The church, which was brought to the Pope, was located close to the main street of District VII.

However, the surrounding road feels a little dirty because it does not face the surface street directly.

They have a square in front of the church like a spacious garden, where they do cookouts and such.

"Half demons often come to cook."

"Heh, yeah. But the Pope himself makes it, after all, weird."

"I used to say the same thing to Maria. It feels weird to be able to feel Maria now."

Pope who laughs and answers in a flamboyant manner. Apparently she snuck out of the book temple to help cook it out here.

"Maria herself, at the time, was rumored to be the next pope, but she took the lead in this kind of work."

"They also plugged it into orphanage children in the village."

"I'm relieved you haven't changed. Uh, your name, I hadn't heard it yet?

"Oh, it's Nicole."

"Yes, I'm Ashera. Nice to meet you."

He keeps grinning and offers me his right hand.

The hand was surprisingly scratchy and traces of labor could be seen. Apparently, he does this a lot.

Handshakes are exchanged and their hands are pulled intact, leading them to one of the church rooms.

It appeared to be a holding room for preaching theories, and small chairs and tables, as well as water drainage, were also available.

"I don't have any tea treats, but be patient."

While it's good, I pour water into the cup from the water, and it's going to pour right in front of me.

It's like I'm just telling you to drink now. The intensity of this push was also somewhere similar to that of Maria.

"Yeah, well, I had to tell you about your eyes."

"Yeah, do you know anything about these eyes?

"I don't know the details. But I'm sure there's a strong power of charm."

I wondered a little bit about Ashela's words.

The God of Discipline certainly said it was a weak charm. It's a little different from what she says.

"Strong, is it? So much?"

"Yeah, when I was attacked, you yelled 'stop'. That's when the man stopped moving, right? That's because I've been taken into your power and restricted in my actions."

"I can't believe you're going to limit it."

"Even if I don't have it for you, I move on my own to fulfill your wishes. I'm not weak enough to make you do that."

So, is it the God of Discipline who is wrong? Well, that god wouldn't be surprised to inadvertently or poka or anything. It leaves a human odor in strange places.

More than that, I didn't know there was such a power in my eyes... Hastar. God should give me an eyelid to seal the power.

"Oh, speaking of which, you didn't thank me"

"Thank you, sir?

"Yes! That you protected my life and that you stopped the half demons from running wild. Because they're clean people, too."

"You recognize the half devil, don't you?

In this world tree religion, half demons are foreign objects of the world. It also seems odd that the supreme power of its world tree religion is this stance.

But she tipped her neck right at my words.

"It's not natural. There were even half demons among the six heroes who saved the world. There's no reason to discriminate."

"Mari...... did your mother used to too?

When she met me, Maria didn't go ruthless, but she had a rather cold gaze at me.

As for me, I was used to that gaze, so I ignored it at first... but Maria gradually softened her attitude to see if the response worked.

Because of that background, I was able to recognize myself as a World Tree Equal Semi-Demonic Xenophobic.

But it was surprising that Maria had such an acquaintance back then.

This makes me look as if Maria was a discriminating person.

"Well, I can't say I didn't have those temperaments. But that's the result of being flushed into her surrounding education. I can't help but think that she, who hasn't lived as long as I do, has been flushed by the thoughts around her. I'm ashamed that there are so many people in the Cardinals who have that idea..."


"They're still stronger now. It doesn't work. You're more surprised than that, aren't you? I can't believe that Maria's daughter took the initiative and stood up to protect the half demon."

"It was... uh... because there were half demons among the six heroes"

"Oh, Master Reid!

bread, and strikes his hand with a delightful grin.

Apparently in my previous life I even captivated Pope Ashera. Subtly high nose.

"I've been hearing from Maria. He said he had a really hectic kid."

"... oh no"

"I like my buddy, but he's so blunt that I don't even realize it, and then he wants to be cool, and he says he's got some dodgy kids to take care of all the time."

"Maria bastard......"

"I was pretty hot, but I didn't realize it, so could I have said something about 'I must be single for the rest of my life'?

"I'll definitely make you cry later"

What a leak to outsiders. No, it's not like there's anything you can't deny, but you still can't forgive me for making your people worse.

Even you in the first place, what's with the blackness? Isn't the Virgin a long way from home?

"But I was happy to have a brother in my hand. I've never seen Maria look that fun either"

"Well, I guess so."

"That's right. That's why I wanted to see him once while he was alive."

Then hiccup, Ashella dropping her gaze. As for her, it was for her sister. I guess there was something special about the presence Maria cared about.

That's all I thought about, and Fumi Maria's present floated behind my brain.

Certainly Cortina was writing a note to ask for help. If you were taking it, you'd be worried about me not being there.

"That's right. Well, if I stayed here too long, I'd be worried..."

"Oh, that's true. Because Maria is worried."

"Sorry, let me talk to you again if I can"

"Absolutely. You're always welcome."

"Oh, but I'm leaving this city in three days..."

"Well, that's dismissed."

"It's impotent!

Even if I know it's a joke, my spine freezes just because I have the power to do it.

But I just got to know her, and this commotion was worth it.

I'm sure she won't go as far as overshadowing the discrimination of the semidemons one day... but it eases them.

Because I was so sure.

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