Unlike during the day, in the case of night, the beast is dangerous, but people become dangerous.

The lack of human eyes often makes other travelers feel unexpected here. Especially if we have a whole bunch of beautiful girls, the danger is even greater.

So he decides to camp a little off the street. That won't be necessary in the case of a threesome, but this is also basic.

"So firstly, incineration is mandatory"

Tekipaki and Cloud are giving instructions to the trio. Apparently, same-sex means only he can talk casually.

It is in fact a good faith that the beast fears fire. Some of them come close with interest in fire.

But without the lights, this one can't look around either.

There is nothing more terrifying than being ambushed in the dark. Occupational pattern, I know that well.

It is the confusion that winds up with it that is scarier than the damage it actually takes.

"First of all, don't spread the burning, burn the surrounding grass to create a space for incineration"


In these simple tasks, the trio was honestly listening.

They are defiant at first, but seem to obey the opponent once admitted.

In the country village, they probably continued to act tyrannically because they had no one to screw them over.

Michelle, who prevailed over them, Finia, who excelled as a wizard, and Cloud, who surprisingly had a track record of warfare, were dealt with with with with with due respect.

Of course, that gaze is directed at me, who leads them. However, there is no choice but to mix suspicious feelings in it.

Unlike the cloud, my body is luxurious and small. It is more impossible to convince people to be strong.

I often begin to prepare for dinner while coaching in the preparation of night camps, etc.

There's nowhere I can teach this, so it's Finia's private arena.

Nevertheless, it's not the thing that you can do right where you learn.

"So when it's just the three of us, bread and cheese, soup with dried vegetables back or something, but you can make sure it's at least nutritious, so do it."

"No, but it's troublesome, just dried meat."

"That's salty and you should stop... I'll dry my throat"

He answers three questions while quickly supporting dinner.

Apparently, in this area, which is my mound, I was able to talk without being overwhelmed.

It would be a delightful miscalculation for me if her people-familiarity were reduced on this occasion.

There's one advantage to our party that no other party can take. That's Finia's dish.

I can only cook cluttered food, or Michelle, who eats a lot, can't cook delicious rice.

The cloud seems to be able to do some, but it's not far to Finia.

"Ugh! Ugh, Finia!

"Who is Mr. Tsubaki? Finia is my thing."

For a dinner that doesn't even take a pull from a professional cook, the three of you who are tearful and disappointed I leave a scratch with the Osioki stick I made at noon.

Seeing how it went, Michelle was smiling bitterly.

"But it's the only way, right? Finia's food, it's delicious."

"Compared to orphanage food."

"If you're eating all this delicious food, you're gonna get fat."

"Master Nicole wasn't fat at all, though."

"I had meat all over my chest."

"Nicole, don't you hate that?

"I don't want Michelle to tell you!

What are you saying to me more than I am?

Speaking of which, I'm going to be putting up a night shift, but I also need to think about that combination.

"After this, I'm gonna stand guard and spend the night, what about that combination?

Normally, it's the subject of my instructions, but this time it's also for the development of the others.

It's what they judge and give directions to grow.

Besides, I'd like to know what combination they propose.

"Well, we should all tear them apart."

"Three shifts, then. I hope you're not too tired."

"We're a quartet, so it would be just fine if we put together in pairs. One can rest all the time without a night shift."

"Well, that's Nicole."

"What, me?

Michelle's been suggesting that you take me off the night shift. I can't read the intent and return the face like a pigeon ate a bean cannon.

But Michelle looked like she deserved it, and I've explained it.

"'Cause Nicole's the most weary physique of all, isn't she? Then we have to take a break."

"But it's bad that I'm the only one resting, right?

"For that matter, you're getting scolded during the day. I'm susceptible to fainting, so I need to rest when I can rest."

"Well, Nicole's a trump card, so to speak, so you can stay out of it a little longer, right?

Turn your gaze toward the threesome. But they also seemed to have no objection to Michelle's extraction.

Did we reaffirm that we have much to learn from daytime failures and sermons, as well as finer dishes?

Then I don't have to be stubborn here either.

My sleep is basically shallow in the first place. In the unlikely event that the night shift misses an enemy approach or something, I can spot it before the ambush.

Also, that failure would be a good experience for them. So convinced, I accepted Michelle's suggestion.

If you decide that, all you have to do is clean up the meal in front of you.

It would be a shame not to taste the Finia dish.

I rushed in and carried Finia's vegetable soup into my mouth... the heat burned my tongue and I was bored.

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