I was bored, but we were finally able to get into Verito.

The sun is already setting and we have to take the inn early.

So my client, Mr. Temul, speaks up.

"Good luck. I plan to stay at the Gateway Inn there. The stay lasts five days. Then you'll go back to Strahl. Meet me back here in five days."

"Okay. Are there any restrictions on your actions in the meantime, etc?

"What is the restriction of action?

"I mean, can I get a short-term request?"

If you're staying five days, you might get a job.

So I'll make sure that's all.

"Right. We don't want to tie you up so much, so please be free to meet the deadline."

"Yes, thank you"

Once the round-trip is our escort period, it was gratifying to be able to do this kind of period in between.

Thereupon Mr. Temru prayed and turned to the inn in front of the gate.

Mark and the others followed Mr. Temru after they put their hands up to us.

This is just heading in the same direction because they can't afford much money, so they stay in a cheap Gateway Inn.

"Now, what shall we do?

I try to raise my voice and look back at my people.

There was Michelle, who didn't try to hide her grump with her mouth pointy, and Finia, who rarely floated blue on her temples.

Finia didn't do anything to pinch her mouth either, but that gatekeeper seemed pretty uncomfortable.

And there were also clouds shaking themselves with their fists firmly gripped.

He was recognized as an adventurer in Raum.

Even Strahl, he wasn't so alienated.

But not here. No, Raum and Strahl were just unusual.

This world is tough on half demons.

"Huh. It's the only way."

Take Cloud's arm across the body and invite him to the street, standing on the spot without words.

We plan to make our stay a little expensive.

This is because the cloud is a half demon, so you are likely to get into extra trouble in Affordable Accommodation.

"Hey, what the fuck! Don't stick around, he says it's a hit!

Take your arms across your body, or you can say the situation is holding you in your arms.

My chest, of course, hits the elbow of the cloud. All this time, this is what I did intentionally.

"Sometimes it's fine, I'll serve you"

"Not good!

"You put up well."

I'll gently stroke the cloud with my arms pulled by me and my head down.

On that occasion, I even assumed that the cloud would storm out and seize the scene.

But this one endured to the end. That should be praiseworthy.

Cloud stopped rambling there and was shaking without saying anything.

"I'm not saying you can cry."

".................. ooh"

Michelle has also embraced the cloud that just shudders her body in silence.

"Nicole's the only one left."

"I didn't think Michelle would be so angry."

"Because it's terrible, that guy!

Michelle swells her cheeks up, but I've never seen her so angry.

That cold kill is so cold that even I have a cold spine. She will also need advice in the future.

More than that, I was feeling a chest unequal in Michelle's valley pinching her tall cloud arm.

Wouldn't have increased again, would it? When that happens, Hastar, we need to call God again and have him sized.

Her chest armor is specially made from the skin of the Devil's Dragon Fabniel, which makes it impossible for her to put it out there to adjust to the blacksmith.

It's, well, for her safety, so I just have to meditate on my eyes.

Cloud, with his arms held by me and Michelle, was rigid without words.

Its purity reminds me of my childhood and looks a little cute.

A city man crossing the street was flying a rare and chilling gaze at a semidemonic boy who had two beautiful girls in his hands.

Me and Michelle both have a noticeable look, and the cloud is half demonic, so it's extra noticeable.

I was just about to cut your reward here, and something pompous fell to the ground.

"Hmm, I've... stopped crying - is that it?

At first, I couldn't see the cloud and wept, wondering if it had fallen to the ground.

But the droplets that fell to the ground were red. Besides, the droplets were running out of my nose.

"Wow, cloud, nosebleed!?

"And I have to!

"Don't shake your face, your nosebleeds will splash!

Let go of your hands from the bah and cloud and take the distance. Looking at the other side, Michelle had already jumped away and hidden behind Finia.

All right, quick.

"Nicole, please."

"Shit. What's so sad you have to heal the bastard's nosebleed?"

Though I am cut off, it is an unprecedented and pitiful use of healing magic used to heal the nosebleeds of an excited man.

Finia was also laughing at him when he was making a scene by circling around the axis with Caicay and Finia.

Apparently, the cloud has a funny physique at its roots.

"Look, if you don't get there soon, the inn will close. Have you decided where to stay?

"Yeah, I asked Cortina and Mr. Temul. He said he'd stay there without discriminating."

"Something's wrong. Because of me."

"I'm rather here to experience this, I don't care"

"Nicole was well tolerated, wasn't she? I couldn't bear to know."

"Rather, I've never seen Michelle so angry. I was so scared. I need to make sure you don't piss me off next time."

"Uh, it's terrible!

Michelle, who is still childish in her tricks. By making fun of it, the air was changing.

Look at that, Cortina hits the bread and hands, making him switch his actions.

"Look, I'll be there soon. We might run out of rice as well as a room."

"What, no!

Michelle changed her blood phase to Cortina's words.

She's still better off looking like this changing her corny look to one piece of rice than angry.

Making, that's what I thought.

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