We finally arrived in Berito, the capital, after repelling the raid of the Hidden Wolf.

The time was right around the time of the evening, and there was a fairly long queue to enter the city before closing at night.

Since the city is also the main mountain of the world tree religion, there is an influx of pilgrims and adventurers, and the entry and exit of people cannot be compared to Raum.

And the gatekeeper, too, was laid down with a rather rigorous examination because of the need to identify such travellers.

The queue proceeded like a turtle's walk, and when the sun was set, our turn finally turned.

Mr. Thamul will present the Merchant Guild ID and testify that we are escorts.

But that's not all we can trust, so we at the escort were supposed to present an adventurer's badge.

Me and Michelle, Finia presented it, and it was the cloud's turn and the gatekeeper was blatantly frowning.

"Well, the race..."

"What's wrong?

"You, take a little of that hood."

Quick to say, the gatekeeper didn't wait for the cloud to voluntarily take the hood, and stripped it off like it should.

The act is littered with disgust for a species called the Semi-Demon.

World treeism worships the world tree as your divine body, with the doctrine that the soul is purified, reborn, and rotates the world by the world tree.

Of course there are many others, but this area is the most famous.

And the semidemons are considered to be those whose souls have flown in from outside the circle of the world tree making, and who have been born with impurities.

So in the world tree religion, the semidemons were the object of disgust.

It is also the main mountain of such a religion, so he instructed the cloud to hide the horns of his forehead by wearing a hood before approaching this city.

But the Adventurer's ID clearly specifies the race. That's why the gatekeeper seems to have noticed the cloud race.

"Shit, it's a mix"


Look at the corner of the cloud, the gatekeeper poisoning you to throw up. I can see in those eyes even a willingness to kill at the same time as disgust.

He seems so devout. Maria is also quite an object in terms of piety, but in her case she knew the existence of me, so the disgust around there had been considerably alleviated.

But this gatekeeper isn't, and the cloud has never had this kind of experience.

Even now, a cloud that forgets me and leaks its voice into suddenly slapped malice. I gently put my hand on that arm and brought him back to sanity.

"You allow even a mixture like you to exist, so the pope of our time is generous too"


Cloud is holding his fist and enduring a gatekeeper who doesn't try to hide his disgust.

I was barely able to bear it just because I had told him that there were areas like that in advance.

Perhaps if I had been exposed to this malice without previous information, I would have stuffed one.

Knowing this malice. That was also the challenge for the cloud of this expedition.

It was only because he knew it that he was bearable.

But some people can't stand it. It's Michelle, who already presented her ID.

From time to time she stared at the gatekeeper with an incredibly ruthless, as if even a bug could see it, and without changing its expression, reached for the big silver bow on her back.

"Stop, stop! Michelle, what are you trying to do!?

"Yeah, I'm just gonna shoot you, right? 'Cause it's not lame."

"Fine, stay here. If we get our hands on it here, we'll be better placed to nominate."

"Why? It's not that guy who's bad"

"Yes, but because it's this city that isn't! Just get over here, please!

I can't help but think of her as a cold-blooded killer.

If this were their enemy, I would be able to relay it gently, but when it was the acquaintance's, it was also naive of her to kill, it was very different.

And the gatekeeper who notices I moved from by the cloud to Michelle peeps at this one with a strange look on his face.

"What's going on, what's going on?

"No, anything!

"Then keep it adult. Damn, a woman who's an adventurer is calm enough."

Exactly, I'm getting cocky on this grass, but there's no ex-girlfriend or kid in the rampage here.

I also have a grumpy, convulsing loving laugh, but Michelle's resistance to contain was getting stronger by a step.

I'm pretty sure she'll burst out like this.

Besides, our stuffing delayed the examination, and I could feel the signs of the people lining up behind me standing up step by step.

There is also a sense of impatience due to the fact that the door is close in time.

"Hey, aren't the checks over yet? I can't wait any longer."

Words were thrown in there that did not read the air.

Surprisingly, this was emanating from Cortina.

She lets her purple edged adventurer's badge shake like a flicker at this sight.

The purple rim is a testament to the highest ranking adventurer. Seventh floor evidence. There are currently only five people with this card proving the hero class. Needless to say, just my people.

The gatekeeper, too, apparently noticed the color, making his face pale.

"That card, no way..."

"Yeah, and you know who I am with these ears, right? Hey, after finding out about that, are you still going to make a point?

"No, that's... work for once..."

"Right. That's why I asked you to check it out, and this is how you hold it and wait. So why don't you hurry up?


The gatekeeper, rigid in Cortina's words, receives the card from her and confirms it with a grumpy trick.

"Ha, I did check. If you are one of Master Cortina's people, there is no problem. Welcome to Verito."

"Yes, thank you"

Apparently, Cortina revealed herself, and things have subsided. I appreciate her identity at times like this.

So Cortina approached the step-by-step gatekeeper and spoke in a whisper.

"Yes, yes. So is Maria, but the Pope here is also a tolerant nature to the semidemons, isn't he?

"Yes, that's what I'm asking!

"And yet you're not."

"No, no, that's not..."

"Hehe, I'm kidding. But just as far as I can get it done with a joke, right? Otherwise, you're gonna lose a lot of things, aren't you? Work, life."

"Yes, no!

I won't forget to stab the nail firmly. But the voice had not reached all around.

Barely sounded like me by my side. Without roughing up the place, then I won't forget the warning.

That's why I double-checked that she was a good woman.

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