That day, for the first time in my life, I was to gain the presence of a loved one.

What it may seem like in the morning, but it was not possible to hold back the emotions that gushed at the same time that it was able to return to its original appearance.

But Cortina is not the only person I have to follow. There's another one. I also understood that Cortina.

She was the one who cut it out first.

"With that said, have you seen Finia yet?


While sleeping in bed, Cortina mentions another being.

She, who sees my death directly and feels responsible for it, must follow along as well as Cortina.

Cortina doesn't want to keep her gaze on this one while she leans down for some reason.

I gently stroked her head in such an attitude and soaked it in the aftertaste of earlier.

"I do have to see her, too, but... after what happened with you, I don't know."

"I have to see you, don't I? Even though she got a lot better, she still feels strangely responsible. It's because of Nicole's excessive loyalty."

"Is that what this is about?

"Besides, if it's her opponent, I'll forgive you some cheating, too"

"Uh, cheating and all that, why don't you leave it alone?

"Hey, that's a lot of words."

Cortina finally looks up at my light mouth and throws a pillow at me. What a waste of sweet air.

Thanks to you, my tension was quite relieved.

That's not why you can forget the time limit. There's only a few hours left for me. What she says makes sense, too.

"Well, I got your permission, so I don't have to shy away."

"I'm telling you, it's just Finia!

"Copy, copy."

"You don't seem to realize, but there are quite a few girls after you."

"I've noticed that lately too"

The atmosphere is unfortunate, but sometimes things are Finia, and she must be patient too.

I guess that's why she cares about Finia, too.

I get geared up even though I feel her thoughts like that.

I weave my coat and where I took my armor, I raise my voice of surprise as if Cortina had noticed something.

"That, that armor... Was it designed like that?


As I related to Cortina, I was out of gear.

Because they put up a supply of magic, hallucinogenic magic had been unraveled and the original design had swept away.

Hide the armor on your back.

"Ki, I'm sure it's the addition and subtraction of light. Yeah."

"I don't know... so it's two months from now?

"Oh, if you try, you can still go in a month, but that's a little tight."

"I wish you were safe and well. But do you want a letter or something?

"I'm insensitive... let's do it as good as we can"

"You're the one who never betrayed my expectations by saying that."

"No, because this is really hard"

Lettering is also a troublesome problem for me.

Cortina has been in charge ever since I joined the School of Magic.

I mean, you can say you know all about my letters.

Because of the fact that the hand size is different from the previous life, the handwriting has become very different, so I have never been able to find out, but when it comes to the letter, I will now be asked for the handwriting of Reid's time.

It doesn't necessarily mean I don't get bored here.

"Well, I don't have time right now, and I'm gonna go to Finia's."

"I'm gonna be nice to you, heck"

"What the heck!?

That's probably what sent me out because I was worried about not wasting my nerves on me.

I headed to Maxwell's mansion and waited for Finia to come out.

Maxwell knows I'm on my way to Cortina's house, so she should be eating a stall in this mansion.

Where I came from by the mansion, the magic of distant tales (telepaths) flew from Maxwell.

This magic is a magic that allows words to fly and converse to certain beings who are at a distance.

The communication magic of the Adventurer Alliance also seems to be the development of this magic.

"Are you finally here? Did it work?

"Maxwell, you're reacting very quickly."

I used Life Detection. I've made sure to notice if there's any nearby presence. '

"What about Finia?

"Finished cleaning up, and now I'm off."

"It's superimposed. I was hoping to say a few greetings.

"It's my job to hold back. After that, do as the Lord pleases. '

That's what Maxwell said, I guess Finia will be out in a while.

It might be easier for me to talk to you for not having anything out of the way than to meet you at the mansion.

I decided so and waited outside. Often, Finia opened the front door and came out with her peppered head down.

Probably getting paid by Maxwell to be afraid.

Finia slipped a rewarded cloth bag into a shoulder bag and came out lightly with a rare floating look.

The bag was heavily swollen to see. Try making it a luxury girlfriend, it'll weigh quite a bit.

I erase the signs and sneak up behind Finia, calling out to surprise her.

"Sounds heavy baggage, ma'am. If you don't mind, may I have it?


Leaking the missing voice between them, he looks back in a hurry.

And he admitted what I looked like and opened his eyes wide open. The reaction around here is the same as Cortina's.

He's disturbed, and he shows a respectful eulogy. This is what I learned at the School of Magic.

Courtesy classes are also incorporated into the curriculum only in colleges attended by many aristocrats.

"Oh no... Laid, dear?

"Long time no see. You've grown up, you've missed it."

I'll gently stroke the stiff Finia's head.

Roughly twenty years later, I stood in front of her as Reid.

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