From what I've heard from men, apparently, there are dissidents with semidemons as their main axis.

They differ from every nation that exists, and in the name of improving their own conditions, which are discriminated against in this world, they are in turn a party that is trying to suppress other races.

Regardless, there are only a handful of people who are in tune with such a philosophy, but they are trying to compensate for their power by summoning a different god… i.e. a demon god, in order to compensate for that number of disadvantages.

It's an annoying and extreme story, but when that prospect succeeds - no, every time I try to do that summons, when the harm of sacrifice occurs, the story changes.

Besides, they're sending slave traders everywhere to scratch sacrifices from all over the continent.

Until where its base was, this man didn't seem to understand, but he could only know the fact that there was such an organization.

To be honest, when it gets to this point in the big story, it's in my hands.

"That's why I'm going to leave it to Maxwell"

"Well, if we're this big, we'll have to move on a country-by-country basis... Reid, we'll forget one important thing."

"Am I?"

"This is the territory of the Northern Trinity Alliance. I mean, the power of the eagle doesn't work very well either."

"Oh...... I was"

The fact that Maxwell is here is, in itself, in a form close to being polite.

If the person squeaks out that he has come there and caught a criminal carrying out a demon summons on the territory of another country, it will be a big commotion at the same time as crushing Elliot's ments.

That would be quite unhappy for Elliot, whose ground is loosening as a result of earlier assassination disturbances.

That's why you can't leave this man alone.

When Maxwell and I were roaring with our heads troubled, there was something there to speak to.

"What's going on, what's going on?

The voice of a man you can't hear. This would be the guy who was in charge of the lookout outside.

I came to see what was going on, suspicious of the disturbances inside.

I don't have to think it's a little slow, but it's the demon summons. I don't know what kind of disturbance there will be.

So much so that the man of the Summoner had prepared another demon god as his escort, that after a moment he might have always caused disturbances close to battle.

The man who came was stunned to drop his jaw, seeing the situation on the spot.

There is the man of the Summoner, who is bleeding out of his groin and fainting with a round lower body, and the figure of Maxwell, "dressed in a robe", who boasts a stature no different from that of a demon.

The kids who are losing their minds right now and me standing by the guy who faints, looking good in battle.

Unexpediently, intense combat activity caused inconvenience in the processing under me, and blood was running down my inner thigh.

I'm always made to wear shorter skirts, so the look of it even comes to my attention from the outside.

"No way... you got your hands on sacrifice, you asshole!


To the man who came up with a completely misguided ending, I flew the thread reflexively and launched an attack.

He didn't think he was going to be attacked by me the kid, and the guy gets that thread slashed decently.

A man cut into hangings and slapped to the ground as he bled out.

The sharp cleavage of the misthrill thread made the man try to disable under the blow.

"Ah, do it. I accidentally attacked you, but are you still alive?

"Deep down, but he still seems to be breathing."

Maxwell goes to see how it goes and quickly skips recovery (heels) to first aid.

Exactly one recovery (heel) did not heal, but still no longer endangered my life.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

"Your Lord's scratch seems too dangerous."

"Shut up. Sexual harassment speech to a beautiful girl with lots of feelings. Bad for this guy"

"Don't call yourself a girl only when it's convenient."

"Let's just say that. What are we gonna do with these guys?

We have to prepare a replacement human being than Maxwell can stand out and stick the men out to the government constitution.

As a candidate, I know what's going on, and there's only about three of us, Mathews.

But the Mathews don't know what's going on here, so if they ask about the details, they're in danger of running out.

Then I'll have to go...

"It's not convincing to look like a child, is it?

"Besides, it's also problematic to testify that your Lord has defeated you. It's a good idea to use a hallucination ring to disguise yourself."

"Do you only have that hand?"

I'll hang a light cure (cure light) on the interrogated man and just stop the bleeding.

The bleeding only stopped, although it was about to burn out a thousand times.

But on my own, it's hard to carry two men.

"These guys, how do you carry them? Grandpa's gonna take you to the guard stall in the nearby town?

"Right. So I thought I'd go with my magic class here."

"Hey, not in that case now..."

"Not in such a hurry. It's magic that helps carry them."

That said, the magic presented by Maxwell was the magic of levitate.

By using this magic, the subject can float a few centimeters from the ground.

Moreover, because it has the effect of maintaining altitude, it does not fall on the pit, and floating can eliminate footsteps.

If there is any inconvenience, the manoeuvre will fall dramatically to tread the sky.

Hang this magic on both of us, and I can just pull them around and move them.

If there is no more friction with the ground, it will only be a matter of mass to move, and the effort should be able to be greatly attenuated.

Of course, it's magic that will be deactivated if it is resisted by magic, but that's less likely than being stunned.

Construct and carefully activate the surgical formula under Maxwell's guidance.

Nothing. These men are not heartbroken at all by their injuries, so after several failed attempts, they succeeded in activation.

I'll use the yarn to pull the men, see how they're moving.

"Yeah, don't pull it any easier than you expected"

"Let's move this one too."

Maxwell makes a plate out of dirt walls (Earthwall) and puts the children on top of it.

Floating (levitate) was hung over the slab-shaped dirt wall (earthwall).

The board rises for each child, and Maxwell pushes it. Further transfer gates (portal gates) are activated to connect the gates to nearby towns.

Maintain two magics while using the highest ranking magic. It's awesome because you can do it without having to.

"Look, go ahead. When the eagle flies, the gate disappears."

"Okay. Okay, I'm coming."

I changed my appearance with a phantom ring - into a woman named Haumea and walked into the gate.

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