After fixing the bed for the moment, I made a suggestion to Haumea.

I don't want to miss this opportunity, although it seems painful to use a hard position before accepting the same room.

"Yes, Mr. Haumea. This was before."

"Oh, talk about mock warfare? I wonder if you'll fight me again?

"No, I'm not. I heard that Elf has a unique bow technique, and I was hoping Michelle could guide her through it."

"To her? If you're as good as rumored, do you think you can stand your arm better than me?

"Michelle has great bow arms, but the melee is a tease. I heard the elves have melee tactics with bows..."

"Heh... I thought that was pretty minor information, where did you hear that?

"No, a lot..."

Knowledge of the area was gained in previous life. When I'm pursued too much, I get bored.

I get off topic with my gaze slightly.

"And why don't you teach the cloud some magic? I can only teach interferometric magic, so it's inappropriate to teach it."

"Um, I do hear that half demons have a lot of magical aptitudes, but because no one without them is thorough"

"In that case, I'll give up."

As I was in my previous life, there are many things that are magically and physically extremely capable of being half demonic.

In my previous life, I was an extreme fleshman, like I poured into agility up to my magical abilities.

Instead, my colleagues would have suffered from my assessment because of their low endurance.

I feel like I've beautified the past all over now, and it's a hell of a rating.

"Of course, some things are temporal, and you can do as much as you can. And thank you."

Well, we're on our way to the Union of Three Kingdoms.

"We are also on our way to Count Talkassir territory. So just in the meantime!

Approximately two days if you slow down to your destination. If you learn the basics in the meantime alone, your movements in battle will be better off out of step.

Besides, if it's about pointing out that it aids in instruction, I can handle it.

Archery is out of specialty, but proximity standings are professional. If only Michelle could learn the basics of a melee with a bow, then I could correct that move for you later.

"Oh, I'm good with magic."


There the cloud suddenly offered to resign.

This guy is surprisingly, highly uplifted, so he's been trying a lot.

Yet it was a little surprising to me that I would decline when it came to magic.

"'Cause I have a sword and a shield, right? If my hands are blocked, I can't use magic. I can't afford to draw a magic formation, so I'd rather learn how to fight with Michelle in an unusual way."

"Mm, so is that, but come on. Sometimes it's convenient to remember, isn't it?

"And in about two days, I can't even sense the magic. If that's the case, you better remember what you can remember now."

"Ugh... busy with the cloud's cunt"

"Why is that? What?

Nevertheless, the reaction of this cloud is a good impression for me as well.

He is thinking for himself about his style of combat and is starting to make roundabout choices about the technology he needs to get.

I was heartily impressed that he was a boy who used to learn as I could teach him, but grew up.

Then you can't leave this unscathed. While incorporating his claims, it would be his role as a mentor to cooperate.

"Well no. If the cloud's that far, I don't have to respect your opinion, do I?

"Nicole, Tundre?

"I wonder where you've learned that word, Michelle"

I feel like pure Michelle has been subtly contaminated lately. The source of contamination needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible.

Then I don't feel that the cloud will be the first target.

"Um, would you leave us alone and not move on?

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"But yeah... if it's Count Talkaseer territory, maybe two more days to relax. If I can accompany you in the meantime, it would be stingy to tell you. You don't disagree with Cole, do you?

"Oh, no problem"

Mr. Cole has the same unfathomable tone, but was relieved that he didn't seem offended.

Apparently the story is going to come together, I just thought, and Mr. Haumea has been winking with his fingers up.

"Instead of that, what, the carriage on the table, yours, right?

"Yeah, yeah."

"If you give me a ride, I'll tell you"

"If that's about it, as much"

Elves don't come out of Raum much. It's not like there's no AC at all, but proprietary technology is still something that hasn't spilled out.

That's why I want to make effective use of the opportunity to learn this.

Michelle's gain in melee isn't a bad story, even this one, or rather cheap enough to give her a ride in the carriage.

Finia's words overlapped with my voice, which I answered instantly.

"Um, could I mentor you, too?

"You too? But it's spear gear, right?

Finia is turning her dagger into a spear when she alerts her visitors.

The spear at that time still didn't get a chance to disarm it, and it stayed put. So I can understand at a glance that she uses a spear.

"Yes, but I'm interested in the combination of magic and melee."

If you do make magic a usable finer, the unique fighting technique of elves that use magic and bows in a variety of ways should be of interest.

She's also an elf, but some would say she didn't have the opportunity to learn that kind of technology because of the orphans.

"I don't mind. At this point, it's the same as teaching one or two people."

"That's right. No problem, right?

Mr. Haumea says so with a lot of tea.

Thus, for a short period of time, we were to learn bows and magic from them.

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