There was nothing particularly wrong with night camping and the night could be revealed.

Come to think of it, it's often when the enemy comes out that they make fun of something. I usually just eat and rest, so I can't help but fail.

Seemed to have received some attention from Michelle and the cloud about the watch numbers, but that wasn't fatal either.

"Okay, so we're going to get to our destination today, so we're leaving early."


Tell them the schedule for the day while eating Finia's cooked meal.

Even this day, fed, they are honestly listening to this one. When it comes to fighting, it's just a matter of Scon and falling out of his head.

After finishing the night camp, I just decided to travel to my destination.

The aspiring ligas potatoes were able to measure the distance and time quite accurately, since the native area was fixed.

There is not a decent path to the native land, but a narrow path like the beast path is possible because the humans who collect it regularly are on their way.

However, because it is also very rare, it is now about to sink into the sun.

Go ahead and cut off the servant using the bamboo. Along the way, the threesomes seemed to understand why I was telling them to bring the tweezers.

"That's awesome. I've never seen a servant so thick."

"We don't live in a fishing village like this, do we?"

"I think I'm losing my arm."

Three people rowing servos and paving the way with an exclamation and a frightened voice at the same time. This time it's their class, so Michelle and the others were going around for a tour.

For once the perimeter seemed alert, but the tension was much less than usual.

"I knew it would be easier if someone rowed a servant for me"

"You've never done Michelle before, have you? I almost did."

Cloud is arguing against Michelle, who speaks freely.

That's a natural story, and Michelle, a shooter specializing in rear guards, can't possibly be at the forefront of cutting off servants.

Conversely, clouds who take the lead and push their enemies are often entrusted with that role.

In that sense, I'm supposed to be serving a lot of scouts, too, but in my case, I couldn't play that role because of endurance issues.

In the first place, because of the deep forest near Raum, the thriving servant was also quite sturdy.

With my anxiety about endurance and muscle strength, I wouldn't have been as efficient as the cloud.

"Cloud is powerful. That's good."

"It's a lot easier if you can work hard."

"Until Mr. Finia... give me a break"

The cloud drops its shoulders big. Three people mow their servants silently, without complaining about how they look.

That's how it was time for noon, and suddenly my eyes opened.

A different coloured twat grows from a servant, and no great tree grows around it.

The tsuta has wide leaves and can be found to be a completely different species of plant.

"Here we are. It's the ligas potatoes growing around here."


"I'm tired..."

Three people who drop their hips with a sledge. But heavy labor is to come.

Rigas potatoes are a type of yam, deeply rooted in the soil. It is a type of root vegetable whose root is mostly potatoes.

That means we have to dig that depth now.

Take the scoop out of your back sac and get ready. What I brought this time was a foldable one, a substitute that would be about a meter long if you connected the patterned part.

I remain somewhat anxious about the intensity, but because of its portability, it is ideal for requests like this one where the soil digs a soft place.

"Holla, if you're resting, the sun will go down. Just dig the potatoes."

"Seriously! Give me a break, mister!?

"Who is Mr. Tsubaki? Damn, I can't work out enough with a big figure."

"Even if you say so."

I was spreading a folding chair for my phone, sitting on a floating (levitate) magic thing, and letting it tow in the cloud.

The point is that it was carried so far, sitting down.

"If you're gonna complain, it's Oshioki's turn."


"Fair enough. In this way, the muscles used in daily fights are completely different from those used in outdoor activities. I just figured it out, but I need to think of it as a harvest."


Nevertheless, digging for ligas potatoes in exhausting situations is likely to break along the way.

Don't force me here. You'll need to give me a break.

"I have no choice. Let's take a break from lunch."


"If you're happy? In the meantime, you get tired!

"Oh, why don't you go to sleep?

"That's it, you can't get tired right away. I need to unrub it or something."

"I don't know where to look."

"I can't help it......"

Finia had to prepare lunch, so the three of us left to take care of our bodies.

"First, relaxing the center of your body before your hands and feet. left and right of the spine, from the periphery of the scapula"

I'll coach Cloud and Michelle at the same time as the three of us. These two don't know additions or subtractions, so we need to keep a good eye on them.

The three of them slept with a tranced look.

"Ooh, ooh, that's good."

"Don't make a disgusting sound"

"No, I can't do this, I can't keep my voice down or anything"


Finia was laughing at us like that.

"You seem comfortable. Can you ask me later, Master Nicole?"

"Yeah? Finia would be happy to do it. I'll let you ring in a good voice. Guhehe."

"I figured I'd stop..."

"Don't hesitate!

"I'm here. So what!?

Finia was sweating at my scream, full of heart. No, you really haven't shown Finia anything good at all.

They just know what the vegetarian looks like, and they talk about it without tightening it up.

Sebastian, who was getting a massage, was screaming about whether the clap he shouted had a strange force in it.

Well, there were some failures, but this is how they also learned to take care of their bodies.

............... You learned that, didn't you?

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