The curriculum had begun the day after Maxwell informed me of the magic special training during my homecoming.

Even when it comes to special training, it's not so different from what I've been doing because I just bring everyone into Maxwell's mansion and take classes there personally.

The difference is that Cloud and Michelle are also bringing them in to talk about the situation.

While Cloud, Michelle, and Retina seemed to be interested in playing cards in their spare time, me and Finia were taking magic classes.

By the way, Michelle was supposed to leave a message this time because she was going to see her parents the other day.

Even though the situation has been better than before, it does not change the fact that nobility is watching me, so I have it weighed down here.

"The foundation of magic is image and concentration. And then how accurately you remember the magic team."

"I already remember the magic team."

It is a magic formation of scrolls that I have already used many times. The more I meditate on my eyes, the more I can think of in my brain, the more I'm used to seeing them.

But that's my objection, Maxwell.

"Stupid mon, even those students can do it if you just remember. The problem is that the magic formations I remember need images that accurately pour magic into them. Scroll will do it automatically, so even your Lord can activate the procedure."


Beat my head with pessili while I preach. Next to it Finia had a vain grin with an indescribable face.

I guess there's something about this sight that I think is different because you know who I am.

"Uh, it's a hippo, Cloud."

"It hurts not to be able to go out"

Looking sideways at us like that, Michelle and the others are raising their voices with ease.

But I also brought them for a reason.

"I'm sorry, but I was wondering if you'd wait a little longer. Because your lords also need to find out if there are any after-effects of Fungus poison."

"Huh. Thank you for your help with that verse."

"I was wary, but I'm still immature."

"What, even if you were just alert, you'd make progress. Your lords are still young."

"Nevertheless, I should have hit Mr. Michelle about the first shot, too!

"Am I good?

"……………… well, besides"

Bring a spare table into the mansion's living room, where you bicker three plus Maxwell.

Training magic while being shown such a sight is just disturbing concentration.

It interrupts magic in the phase of releasing magic into space and molding it into the form of a magic formation. Because magic doesn't take shape unless you pronounce the last startup language, you can safely train it if you stop it here.

I don't know how precise magic it is without being a skilled Maxwell.

"Maxwell, take a good look at what's going on over here"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Recall Maxwell off the sidewalk here in order to have the magic formation you built scored.

Retina has swelled up and stared at this one, but I want you to give me a break because this is also part of my training.

I do that over and over again in the morning, and it's time for noon to approach, and the living room door gets knocked messily.

There's only one person in this mansion who knocks like this.

"Grandpa, it's time for noon. What do you want for dinner?

"Um, is that Matheus? Just fine, come in. I need to talk to the Lord a little bit."

"Oh, my God, change it"

Maxwell encouraged him to enter the room in a voice rang from across the door. Matheus, who came in with the door open, was not wearing armor, but two trademark swords are lowered on his hips.

Seeing that, it was in the corner of my sight that the cloud slightly hardened itself.

Once we fought together, the relationship improved to the extent that we recognized each other's strengths, but they still have only a small amount of disgust.

Come to think of it, the cloud was cut off at first sight, so naturally.

"Actually. It's time for them to work with someone other than Nicole, so I thought I'd let you play the part."

"To me? Again?"


"Oh, I didn't tell Nicole yet. I once made you work with Miss Retina. Of course I kept Sullivan on."

"Well, then again, I was impotent."

"Come on, even I'm not fatal enough to get my hands on your grandfather's woman, huh?

With that said, you're turning a meaningful gaze at me somewhere. For a moment I did my hand on the eyelid wondering if the power of charm was unsealed, but when I saw it, Maxwell climbed out and whispered to me and Finia to only hear it.

"Actually, I also told Matheus about your Lord's circumstances. Think of it as a good idea to have more collaborators in the future."

"Doesn't that make you furious when you find out, Master Cortina? I can't believe you kept your mouth shut and let 'em know..."

"I don't care which one gets furious when you find out."

"No, it's mainly me who gets pissed off, so get up a little bit"

We talked to each other face to face so Maxwell could catch us.

To the secrets that began abruptly, Michelle and the others look suspicious. Later, Retina's cheeks swelled again.

Matheus seemed to have guessed what the conversation was all about just knowing the circumstances.

"Gohon. You realize the danger of Matheus working with Miss Retina once and only with the same person, right?

"Oh, no, you put it on something, and you repeated 'Mr. Nicole is'?

"Well, that's... because I taught you the basics of my adventure -"

"There's no harm in knowing that some guys don't make sense. Miss, you have a long life ahead of you, don't you?

"Wow, I regret it makes sense."

"Michelle's lady, that's the same. Think it's one experience to work with other than Miss Nicole here?

"I see."

"Will it work with you? As far as I'm concerned, it's subtle."

"Is that a luxurious arm?

Matheus missed me, and the cloud seemed unwilling, but I accepted.

Thus, at the mixed party of Matheus and Michelle, it became a carriage to catch the prey of dinner.

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