"Well, go well today -!

Michelle shakes her arms up big and declares. It's been a long time since I've been able to go hunting with Retina and it seemed tense.

The cloud, on the contrary, has a loose look with his shoulders dropped wide. Contrary to Michelle, she seemed so reluctant to work with Matheus.

"The lady's always fine. I haven't seen him all the time, so I don't know how different?

"Does that contradiction-ridden statement make sense?

"Hey, huh?

A short time after leaving the city, in a place like the border with the woods along the streets, five people were gathered.

Michelle and Cloud, Retina and Mateus. And for some reason, Sullivan.

"Um, why did they call me again?

"It's the only way. Because you're the only one who can reprimand."

Michelle and Cloud were first sighted with Sullivan, but I've been informed that his intel led me to a place of detention.

So the two of them didn't look alert to him.

"So, why are you keeping me here so much?

"If they find you, it won't be Michelle's training."

"Then you should go back and continue your studies."

"You idiot! Can you leave Matheus and Michelle alone together!


Me and Maxwell were watching Michelle, hiding behind the woods.

Maxwell, who has no hidden skills, uses concealed magic.

By the way, Finia sent us off unstoppable, even as she saw us like that with her raw warm eyes. She's going to clean the mansion by herself and continue her studies, apparently.

Hi. I don't think my stock has been crashing in Finia lately.

"Look, look at that man's gaze! Michelle, you're nailing it to your chest."

"Um, that's not what I grew up with. Not even your lord."

"............... leave me alone"

"Well, if you had that much presence, you'd be as attracted as your gaze."

Sullivan and Matheus' gaze is all over Michelle's chest from earlier.

With her innocent, energetic charm and her glamorous shape in her eyes, I'm sure fewer men won't.

That's not necessarily why you can't be driven by those emotions in the less visible woods.

As you can see from one previous case, the cloud has somewhere to fall out.

I was worried that he would be able to protect Michelle.

"Especially Sullivan! He doesn't fool women from day to day. I don't think I can stay decent with Michelle's big tits in my eyes."

"The man named Lord... No, the woman..."

Maxwell sighs with his hands on his forehead at how excited I am. No, it only tells the signs.

"Aren't you a little too worried?

"That's not true, I'm just keeping in mind"

"If you turn that caution to yourself at all, you'll be less worried about Cortina and Miss Finia."

"It's cheating to get that name out here"

"Don't swell up like a child. Too much bruising."

Shut Maxwell, who leaks a sigh, relying solely on the signs to slap that head.

While doing so, Michelle and the others were stepping into the woods.

Me and Maxwell rush after him.

Proceeding carefully through the woods, approximately an hour. The leading Sullivan was sending signals to Michelle and the others who would stop moving and follow behind.

Apparently, they discovered prey.

"Oh, I think I've discovered something."

"Oh man, I have Matheus on me too, so you don't have to worry about it"

"That's not where I care."

While I'm telling you, my gaze won't leave Michelle and the others.

Cloud and Matheus line up beside each other as Sullivan directs his people.

Michelle and Retina got behind it and were moving to a position they could support at any time.

Until now, it's no different than when you were working with me.

The prey Sullivan discovered was a monster named Mowl with a stray bird-based beast resembling an ostrich.

He is over three meters tall and has a tumor on his head to increase the power of his head thrust, which is his main means of attack.

Quick legs and high head thrust power make it quite dangerous.

But his personality was warm and he was excluded from the crusade of adventurers because he would not go on his own and be attacked by people.

"Sure, the meat is light and delicious, but it's dangerous."

If you are a good hunter, you are not an enemy that you can target while retreating to the trees.

But I can't even insult the high level of killing power. Michelle or Retina would make you incapable of fighting with one blow.

It's just a story that the cloud should prevent, but his weight could still be light and he could be jumped lightly.

"Hey, you okay? Matheus..."

Worrying about me, Matheus left his sword lying down with a mixed nose.

I have no intention of fighting from that attitude.

"That idiot, what are you doing!


Maxwell grabs my shoulder and stops trying to jump out by accident.

Immediately after that, magic flew from Retina and Mowl's movements stopped.

And in the meantime, Michelle releases an arrow.

The flash easily broke through Mowl's eyeballs, which stopped him from moving, deciding his brain marrow and letting him die.

"Oh, that?

"You underestimate your people. They have transcended the level that the Lord will lead them to."

Precisely, Michelle shoots through the skies she makes to Retina, who stopped and showed her movement with the magic of minimal power.

These two had certainly grown from a companion who did not need my guidance, who should lead, to a companion who should rely.

"They are no longer adults, but they are still old enough to worry about you. Come on, disciple, it's time to leave."

Maxwell tells me as I look at Retina and Michelle, who mesmerize high touches.

I didn't have a cloud or Sullivan show up on time, but I honestly don't care.

No, not that it's okay, but it would be a minor problem.

"... I guess so"

I watched them grow from the outside and felt them for the first time.

In the meantime, Cloud and Matheus are working together to hang the mowl to drain blood and prepare for demolition.

Sullivan was on guard around in the meantime.

If we get any closer, I'm going to find Maxwell anyway.



"Go home."


We left the place behind, somewhat lonely.

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