Reborn as the Hero's Daughter! Time to Become the Hero Once More!

Episode 280: Nicole-style interrogation techniques

Thanks to Maxwell's hold on to the Summoner Mage, I was able to defeat the Demon God with ease.

Again, having collaborators makes fighting extraordinarily easier.

Maxwell, too, was advancing the war situation in his favor.

The sorcerer who lost his trump card, the Demon God, starts in a great hurry knowing this situation.

It creates a rough attack and creates a huge gap.

A skilled Maxwell couldn't have missed that gap.

A man who pours more magic than ever to reverse the situation, creating and throwing giant blast spears (firejavelins).

It is inhibited by Maxwell's created dirt wall (Earthwall), causing a huge explosion.

A storm of destruction that far surpasses it. But the explosion resulted in losing sight of Maxwell.

There was no Maxwell figure on the spot after destroying walls made of dirt and containing explosive flames and earthen smoke.

"Disappeared? Kuha! Couldn't have spared that explosion. You mean a servant six heroes and not my magical enemy!

"Hey, you're not falling that far, are you?

I was watching the fight from the outside. I knew it.

The blast spear (Fire Javelin) destroyed the wall, while the old man used concealment.

And I guess he moved around slowly after the blast had subsided and took the man's back.

Maxwell shows up behind a man's back and quickly builds a magic formation.

A man who gets called up and looks back in a hurry.

There was the figure of Maxwell, who had already built the magic formation.

A man who tries to construct attack magic reflexively, but he can't even compete with Maxwell, who was finishing his magic formation first.

"You!? Zhu's Eight -"



"... it's too late. And the magic choices are sweet."

Even from me magically immature, the man's failure was obvious.

First of all, that I used magic that was too big.

Like Maxwell, it was lethal to lose sight of the target with half-way power, whatever might be powerful enough to crush every perimeter.

Secondly, that he was taken behind his back, looked back and rushed to try to use offensive magic.

If the enemy appeared right behind you, you could have just challenged the melee. Maxwell doesn't know much about melee. You should have had a better chance of winning that way than of shooting each other with magic.

And a third cause of defeat. Reflectively trying to use the magic of a flaming spear (Fire Javelin).

There would still have been a chance of success if we hadn't tried to take him down, thrown him off with restraint, and run to Maxwell's obstruction.

It is doubtful that Maxwell, who had completed the most magical formation, will be able to catch up with even the short, low-level spell of chanting.

As a result of the overlapping failure to say so, the man became the feather of eating Maxwell's Paralysis Strike (Stumbolt).

This magic is the magic that paralyzes the subject and renders him incapacitated.

Most importantly, if you are resisted by magic (resist), it cannot have any effect, so the feeling of one or eight is strong.

I tie up a man who cripples his whole body and cramps tingly, even if he loses his mind, with mythrill thread.

With this yarn, even half-breed magic and loose rope shouldn't cut it.

"Thank you, Maxwell"

I'll tie up the guy and work Maxwell.

Maxwell returned the same words to me.

"What. Your Lord is the one who could have defeated that demon alone."

"It didn't go well with my magic, but it seemed to go well with the gift."

I can manipulate multiple threads, and a demon god manipulating multiple tentacles.

What determines the pros and cons more than both sides can fight on the same stage is combat experience, physical ability, number of hand tags, etc.

I was outnumbered in everything but physical ability, so winning was a natural consequence.

"Well... do I have to talk to him?

"He was just a light-mouthed guy, but he doesn't seem to know anything important."

He didn't know the source of the sacrifice, as he was talking.

But there must be someone who has crossed with the source. From there we should be able to approach the issue of sacrifice in the north.

"I thought I'd wake you first... Awaken (Awake)"

This magic is a magic that literally awakens the subject from a state of stunning.

But if the damage you're taking is too much, it doesn't make sense because you wake up and you faint again.

I just lost my mind with paralysis (stumbolt) this time, so that kind of problem does not arise.


A man restrained in thread twisted himself and woke up.

Look at that. Maxwell's walking away from me.

"Reid, I'll take care of the rest. Don't go around detoxifying the kids."

"Oh, let it go."

Though I did, I'm not very good at torture... and interrogation.

In my lifetime, I used to leave it to myself to solve problems. I mean, I can kill you.

But not me right now.

With the new power of magic, I am equipped to inflict pain without inflicting much physical damage.

First, drag down the trousers of a man who can't move and expose his lower body.

"Hey, what are you going to do!? I don't remember being sexually excited about young girls."

"Who said I would be tortured on that side? I'll forgive you to the point of sticking out to the Constitution without any pain."

"Wait, then which way are you going to die!

"You have a sense that you were doing something worthy of a maximum sentence. That's good."

The work won't stop while we talk.

Expose the man's ugly alley or chore and wrap the thread around it.

Nothing, I guess I don't mind cutting it off...... but then I can only inflict pain once.

That's where I activate my newly acquired magic.

"Insulation (Warm), Failed Version"


An excessively heated misthrilled yarn bakes only the man's epidermis.

The conductivity of heat seems to be quite high just because the yarn is metal.

That's how I started the interrogation.

It should be noted that I did not need as much time as I did until the man fell.

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