I came to Cortina's house ahead of me by Maxwell's hand.

From what I've seen, the door wasn't open, so it looks like it succeeded the way ahead.

This time, as you can see at a glance with me, you look like a coat on a black knob. He wears a hand armor on his arm, but this disguises a previous life object with a ring, not an Ast design.

You won't have to worry about being spotted because the original is my physique, only the design of the armor is deceptive.

I was a little upset at the front door.

In terms of surprise, should I dive into the house?

Twisting his neck in front of the door with that in mind, he heard something fall behind him with a cutlet.

Looking back, Cortina was standing there looking at this one.

This is the first time I've seen you again with this figure, so I'm worried about the words I put on you, too.

"Ah, erm... hey, hey"

"... Reid?

A plundering Cortina voice. Tears spill from its eyes.

"Well, I kept you waiting a long time, but I managed to come back."


I don't have a word to come home. I guess you still suspect I'm real.

This place just has to come up with a topic that only works between us to prove it to me.

"Uh, yeah. We met in the park last time, right? I couldn't even talk to you then, but there were circumstances..."



You finally convinced me that Cortina leaks a potpourri (...).

But it is not the Word that makes sense.

Eventually, he looks up crumbling to Kushakusha and stares at him with his usual kicking look. That gaze is unmistakable in Cortina's things that I know well.

No, why should I be stared at with such tight eyes...

"Uh, no. I was late because of circumstances. Look, I'm reborn, a lot of things?


"Well, I'm glad you're sad until you cry."


"Yeah...... Cortina?

When I saw her lowering her attitude, I imagined her beating me up.

But I was ready to take that fist spoiled.

That's all I've done, because I'm aware of it.

"Um, I'm really sorry. I wanted to come see you soon too..."


Cortina thrusts at me with a scream. Lower your posture and show off your disease when you are a beast.

Imagine a fist rolling out of it, I meditated my eyes and ate my teeth.

I imagined the shock hitting my face, but the damage hit my belly.

Cortina walked straight into my belly without waving her fist up.


I'm never tall, but Cortina is even smaller in circles.

That she lowered her posture and stuck it in, so I can't help it if its head goes down to my belly, not my chest.

But Cortina, who is small enough to be physically capable, has charged me with a light weight, so I couldn't possibly have been able to support her.

Pushed by momentum, I'm blown back.

Standing at the front door, I looked back behind me, i.e. - it was a tightly locked, sturdy door.

Goddamn sharp noises echo in the back of my head.

The shock was that the body of this world, accustomed to passing out, let go of consciousness.

The next time I woke up, I was on Cortina's bed.

Apparently, she brought me into the house and cared for me when I lost my mind.

"This place..."

"Oh, woke up?

"Oh, that was a rough welcome"

"Ugh, shut up! That's a little... distracted!

"Oh yeah?

The tone is rough, but still cares about me and pours water into the cup to offer.

I drank it down in one breath.

"So? Where has Reid been?

"I thought you knew that too."

"Oh, I knew you were a woman named Haumea."

"Oh, it's not a fake name."

"Fake name?"

"It's the name of an adventurer I used to take care of. I'm sorry."

I was taken care of once when I headed to the elf settlement. I'm not throwing up.

"With that said, I've seen it before, too. Elf woman person. You've had quite a bit of experience."

"Really? Speaking of which, she was based around here, too. Wouldn't it be strange if you'd met him before?"

It's not weird or anything, because you met him with me, and I think he's trying to figure it out.

But I'm pretty sure you got empathy for what I said by giving out the names of real people.

"Damn, that guy..."

"Of course, they may not know about me. It's been a while since I was reincarnated."

I'm not lying about this either because I haven't made it clear how long it has been for a while.

"Maxwell told me you were pretty close this time. I'm just here to see you because I can't."

"How could you not come to see me right away?

"That's... a lot"

"You were embarrassed because you reincarnated into a woman anyway, weren't you?

"There's, well, there's that too"

So she puts her finger slightly on the tip of her jaw. Her unique, contemplative trick.

"Tell me for yourself what... is that really all? Besides, why haven't you been able to come see me before and what I look like?

"Uh, I guess. I asked a familiar magician to do the art of change."

"Didn't you get to hang that on someone else?

"Yeah, they designed it pretty unscrupulous, and the effect time is half the basics, and the pain during the change was out of digits, though. I never thought I'd pass out."

"Not so..."

I dare to answer only one question. However, the amount of that information was shared more often.

I just can't name Ast, but even a biased answer would make it possible to deceive him if he had a lot of information... I was hearing something about it from Maxwell.

And as a means of avoiding any further pursuits...

"Than that... it's been a long time since I've seen you. Don't you want to talk about what you can only do now?

Pretty sloppy means, I suppose. But I don't have much time, so I was in a hurry.

And Cortina also hasn't returned a word of refusal.

I stood up for it and approached Cortina.

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