We were taken to Cortina and headed for the seventh arrondissement of the southwestern block. It's a dangerous place, but it's due to Cortina's opinion that you're afraid to take your eyes off me.

In fact, this judgment would also be unavoidable, beyond the suspicion of Kufal's insinuation.

As far as I'm concerned, I can see the stigma of defeat as an opportunity to snow.

Seeing the sky, several adventurers use the magic of flying (flight) to jump over the roots that are separating the compartments.

An adventurer who moves individually can do this, but a knighthood who moves in a group doesn't have enough operators. If footwork is a light adventurer, then it's a means.

"It's a unique weakness in organizations with large figures. I can't get around small."

Cortina, who saw the sky just like me, stops on her feet as she pounds her tongue.

At the end of the gaze I lowered to the ground again, I saw the Knights treading at the gate through the compartment.

It will be those who managed to creep through the gates separating the compartments that will allow several citizens to flee.

"Not good."

"Yeah, right."

"What do you mean?

We perceived the danger of this situation and Marks we don't understand.

As Cortina says, this situation is not very fragrant.

The half demons are rioting and the Knights are being sent to suppress it. But beyond that, there were fleeing citizens, and the Knights were unable to move.

In other words, it is a structure in which the citizens and the Knights are in conflict.

It seemed only a matter of time before, in order to carry out his mandate, he began to devote his citizens to his means.

In that case, moreover, the uprising spreads without bounds. As a result, numerous victims will be born.

"Nicole, you can't use the magic of flying, can you?

"Yeah, I'm incompatible because I'm a manipulative system. Finia can use it."

The magic of flying (flight) belongs about between the middle and the top of the manipulative magic system.

I can't use it for a one-piece specialty, but if you're an all-rounder finier, it's a magic of critical difficulty.

But she's not here. And neither was Cortina, fixing that level of magic.

"Once in the inn... no, that's hard too"

Confusion is already spreading to District IX, this western section.

Going back here once also risked getting caught up in panic if I did poorly.

"If Maria were here, I could put that mess away. Fine, I'll try. You go back to the inn and bring Finia or Maria."

"Roger that!

In this city of Berito, the charisma of Maria can be said to be absolute.

If she had been here, she would have taken control of the citizens, on behalf of the missing Pope.

I can send in a few fighters, but I'd appreciate it if you had some finers who could use the Flight.

"Oh, wait!

Cortina took control of the markings she tried to run out of, and removed the folded paper from the porch and the pen.

Write something on the paper and punch it, fold it again and give it to the Marks.

"If Lyell and Cloud are in the inn, give me that note. If you weren't there, dispose of it. Absolutely?"

"Huh? Yes, I get it"

I couldn't read the intent and tilted my neck, but if it came to Cortina, the Marks couldn't refuse.

Having heard his reply, Cortina jumped into a vortex of confusion in an attempt to take command on behalf of the commanders of the Knights.

She's not as famous as Maria either, but she's quite well known. But in this city, which is also a religious state, its prestige will not be as effective as other cities.

Probably should be pretty clumsy. Maybe it was an instruction in anticipation of that.

"See you, Mark, John, and Tony. I'm going back to the inn!


With Cortina jumping in, the knights, who are military, will at least regain control.

Even in this less influential city, a six-hero girlfriend should have that much power.

But in terms of the citizens flowing in, their influence is not extended. And unless the citizens stop, the Knights stay away from the riot area.

Her actions can only serve to the extent of curbing the spread of the uprising.

We need a pope or a Marian presence with more than equivalent charisma to stop it.

"I don't know if Maria's in the inn... hmm?

So I stopped.

As soon as possible, I know you need to bring Maria. Because the sight that still had to be stopped came into my eyes.

I had just entered a narrow alley and had a small crowd.

From the gap at its feet, I caught a glimpse of the little girl for a moment. And the leg was swinging down against her in prosperity.


Was the scream interrupted on the way because of a kick in the belly? Either way, you can't overlook what you've seen.

Even if more people die here from my wasted time, I couldn't abandon the current girl. For a long time, that's the way it's been.

"All three, I'm sorry, but go ahead and get Maria."

"What about Nicole?

"I'm going to help her!

I didn't wait for the three of you to reply, and I was rushing out.

I fully understand that, thanks to this short-circuited thought, I have fallen into various predicaments or made myself notorious.

Still, if I overlook this, I feel like I can't be me.

"Wait, you guys!


The men who were surrounding the girl look back at my voice, which suddenly interrupted me. Thanks to that, I was able to see her.

A girl about ten years old, wearing worn out clothes. A small horn on that forehead. Definitely, half demon.

The outfits of the men who were surrounding them are not so disturbing. Perhaps usually, I encourage you to work diligently.

The people who heard this riot was the work of the semidemons turned their anger on the innocent semidemons who were nearby? In these confusions, I wonder if it's sad, it's a common sight.

"What are you doing to that kid? From what I've seen, I'm not a young child yet."

"But he's a half demon! Even that disturbance in the south is caused by a half demon. There's no guarantee this guy's not one of us."

"Even my people won't have a guarantee. Besides... I'm not a kid yet"

I'll take my left foot a step forward.

That should put the katana on their hips in their eyes.

Being ordinary citizens, they are not armed. No, I didn't do it at all, I had daily necessities in my hand: noodle sticks, mops, etc.

But that's not the same intimidation as Katana, who was forged to kill.

Hiraki, and when their gaze concentrated on my hips, they put their hands on the sheath and cut the carp with their thumbs.

It was understandable that the barometric pressure and a step back put a peek into their sight from a slight gap.

"But hey..."

"But what?


Now gently place your right arm on the pattern and slowly grip it in. So I was in a good position to pull out whenever I wanted.

That should have been passed on to the men who are under pressure from me. Because the left foot is the most forward, it is not suitable for punching out.

Of course, I'm aware of that, but I'm not thinking about imitating the average citizen pulling out Katana.

"Damn, if there's a riot in this West End, it's your fault!

"Hey, wait for me!?

I couldn't stand the urgency and one man threw up like that and tried to walk away from the spot.

When he saw it, the other men fled the scene simultaneously.

I made sure they walked away before breaking the tension and rushing over to the girl.

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