Pope smiling at me, I don't care what that looks like. Only in the early teens...... no, I have the impression that my ears are slightly pointed.

"... half, elf?

"Yeah, you know me well."

Although elves are rare, they can mix people and blood raw. Its birth rate, compared to that between its peers, is so low that it is not comparable, but none.

And half-elf, there's only a mixture of elf blood, and it lives longer than man.

I guess that doesn't mean she's as old as she looks either.

"... the Virgin,"


That's when a faint voice arrived in my ear.

It's not from the man I became a horse rider. The voice was heard from within the crowd and spread as if it were a different wave.

"I stood up for the Pope and protected him!

"That blue and silver hair, what if it's Maria's daughter?

"What beautiful eyes, emitting a mysterious light as if sucked in..."

I didn't know where the praise would stop and it eventually turned into cheer.

They didn't even seem to know my name, but Maria's name is praised instead.

"It's the return of the Virgin!

"He's the patron saint under the throne!

"We've got a new hero!

Me that stands out in vain and quietly drips my neck off. Seeing me like that, the Pope was laughing with his hands in his mouth.

"Kampen me..."

"I can't help it. This is such a big standaround in the people's environment. And those eyes."


Pointed out by the Pope, I remembered the anomaly ahead. You obeyed my word honestly, this man's behavior.

It was like being instantly pulled out of my emotions and changing like a doll.

"I feel a power of a different quality than magic. I don't know the details."

"Uh, this is, uh..."

There is no way I can say 'I got it from the God of Discipline', a natural enemy, in front of the Pope of the World Tree.

That white god has an evil deed that snapped the world tree. If they knew where this eye came from, the eyes of the crowd looking at me would change from praise to hostility.

No, if it's hostile, it's your word. If you do poorly, forget my position, there can be assault and death.

"Right, it could be dangerous to keep standing here, and why don't we change the place? There's a church nearby."

"I appreciate that, but I hope you don't come out in public in the first place"

"So was that. I'm sorry."

Pope laughing and flushing my stupidity.

This spare attitude leads somewhere to Maria.

"The church was cooking for the poor, and I was helping with that, too."

"The Pope himself? I could cook."

"Oh, I studied as part of my dowry training."

"His Holiness is dowry...?

"Isn't that rude? That kind of mouthless thing looks just like Maria."

Now show him a slightly dissatisfied face. Whatever that face looks like, it belongs to a pre-adult child.

If I could see a face like this without knowing who it is, I would definitely mistake it for a child. The woman who makes it is reminded that she is scared.

"Apparently, the Knights have rushed, and you should all disperse, right?

"Ha, as you wish!

To the Pope's word, I turn my gaze toward the neighboring Eighth District.

From there I saw a group of horseback riders rushing forward in momentum.

I don't see Cortina, but I guess she's been a good guide to the Knights.

"Let's go, Maria's daughter. When I'm known to have stuck my neck in a commotion, the Cardinal will preach to you."

"You came out conscious"

"'Cause if you'd let it go, you'd have been in big trouble, wouldn't you? Besides, come down from above you, too. It's too early for that."

That's when you pull my arm and force me down from above the man.

Leaving this man alone is dangerous, but he was already unconscious, and the crowd was regaining their sanity.

Over this period, I don't think I can get him on this guy's fan. Plus, the Knights have come, so their stature will be secured soon.

I flew a quick warning to a half demon man who was nearby.

"The people of the semidemons will walk away from here immediately."

"Oh, no, but..."

"If you stay here, you can't complain about being jailed for the same crime as this guy, can you? If you do it badly, there could be more torture than that."

"Wow, okay."

Representative, I don't know that, but when one man answered and walked away, the half demons also looked at each other badly and walked away in three ways.

Now there will be no more riots.

"You too, disperse already. And there was no riot here. All right?

"Below, that's BUT -!"

"You're saying on this occasion that I didn't?


The Pope appears in a place of disturbance and declares that there is nothing. That is tantamount to a declaration by someone in the highest position of religion not to make it a problem.

I don't know who this man in the crowd is, but I still don't think he's in a position to give his opinion back to the Pope's words.

I was originally just at the head of the line to argue, and I seem to have a strong aversion to the semidemons, but still didn't seem enough to push off the Pope's words to disagree.

If I do poorly, there may be breaking doors. We could not eliminate the half demon at that risk.

"Okay. But at least give me your protection."

"Fine. I don't even think she's more qualified than Maria's daughter. You should explain the situation to the Knights - I (...) did (...) to (...)"

"As you wish,"

The pope stabbed him with a nail, and the man knelt (kneeling) on the spot. Everything in the crowd knelt on the spot to follow it.

No, I suppose I would have had to take this attitude shortly after the Pope showed up on this occasion. But to the point of not thinking about it, the situation was so confusing.

And neither was the Pope narrow enough to reprimand it.

Leaving a grin on the crowd's knees, the Pope followed the scene.

Of course, keep my arm firmly secured.

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