Sad enough, or the girl's injuries weren't that great.

But he beat a young body to death by a large adult, and I don't know what the sequelae will be.

I approach her and apply healing magic.

"One of the Red Dan, One of the Blues, One of the Mountain Blows, Rest in the Wounded Brave - Healing Sleep (Comfort)"

This magic is the highest healing magic in interferometric magic. There are only two kinds of things, so there's no top position or shit.

There is a difficulty in exercising resilience beyond recovery (heel), but at the same time falling asleep.

In combat, it's not very user-friendly magic.

But in these non-combat times, it is also quite useful magic.

The girl found out I had used magic and had stiffened her body at first, but soon fell asleep.

There will be nothing to worry about, as all the conspicuous wounds have also disappeared.

That's why I can't imitate leaving it on this occasion. If you do that, you could be abused by another ordinary person again.

"Well, I just want to leave it with someone..."

Even if it's surrounded by the crowd, it's protected.

But such a convenient existence...

"Oh, there you are. Speaking of which."

This is the West End. It'll take a while to get to the inn, but not so far away if it's somewhere else.

For example, that white god's tool shop.

"Is it white, or that boy you named Mr. Barr would be fine"

On the contrary, you might carry me to the southwest 7th arrondissement.

Besides, her likelihood could have been imminent in the cloud.

Most importantly, the cloud itself is no longer very skilled, and Michelle has it.

Unless there's more to it, there shouldn't be any danger.

Anyway, we have to protect this girl.

When I whined, I took charge of the girl and ran straight through the alley like a wind.

Running for a while, the characteristic silhouette comes into my eyes like it was crushed by the roots of a half-tree.

There was a bill saying it was closed, but I kicked it in the door without a scrutiny.


But the shock that came back on my leg was sturdiness that far exceeded my expectations.

I squeeze in unintentionally to the shock as if I had put a sledge in the iron.

I wanted to stay in but I can't stay very long with the girl in my arms. Because if you can look at ordinary people who have increased their willingness to kill, there will be further trouble winding up.

While holding his leg, he took out the unlocking tool and tried to remove the key.

I carry these tools with me because I also serve as a reprimand in this world.

But before unlocking, the door was opened from within.

"There you are. But you're not open yet, are you?

It was the boy who named himself Mr. Barr who spoke with a floating mouth.

I make sure I don't have people's eyes around me, and then I hold the girl's horn back in a way that Mr. Barr can see.

"Half Demon, I guess"

"Have you heard about the riots?

"Oh, I haven't asked anyone, but I know."

I didn't know you knew it even though you hadn't listened... but that white god acquaintance would be anything.

I tried to convince myself, so forcibly, to talk about the situation.

"This child..."

"Is that where you got into extra trouble because you're a half demon? You can't keep it forever, but you can hide it in the store as long as it's enough to stop the commotion."

"... that's quick and helpful."

But Mr. Barr understands it before I speak, and he returns his intentions of understanding ahead of time.

It helps to talk fast even over here, but that doesn't make me good at it and makes me sick.

But now we're in a state of contention for a moment. We should not have meaningless arguments here.

I'll ask if I can finally make the move to District Seven. So much so that it could be transferred into the labyrinth, it should be practically possible.

Mr. Barr understood and showed it all the time.

"Well, I don't mind, that's about it"

"It really helps. I'll return this thank you someday. Including the previous one."

"I'm a little excited about a girl's thank you"

"It doesn't mean anything weird!

"'I'll do anything!' Or something like that?

"I mean!?

Ignore my screams, Mr. Barr, and gently ring your fingers. Shortly after that, the girl's appearance scratched out.

"Oh, hey..."

"It's okay. I just moved it to the basement of this store. It's a locked room, so I can't get out of it or out of it."


My voice of anxiety doesn't make sense either. I also agree that you can't get out of there. I can shove one kid into a place like that, and I wonder if he's okay.

"The basement is private. I don't have a bath, but I have a faucet and a bathroom, so I'm sure you won't have any problems."

"How about a meal?

"This house stands half buried in a world tree. The faucet is taken directly from the roots of the world tree. What comes out of it is the sap of the world tree. If you're hungry, you can do whatever you want."

Running off the tong demonai, but now I'll flush it down.

Anyway, I want to make sure the clouds are cheap first.

"Is there a white one?

"My husband and I headed somewhere else now. You think you're going to consolidate the seal on the southern pulse?"

"South...... AS, no. Was that where Hastar lived"

"Was it like that? Because I'm better at magic, Yuri."

Yuri, the God of Discipline, is also the ancestor of the Zhongxing of the Demonic Props, while at the same time magically making a name for himself.

Seeing where we sealed Deng's residence in the west, it may have taken some work to accommodate Hastar's residence in the vein as well.

"Then could you fly me to the cloud?

"Hmm... Cloud, is that you? I'm sorry, but I don't know her face. So I can't send you."

"Damn, well, there it is."

Exactly, isn't everything possible?

Well, his arm wouldn't even be in case. Then you should make sure it's safe from another side.

"Then can you fly me to 7th arrondissement?

"In the Seventh Ward? Are you gonna stop the riot for a second?

"Is that bad?

"Um, I'm not saying you can't... but aren't you alone with a heavy load?

"Still, if we don't stop the riots, the innocent will be hurt. You can't overlook that, and most importantly, Cortina's on her way. Don't worry, you won't be able to."

Of course there must be ordinary people who are damaged by the riots, and half demons who are just being put on the riots.

Kufal's voice in the cloud was probably a mustering of power for it.

The fact that you hurt me at the end of the line brings me to the possibility that the Lyells might be coming to this city and imposing it on a handful of people.

When that happens, all the half demons just put in the mouth truck are killed by ordinary people and the Knights.

I want to avoid that if possible.

You guessed my thoughts, Mr. Barr nodded small.

"Ma, that's good. I'll give you a hand."

That makes my fingers ring again.

That alone suddenly brightened my vision and realized I had moved outdoors.

The transfer location is on the roof of a private house.

And under his eyes, the half demons were arguing with ordinary people.

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