oil-related products by himself.

Whether it is gasoline, kerosene, natural gas, or asphalt and other products, they can all be produced through artificial synthesis, which is where his confidence lies.

In fact, many products are composed of several elements.

As long as you find a suitable synthesis path and means, artificial synthesis is not difficult.

Even the synthesis of elements is actually not particularly difficult in his eyes, but the cost is relatively high. For example, the synthesis of iron elements is not a good deal in his opinion.

Gold, which is seen as a symbol of wealth by others, can actually be artificially synthesized through some technologies, and the cost is still within an acceptable range.

Especially with the availability of cheap energy, many things are relatively easy to do. This is also a new energy project of 10 trillion kWh that he will launch as soon as he comes up.

According to normal electricity demand, 10 trillion kwh is really too much, but if the energy industry and advanced technology are really combined, this amount of energy is not particularly large.

In the past, energy was the foundation of modern industry, and it was not worthy of the name, because it needed the support of many other natural resources, but in his hands, this sentence became worthy of the name.

If you have energy, you have everything. This is not just a casual talk. As long as the energy is sufficient and cheap enough, the resources that originally existed in nature can be artificially synthesized.

Seeing that the matter could not go on, the leaders stood up and prepared to go back, but Ye Zishu saw the meal time, so he left them and went back after lunch.

Originally, his mother had prepared a lot of food, but now it was the Chinese New Year, and every household had prepared a lot of good things, not to mention that his family was not short of money at the moment, so he must have prepared a lot of chicken, duck and fish.

After politely evading for a few rounds, the other party finally sat down at the dinner table under the kindness of Ye Zishu's family, and eight dishes were served in a short while.

When he came back this time, Ye Zishu did not prepare any wine. His father brought out the Wuliangye that he had prepared earlier. In this era, Wuliangye is the king of liquor.

Before the 1990s, the Fenjiu family was the dominant one. In the 1990s, Wuliangye gradually ruled the roost. As for Moutai, it will be a later thing.

None of Ye Zishu's brothers and sisters drank baijiu. After his father poured baijiu for the guests, he also poured some for himself. The whole family is not very good at drinking.

If it wasn't for the sake of preventing the guests from drinking alone, his father would probably not know how to drink baijiu. Ye Zishu rarely saw his father drinking baijiu before. Of course, it may be because there were no conditions at that time.

When pouring wine for the driver, Ye Zishu was a little surprised and refused the liquor, but poured some drinks like them.

Valley pancreas

Now there is no such thing as drunk driving. There are more people drinking and driving. On the one hand, the relevant laws and regulations are lagging behind.

Everyone has no objection to Ye Zishu's drinking of drinks. In his current position, many things are actually more arbitrary.

This meal was just a simple meal, and Ye Zishu only persuaded everyone to eat more dishes. As for whether to drink or not, it was completely up to them, and they never persuaded them to drink at all.

But after drinking a glass of wine, the leaders were not as cautious in their speech as before, and the topic was more open. Seeing the appearance of the ordinary family now, they are also full of emotions.

Who would have thought that in an ordinary family, at an ordinary dining table, there are actually two top students from Tsinghua University, and judging by the current situation, there may be another top student of the same level.

Ye Ziqi's grades have improved compared to last year, and finally won the first place in the whole grade in the final exam, and actually the first place in the county.

Although I don't know how it ranks in the whole city, but based on past performance, as long as it gets the first place in the county No. 1 middle school, it is basically a seedling of Tsinghua University and Peking University.

The youngest, Ye Ziqin, is now in high school, and her grades are still unclear, but her overall performance is quite good.

Although Ye Ziqin's personality is very different from her sister's, and she is relatively lively, but she is unambiguous in her reading, which is quite reassuring.

At the wine table, the leaders started a discussion on this topic. On the one hand, they wanted to learn from Ye Zishu's father, and on the other hand, they also took the opportunity to praise Ye Zishu's family.

Regarding his family's sudden prosperity, the villagers summed up their experience very simply, that is, his family's ancestral tomb was buried well. If it wasn't for the smoke from the ancestral tomb, how could the family be so good at studying?

Apparently the leader didn't think it was the smoke from the ancestral grave, but felt that there must be some reason why the whole family was so good at studying.

But this topic is a bit embarrassing for Ye Zishu's father. According to his father, he just thinks that reading is the only way out, so he said that as long as he can read it, he will give it away even if he sells it.

This fully demonstrates Ye Zishu's father's courage. As for how to train them, he can't say anything. After all, his father really can't give any advice on how to train his children to learn.

Then I asked how their brothers and sisters learned, and the answers they gave were relatively uniform, that is, the knowledge taught in the school is not difficult at all, and it does not require a lot of effort.

This is a bit of Versailles, but it is also true, the same knowledge, some people seem to be very laborious, but some people seem to be very simple.

Take Ye Ziqi as an example. During the summer vacation, Ye Zishu just connected all the knowledge points in high school and below using mind maps, without doing too much detailed analysis.

Then hand it over to Leaf Chess. Leaf Chess can revisit all the knowledge points based on these knowledge lines. At the same time, it can also closely combine these knowledge points according to the mind map to form a systematic knowledge system.

For ordinary people, it is difficult to build their own knowledge system, and it is not flexible enough to solve problems when faced with problems.

Only by integrating all the knowledge points to form a knowledge system, as long as the topic does not exceed this knowledge system, can easily give solutions.

It is good for ordinary people to be able to give an idea to solve a problem, but talented contestants like to give many kinds of answers to a question, which is different from Kong Yiji's fen which has several ways of writing.

This kind of training with multiple solutions to one question can greatly improve the thinking ability of the human brain, and it is also a process of constantly reconstructing one's own knowledge system.

Obviously, due to the existence of Ye Zishu, his younger siblings have been trained in this way since childhood, and it is also one of the reasons why they are so good at reading.

On the one hand, this kind of training is to make boring learning interesting, so that people have a strong desire to explore, rather than have a resistance to learning.

On the other hand, this kind of training for a long time will not forget the old knowledge because of learning new knowledge, because many questions can be answered using old knowledge.

It can be said that almost all knowledge starts from the basics, and being able to build advanced knowledge from basic knowledge is real learning, rather than simply learning and applying a few advanced formulas.

Because building advanced and complex knowledge from the basics is actually a process of thinking transformation, and in such a learning process, it is not easy to forget the knowledge learned.

If these processes are ignored, learning becomes rote memorization. Even if you are smart and can learn and apply these formulas, it is only for a while, and you will forget them all after a long time.

Ye Zishu mentioned this point, but most people and families do not have such conditions, unless every family hires top private trainers to train their children in this way, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve this.

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