I don't even remember where I ran.

Anyway, he searched for the escape route and ran through it to avoid getting caught in the flames behind him and stomping on the fire phosphors at his feet.

As a result, both Finia and Michelle had reached the foot without one injury. And, of course, the loaded phosphorous stones are safe.

But Michelle was very angry at this situation.

"Already! Who used fire magic in a place like this! I won't forgive you!

Punska is angrily wielding a large silver bow (third eye). But that looks smiling somewhere.

She's not too scared to be angry. I spoke to the cloud to that effect before, and it was forcefully denied, 'It's not there, it's never there'.

That's proof that he's ever really pissed off Michelle.

There's really nothing you can do to piss her off for real, you bastard.

"If you show your face, I'm gonna shoot you through the brain!

"Well, that's about it. If we don't get back to the city sooner, Finia will be burdened."

"Oh, I was! Sister Finia, are you sorry?

"That's about it, it's perfectly fine. But if there's trouble nearby, you might want to leave soon."

"Right. Elizabeth and the others will be worried, and we need to get back and reassure them quickly."

"Right. Stella and Spica must be surprised by the explosion earlier."

Certainly horses are very amnesic animals. Even though they were connected, none of them were likely to have panicked in the earlier explosion and were rampaged and injured.

I don't know if I want to go and see how it goes, but before I do... I put my hand on the hips katana.

Someone's approaching this neighborhood.

The footsteps were still slight, but mild, but irregular rhythms were reaching my ears.

I guess the sound is light because of the light weight. Probably a child or a woman. That's almost unarmed, too.

And the irregular rhythm made me predict that I was pretty tired.

Michelle and the others will notice my vigilance.

Cloud moves Finia's board across from my gaze… i.e. backwards, then out in front of me.

Michelle had moved near that board and replaced it with her usual hunting bow.

After a while, I heard a woman's voice, rattling and scratching.

"At all, if I persevere, I won't! Did you know that? Persistent men don't like you!

"Ma'am, wait! At least just talk."

"I told you to persevere! Fire Bolt!"

Stupid but brilliant to chant magic between chaser voices and activate it to flow.

And most importantly, this voice sounded familiar.

"... this voice?

"No way...... Retina?

"But why are you here?

"I don't know. But it looks like they're after us, so we need to help!

"Ma, wait, Michelle! Were you listening to the conversation earlier?


"Look, you called me a lady. Maybe it's the servant who's chasing us."

"I see. Then you can't kill me."

"That's the thing!

Don't wait for my reply, Michelle was already rushing out.

Run up to the side of the prosperity and climb the tree that was near it in a breath. The move was agile as a lie about the don smell of childhood.

The cloud is also on guard and a big shield as the opponent jumps out of the prosperity.

After a while, one tall woman jumped out of the way.

"Ya! Ah, you -"

"Les, Tina? That's a lie."

The woman, so long as she was not so different from me in her previous life, did leave a shadow of Retina.

The characteristic drill hair is also alive and well. But he's clearly not tall. Thirty centimeters is definitely stretched.

For the first time in that transformation, I accidentally leaked a lost voice between them.

"Mr. Nicole, are you? Those eyes...?"

For a sudden reunion, Retina also leaks a grumpy voice. The second half of the word is probably directed at my eyelids.

But the chaser was just that close. I can't afford to relax and enjoy the conversation.

It was Michelle in the highest position who was able to locate the chaser.

Turn the arrow, fly sharp gaze like an eagle, not the usual no-horn eye, and target the enemy.

And relentlessly unleashed arrows never take their aim off.


"What? Enemy!"

"There's an ambush, hide yourselves!

The arrow Michelle unleashed was hurting him to plunder the foot of the man leading the way.

I never took it off. I know they're Retina's servants, so I just shot them so they could get it done with a loot wound.

But still, I can't even shoot a piece of foot skin that keeps moving.

"No, no more... Michelle, it's a bucket thing, isn't it?

"I haven't seen it off lately."

"It's been quite a while."

Michelle let go of her arrow twice, three times, even while I was in vain with the cloud.

It slashed and tore the other leg, and the other pierced the tree with a high sound. In the shadow of that tree lies the man of the last chase.

With this one shot in tow, the man couldn't come out of the shade of a tree.


Seeing as the three of them had been powerless in their pursuit, Michelle jumped momentum off a tree branch.

It was also about two meters tall, so jumping down would not hinder it.

"Ku...... Brandon, Matthews! Are you okay?"

"Ah, oh. I just cut off my leg. We were lucky!

"This way, too. The other guy was bad and he saved me!

Is that the purpose of provoking Michelle, the men say that?

Perhaps they couldn't capture what Michelle looked like. So this is how we induce the attack and we're trying to find out where it came from.

Of course this is a life-threatening act. As much as they didn't hate it, they hung everything on Retina's recapture.

"We can't move. Lorens, can you go after him?

"Yeah, but I can't move when they're after me."

Only one of them can move. Then one of them has to go after Retina.

But when it popped up, Michelle assumed that she would snipe at me...

It is stunningly sealed in motion.

"Mmm, I might be a little unforgivable for being bad or something. I'll guess."

"No, because you can't guess! I'll get out of here before you do. Retina, follow me for now."

"Wow, I get it. Nevertheless, Michelle's skill has risen again."

"That's enough. My Michelle."

Hold Michelle's head close and keep the restraint in the cloud at once.

Since the two of us have been getting close lately, we have to leave this kind of restraint behind.

"Oh, don't shake that board because it's dangerous. 'Cause it's loaded with fire phosphores."


Retina jumping back to my word. This trick also remains a shadow of an early age.

So I took my nostalgic friend back to the carriage.

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