He snaps his fangs from his two fangwolves and strips the material away.

This fang is also suitable for the base material as an amulet (talisman), but it is also suitable for other magic materials.

Take one for your sister, and the other three are extra calculations.

"What do you want me to do, extra three?

"Who do you want?

"I'm fine. Some people need money."

"Cloud, I need you."

"Well, I don't know... not anymore"

The cloud is saving money, in preparation for its future independence.

Me, Michelle, Finia, etc. have backshields, so I don't have any trouble living after college, but he's not.

You'll want to save anything you can save for a small amount.

"Right, so... sell two, and one means I'll buy them out, okay?

"Oh, one more thing?

Michelle was tilting her neck at my offer. Because if you just give it to your sister, you think one is enough.

"But look, isn't it kind of good to be aligned with my sister?

"Ah, that's nice! So, how about we all align?

"You don't have enough for that. I only have four."

We're five. I can take two fangs from one fangwolf. Adding up my sister's share, I'm gonna have to take down one more head.

It's already been quite a while since we've been moving to Sion Peak this morning to climb the mountain.

Still, I've encountered Fangwolf early, and the yang is still high, but the problem is my strength.

Fighting mountain climbing, dealing with accidental strikes was getting pretty tired.

Usually, I'm not so tired because Michelle cleans up the gaps that I'm attracting the attention of the enemy, but sometimes this time it's unintentional, and I seem to have a bit of a physical imposition on me.

"Maxwell, any enemies around?

"A few heads in a distant place. Doesn't mean he's not here at all. Then Fangwolf has been defeated, and he seems to be keeping an eye on us."

"Hasn't Fangwolf hidden anything else?

"I don't think there's anywhere near here... Hmm, wait a minute"

Maxwell was quick to say, or flew (flight) and went up into the sky.

Rise high in the sky and chant even more magic as you look around. The emitted light bullets (energy bolts) were landing hundreds of meters away from us.

Because of the amount of soil and smoke that curls up, the magical power unleashed by Grandpa can be disturbed. That's no longer the range of light bullets (energy bolts).

"Hey, what are you doing, that..."

"It's about Maxwell, so I was wondering if you're doing something diagonal over here?

Letina was frightened by the sudden emission of light bullets.

At the point of landing, red soot smoke rises... that's another red mix besides dirt red, right?

At the stage where the smoke has subsided, Maxwell heads to its landing point.

Maxwell, who came back to us after a while, had a fangwolf with a blown lower body in his hand.

"Look, now you've got six fangs, right? Cloud savings... well, you could cover for selling fur."

"Wow, thanks, uncle!

Michelle was happy to hit her hand, but that fangwolf, her lower body, is blowing up.

Light projectiles (energy bolts) are the basic magic of light attribute magic, but with this magic, the destructive power so far does not usually come out.

That's what I was worried about, whether I should say Grandpa or tell Grandpa to weigh himself.

"In the meantime, I'm in Nojuku today at this Scion."

"Eh, shouldn't we just go home?

Finia disagrees with Maxwell, who abruptly declared the camp.

But by contrast, Maxwell explained with a pranky face.

"This isn't a sleepover, Miss Finia. We need to go through a night camp in a place without a roof or a dangerous place."

"That's right..."

"Whether you're worried about Nicole or not, over-protection doesn't make you an adventurer ahead of you. Somewhat painful."

That's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna wink at you, Grandpa. By the way, I've been through so many nights at places like this in my last life that I can't count.

This is an excuse to work me out, and I'm trying to get the Phineas to gain experience.

"Finia, Maxwell has a point. I'd rather go through this once than suddenly go through a night camp"

"Really...? But, Master Nicole, how are you feeling?

"... I forgot because of you"

"Shh, excuse me!?

Looks like what Finia was worried about was my body having its first period.

I forgot because of the excitement of the battle...

"As it is, well, I'm getting ready when I leave, so I can handle it. And I wonder if Maxwell or Cloud would say that in front of him."

"So was that. I was insensitive...... sorry"

"Maybe it's not about Finia apologizing. I'd rather you take care enough to pretend that the men aren't listening here."

Turning a slight gaze at the men, Maxwell quickly strayed his gaze.

It should be noted that the cloud looks around warmly, left and right, and eventually follows Maxwell. It's already late.

"Can't you expect that from the cloud?"

"It's the only way! I don't have much experience with people."

"It's time to get used to it, or we'll be in trouble"

Cloud is one of the few men in our party. No, you can say it's the only one.

There are places where you can't step in and information you can't get out without a man as you go on your adventure.

Especially since we are a bunch of beautiful young girls, there will be a lot to be tangled up and seen sweetly ahead.

In that sense, I have trouble getting the cloud to be more solid.

"Fair enough. By the way, Nicole, I'm bringing in some reinforcements, so keep your eyes open for a while."


"What, give me a little Argus and Bauman. I was wondering if you would bring Matheus with you."


"Well, there's a little bit of a situation. You're a crock."

It's hard to answer. That's what Maxwell made of it.

But I don't think this grandfather will act in vain. I do a lot of pranking, but I read the air properly in these dangerous settings.

That Maxwell needs reinforcements, so I'm guessing that means he's definitely discovered something he needs.

Maxwell then returned to Raum using the metastasis (teleport).

It's only been about half an hour, but in the meantime, we'll finish stripping the material.

I concentrated on surveillance, and while nothing was going on, Maxwell brought the three back.

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