I queued, but I could not enter the territory of the Union of Three Nations within that day, and that day I was to spend the night only receiving a reception note with a docket number on it.

Around the Rental Inn, adventurers are in the wild to save money staying at the Inn.

The merchant who can afford it, or a high-ranking adventurer like us, rents a room and stays.

As a result, the number of rooms was limited, but I managed to slip in.

"Nevertheless, only one room was rented, so the four of us are sleeping in miscellaneous fish,"

Cloud won't do anything weird.

"I won't!?

"Oh, I can't believe Michelle made a remark about alerting a man... you've grown up!

"There are quite a few people who want Nicole's things, and a lot of people ask me. That would be alarming, wouldn't it?

"Tell me their names. I'm going to assassinate you now."

"Here's the list, by the way"

From Michelle's bomb statement, Phinea's flowing support.

Looking at the notes given, there were some familiar names.

"Ah, Mark's name. And Tony."

"Because you're a regular. Don't let Nicole get too close to defenseless."

"Ooh... n, Lyell?

"I seem to have recently learned of the existence of that network of hands, and told me to inform them as a matter of priority once they are available"

Probably signed up undercover to protect my daughter. Must be, I'm sure.

Otherwise, Maria's cage magic should burst. There are many places where that belly-black Virgin is missing, so I can't deny the possibility that she has accidentally overlooked it... but it's hard for me to assassinate Lyell in the first place. His health is a real pain in the ass.

The sound of a knock sounded as we interrupted our conversation there.

The impetuous, somewhat modest sound creates a somewhat disturbing atmosphere.

"Um, guests... innkeeper..."

I jumped my gaze at my buddy and approached the door.

In these cases, I often hear stories of robbers who deceived the innkeepers. Already the time is late at dinner and many are leaving the room for the dining room.

In other words, this inn, where the accommodation rooms were gathered, was also temporarily in a state of dwindling people.

Under my guard, the cloud comes by me with a shield. This is in preparation for the raid. Michelle and Finia were also increasing their vigilance with their gains in their hands.

We, with so many women, have the sense that that's how easy it is to get targeted.

Slightly open the door, face out of the gap and peek outside. In case it was a robbery, the cloud would follow me, even if I got jumped by every door. And if you stop even for a moment, Michelle and Finia's relentless attacks will have flown.

But outside the door, one elderly woman and an elf man and woman. There was the Innkeeper and the facial adventurer I saw.

"I'm sorry, can't you get a room for me? This one, as you can see, means elf, so I mean its edge..."

"............... yeah, it's fine"

"Oh, uh, it's the elf guy I met before!

As Michelle cheered, the pair brought by the innkeeper do look familiar. I mean, for me, I was also a very well looked after person.

Haumea and Cole. Those two stood in front of me.

"Long time no see, Mr. Haumea"

"Oh, Michelle to Nicole. You remembered me! But you don't remember his name..."

"Eh heh, sorry"

Michelle scratching her head with a chillo tongue out. Sure, it's not much to do with the two of us, but I'm very much taken care of by her name.

Moreover, even in the case of King Elliot of the Union of the Three North, he was causing trouble. He was mistaken for me in disguise, I hope the suspicions cleared up then.

"Could it be since the Alliance's training ground?"

"Well, do you know the customers?

"Oh, a little before"

"Cole doesn't have enough words. I've seen him face to face in Raum's Adventurer's Guild several times."

"Well, if you're in the same room..."

"Fine. They can be trusted."

In fact, I only met her twice. But it also seems odd to suspect because you are so popular that you parked the carriage on purpose to help a passing child.

Besides, it could have been Heavenly Blessings to see her here in a way.

"Go ahead. Exactly six, maybe a little narrow,"

"No problem at all. It's a lot easier than Nojuku."

"Thank you"

The two of us who invited you in, bow your heads and thank you. Six people won't have a problem with the size of the room. And then there's the number of sleepers.

"Well, the cloud is on the floor."


"No, I'm sorry. We came later."

"But the cloud. Are you gonna let a woman sleep on the floor?

"Ugh, that's..."

"Nicole, really, really, I'm fine with the floor -"

And well, I made fun of the cloud alone, clapping my shoulders and expressing a joke.

In this indoor situation, the presence or absence of a bedroom is irrelevant. All you have to do is use ropes and blankets to make even hammocks.

"I don't know. I'm gonna make a simple bunk, so help me out, too."

"A simple bedroom?

"So. if you rope from there on the wall to there, spread between them with some kind of stick, and in the meantime even put them in a sleeping bag, you can do it"

Fittings for hanging lamps are provided on all sides of the room. This is reinforced by the magic of interferometric magic stubbornness (toughness), as the hardware will break or break if you put it on the bed just like that.

If you pour in a lot of magic and extend the effect time, you'll manage to hold it until morning.

"Of course, sleeping is light weight...... that, me?

The lightest of the six seems to be me, no matter how I look at it. Finia at the next point?

No matter what Michelle thinks, her chest is neck.

I never thought I'd be kicked out of bed by suggesting it myself.

"Let's go. Me and Finia seem light, so we're the hammocks."


"More than that, I need to talk to you for a second..."

You can't waste a good opportunity meeting them here.

I had something better in mind than before. Let's just say we move that to execution.

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