Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 496 Want him to invest

After dinner in the evening, Ye Zishu paid attention to the studies of the two younger sisters, and then handed over the presents brought to the parents for them to deal with.

Early the next morning, Ye Zishu took Ye Zihua to the postal savings office in the county, and took out 1 million yuan in cash, of which 950,000 was for land purchase, and the remaining 50,000 was for petty expenses for the family.

After withdrawing the money, he drove around the county town and looked at the current appearance of the county town, but unfortunately there was still not much change.

In a big city, I feel that things around me are constantly happening and changing every day. Only when I return to a small county, it seems that time has stopped, and the cycle of change is in units of ten years.

After turning around, he didn't have any interest in staying any longer, so he drove back home and found an official car parked at the door, which made Ye Zishu very curious.

After parking the car in front of the house, the people in the house came out. His parents followed the leader a little behind, but Ye Zishu didn't know him.

After getting out of the car, his father hurried forward to introduce him. It turned out that the people who came here were the leaders of the county, and Ye Zishu also shook hands with them quickly.

Originally, he was quite puzzled, why he was suddenly paid attention by the local leaders. He used to come and go quietly, and there would be no disturbance at all.

But after exchanging pleasantries, Ye Zishu understood why. It turned out that Shengshi Media Company's Shengshi Finance Weekly released the first national top 500 enterprises, the national rich list and other related lists.

Ye Zishu thought that this list would have to wait at least one or two months later, because collecting data was cumbersome, and it would not be easy to make it as accurate as possible.

But I didn't expect that the relevant list would be released not long after he agreed, and there was only one result, that is, they had already prepared the relevant data survey.

At that time, I was waiting for his consent. As soon as he agreed, he started to make final statistics on the data, and published it in his weekly financial magazine within a few days.

It's just that he didn't expect that in a small county town, there were people who subscribed to their financial magazines. He thought that only people from big cities subscribed to the magazines.

From this point of view, Shengshi Media Company has been relatively successful. Although the subscribers on the surface are not many, its influence has extended to the county level. This is already a very good result.

Ye Zishu asked Ye Zihua to take the money bag home, while he talked with his father and the leader,

To be honest, the first words I said were all unnutritious words.

It was nothing more than mutual compliments, why did Ye Zishu get into Tsinghua University with full marks, which caused such a sensation, why did he not expect to be a business genius, and created such a big family business in just a few years.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu thanked the school and the government for the subsidy. The sum totaled nearly 1,000 yuan, but the money was left to his family, and he only took 100 yuan to go to school.

But no matter what, he still had to remember this friendship, so Ye Zishu also praised the government's good governance, which made the county's education have such great achievements and so on.

After talking about the scene, it was almost noon, and the parent officer finally explained his purpose of coming, hoping that he could invest in the county.

When he agreed to enter the rich list, he had already realized that there might be such an incident, and had thought about it, but Ye Zishu didn't immediately express his intention.

Instead, I want to hear what the leaders say about the places worthy of investment in the county. These contents can clearly understand the extent to which government officials understand the situation under the governance.

After listening to their narration, Ye Zishu felt no surprises or joys. The main reason was the investment policy of relying on mountains and rivers, which may be more appropriate for ordinary businessmen, but it is not normal for him.

Their county town happened to be close to Poyang Lake, and the village where Ye Zishu was located was next to the inner lake, and there was a dam outside to separate the inner and outer lakes.

The intention of the government is to contract out Neihu to earn a rent, but Ye Zishu knows that this matter is difficult, and it is not as simple as imagined.

In the previous life, the inner lake was also contracted by the boss of Zhejiang, because the location has obvious advantages, and I feel that as long as I invest, I can make a lot of money.

In fact, this is not the case. There are too many villagers who rely on this inner lake for fishing, and the contracting of this lake area conflicts with the interests of all the surrounding villages.

Either carry out strict management and prevent villagers from fishing, then the management cost is very high, and the probability of conflict is very high, or let it go, the result is that as many fish as are raised will be taken away, and there will not be much left.

So this Neihu has changed many bosses back and forth, and the previous bosses didn't take much advantage. It was only after decades that everyone went out to work and made some money that the situation improved significantly.

Although some people would catch some fish from the lake when they went home during the Chinese New Year, these fish were only eaten by themselves, and the amount was not large. The contracting boss also turned a blind eye, and everyone formed a tacit understanding.

If he is asked to contract this inner lake now, he definitely disagrees. One is that he doesn’t like the small money. If he really wants to make money, he can make more money from producing a few albums than contracting this inner lake. .

The second is that many things are difficult to deal with. When the time comes, the surrounding villages will drive large boats to catch fish, tens of thousands of catties, will he take care of it or not? The surrounding villages are all related to each other, and they can be related after turning a few corners, so there is no way to control them.

Gu Yu

Don't make money at that time, but offend the people in the surrounding villages. He is worried that when he leaves relatives, he will be thrown stones behind his back.

To be honest, it is indeed a bit wasteful to use such a large lake area unreasonably. It's just that this kind of business is not suitable for him. It should be more appropriate for others to do it.

While listening to the introductions of the leaders, Ye Zishu thought about how to make rational use of this water area and drive the surrounding villages to become prosperous together.

In fact, the area of ​​Xingmiao Lake is very large, covering 47 square kilometers, and the water level is very high in summer, so it is very suitable for aquaculture.

However, many lake areas have actually been distributed to the surrounding villages, and many disputes started here. The county contracted out to obtain the contracting fee, but did not distribute any money to the surrounding villages.

The surrounding villages felt that they were at a disadvantage. They used the water area of ​​their own villages, but they didn't get anything. Moreover, they were banned from fishing, which was even more unacceptable.

Therefore, the phenomenon of stealing fish occurs frequently, and it is impossible to manage it by sending people to manage it. The area is too large, and there are too many surrounding villages, and the management staff are exhausted.

It is useless even to call the police and let the police deal with them. These people are elusive, and they can't be caught at all.

If you want to manage this water area well, you must take the interests of the surrounding villages into consideration. Everyone can get the money, so there won't be so many things happening.

After trying to understand these things, Ye Zishu said: Thank the leader for giving me such a detailed introduction to the situation. I grew up by the lake since I was a child, so I must be very clear about things.

There is no big problem with contracting, but how to contract is a big problem. Many places in the lake area have been allocated to surrounding villages. If the county contracts out without their consent, they will definitely not agree.

There are more than a dozen villages in the surrounding area. If no consensus can be reached, no matter how many fish are raised, they will all be caught and there will be no money at all.

What's more, everyone is related, so it's not easy to use coercive means. In that case, our family will not be able to hang out in this area, and our ancestors' graves may be dug up.

Hearing his words, his father nodded again and again. Just now he didn't quite agree in his heart. He felt that this matter could not be done, but it was not him who made the decision, so he didn't raise any objections immediately.

When the leaders heard what Ye Zishu said, their faces felt awkward. Many of them were not locals, but they had been in power for several years, so they had a little understanding of the situation here. What he said was the truth.

Ye Zishu looked at everyone's expressions, and continued: Deng Gong said that some people are allowed to get rich first, and then the first rich drives the others to get richer, and finally achieve common prosperity.

I deeply agree with this statement. To be honest, I am not short of money now. If I really want to make money, I will not engage in a small aquaculture industry.

When he said this before, everyone didn't necessarily agree with it, but now that he said it, everyone at the scene agreed with it, even a little understatement.

He was able to earn nearly 200 billion yuan in just a few years. The reincarnation of the God of Wealth may not be able to earn so much money in such a short period of time. It is a bit exaggerated.

With so much money, the interest earned by depositing it in the bank is more profitable than making such a small investment, but after saying this, all the leaders have a glimmer of hope, which is much stronger than before.

Ye Zishu continued: If you want to do this well, you must first bring in all the villages to work together. You can set up a special company, and each village will allocate shares according to the area of ​​​​the water they belong to.

The county government can get a contract fee, and I can take out a certain amount of money as the company's registered capital, which is also used as the company's operating capital.

After the harvest, the money obtained from selling the aquatic products will be distributed every year according to the shares held by each village. Only in this way can it be possible to obtain the consent of most villages and to continue to operate stably.

Now it is the county's plan to ask for the contracting fee. If the contracting fee is too high, the surrounding villages will not make a lot of profits, so they may not agree. This involves the issue of benefit distribution.

Speaking of which, Ye Zishu didn't say any more, leaving enough time for them to think. In fact, he didn't want to occupy the shares, and would rather lend them money.

It's just that he knows that if a company does not have an absolute major shareholder, these villages will be beaten to death in order to obtain more benefits, and nothing can be done at all.

What's more, with such a large water area, it seems easy to raise aquatic products, but how to sell them is a thorny problem. People in the surrounding villages simply don't have the resources in this area, and the county government probably doesn't want to worry about it.

Seeing that they hadn't figured it out for a long time, Ye Zishu felt that they should go back and make a total calculation on this matter, and it would not be easy to clear up the interests of all parties at once.

So he said: If the leaders go back and discuss it, I will stay at home for a while, so there is no need to worry.

Hearing what he said, the leader hurried down the donkey and said, That's fine, we will discuss it as soon as possible and come up with a plan.

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