A red light flashes on the edge of the field of vision.

For a moment I thought I was the enemy, so I raised my guard, but there was no imminent danger of something coming this way.

Instead, in the forest area at the foot, another red light lit...... instantly disappeared.

"What, magic?

The glimpse of light was clearly not a thing of nature.

Magic, which is also caused by fire attack magic. An explosion that arrives one beat late is proof of this.

Apparently someone was fighting while being chased by something, and the explosion was moving a little bit.

"Also, I hope it doesn't have to be a hassle"

That magical trace was taking the route that approached us.

As it is, we are going to meet each other around the foot.

"Michelle, cloud. Thank you. I have a bad feeling. Load it up, hurry up."

"Okay, but we're almost done here, right?

"Finia, thanks to your sister's magic, it's a lot easier to load."

"Kind of feels like it's been a while since you've been useful"

Finia looked so full because she wasn't as prominent active as Michelle and Cloud.

But let me assure you here that Finia is not useless.

She's not a pointy one-on-one, she's an all-rounder who can support every phase.

We're all just discreet because we're all capable of being pointy, and she's also capable of being top notch enough.

"Hmm...... ok. Maybe a little less, but let's retreat around here."



"Finia will be hard, but keep up the magic, good luck"

"I'll take care of it"

That said, he got on the board and took the position of being carried with a bag filled with fire phosphores.

As long as she maintains the magic of extinguishing fire (extensions), fire phosphorus is no different than just stone.

This magic, which is not inherently long-lasting magic, does not incorporate a technique that confers such effects.

To keep it strong, Finia will continue to consume magic at all times.

It was necessary to continue in an attitude that would make it easier to restore magic, since magic would soon be depleted as it was.

Restoration of magic by rest and consumption by maintenance. These balances are adjusted to achieve long-lasting expression of effects.

For this reason, it can be said that little can be done to move or fight.

"Then Michelle and Cloud should go home on foot. Follow me."


He said he wouldn't get sidetracked in a scary place like this.

"It's the cloud that does it, so don't worry about it"


For some reason, I'm connecting a red-faced cloud to its flank, Michelle.

Well, I'm not so blunt either that I don't feel anything for those two. Unless you imitate something nasty, I'll take a big look at it. He's one of us.



That's when Michelle raised her voice abruptly.

The shouts were as solemn as possible because in this place there could be a big explosion just one step off.

And yet, she couldn't hold it back.

I doubt it and look back to her.

"Michelle, what's wrong?

"Nicole, that! That!"

Rare, chopped, desperate shape, pointing behind my back.

I also understand that there are no enemies around here, so when I relaxed and shifted my gaze on what was at stake... there was a fire bullet flying in here.

Probably a stray bullet in the battle at the foot. I can see the extraordinary skill of the surgeon to be able to fly to this distance.

But now is not the time. Because of the rain the other day, the pyrophosate dissolved in the water, and it is possible that the evaporated flammable gas is still in the vicinity.

"Ha, I want to!!


My name is Michelle, and I'm desperate to lose face, and I ran out.

My hips were tied to a rope connected to a plate, so Finia and Fire Phosphor Stone were carried together.

This is a floating (Levitate) magic that can be carried with a little force.

Finia screamed tall to the sudden onset shock.


"Oh, wait!

"I'd leave you in a place like this!

After us like that, Michelle and Cloud came running down, too.

After a few seconds, a fire bullet (firebolt) and magic landed around me.

The magic of burning the point of landing if it were meant to be. But even that's life here.

A sound like dropping firewood on water, called ju. And...

"WOW ahhhhhhh!?


"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The scream of the Trinity. A huge explosion just after.

That goes beyond just the point of landing, involving the surrounding pyrophosate in a chain, and extends the burning.

Of course, behind us fleeing, that explosive burning was imminent.

By the way, Finia was the only one who didn't scream. She didn't seem to understand the tragedy behind it because she was now holding her eyes shut and desperate to prevent the fire phosphor from falling off the board.

As far as I'm concerned, I envy you.

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