Roar up, Fangwolf coming this way.

Cloud and Finia were also rushing out to intercept it.

I'll be halfway between the avant-garde and the rear guard, standing around so I can fly support to both of them.

A cloud advancing with a shield leaves one step ahead of Finia.

This wasn't because Finia was slow, but because she intentionally slowed down and induced the cloud to protrude. The importance of timing around here seemed to be fully learned in the last floating wakame battle.

Of course, that's how Fangwolf bites the prey that came forward.

On the verge of a clash between them, I was flying the magic of support to Finia and the cloud.

"Zhu's One, Crowd Blue's Two, Emerald's One - Protection (Protection)"

Magic strength one, two subjects, range ten meters. Hang the magic of lifting your defenses from the chant that means it into the finer and cloud.

This is magic that can be mastered from the beginning, even with interferometric magic.

The effect is, at best, about one piece of cloth armor (quilt) increased Defense. Still, however, it was a valuable effect in the unequipped early days.

However, as soon as this is equipped, the priority goes down. Magic that becomes unusable when the time comes for the most adventurers to work actively. In a sense, it is magical as it symbolizes the attribute of an interfering system.

The magic of taking cover and letting the two of you exert that effect is intertwined.

But neither of us will show any surprise behavior to that. I wouldn't be surprised because it's the way we were meeting in advance.

Regardless of such cover, Fangwolf flies from the front to the cloud.

The cloud took this by shield as expected.

Cloud's forward leg stops, and likewise Fangwolf stops that movement.

antagonism of each other's propulsion. Poking at that moment, Finia poked a long sword out of the side of the cloud.


Finia's blow, but also her impotence, can't be profound.

Still inspired by pain, screaming and away from the cloud Fangwolf.

As if timing it, the cloud shifts to the left diagonal rear. At the same time Finia retreated diagonally rearward to the right.

This is also about keeping Fangwolf alert, but the rear guard - that is, the action to open the rays to Retina and Michelle.

I also immediately lower my posture and move to stay out of the way of the two attacks.

Immediately after that motion, the magic of the arrow and the firebolt ran right over my head.

Michelle's unleashed arrow pierces Fangwolf's hind leg without overaiming.

Retina's magic had also landed in almost the same position.

It's far from fatal damage, but this should have greatly limited Fangwolf's mobility.

Michelle's arm would also make it possible to aim for a direct lead, but her opponent is a monster on the grid. I've never gone beyond being cautious.

Besides, the skull is stiff, so often it can't be pierced and ends shallow.

I guess the two guards were meeting in a policy of stacking damage on their opponents for sure.

Fangwolf under attack, losing the power of his hind legs and lowering his posture with a cackle. There the cloud waves its sword down.

Regardless, he is the fighting style of the defensive subject. This attack is not heavy, as its lower body is shifting its center of gravity slightly behind it to receive the opponent.

Still, I instinctively avoid the sword flying in my face. That behavior further disfigured Fangwolf.

If we make him stop moving this way and accumulate damage with Finia and Michelle, all of this powerful enemy will do its best.

Collective action as a party. The modus operandi violence lets even his opponents in character try to ravage him this way. If they can learn that, it will be a good study.

The situation is changing as assumed.

Fangwolf's health is diminishing momentarily, and the more time this one puts aside, the more support I get.

If we keep doing this, the less our victory will be confirmed. When I tried to impose an Enhanced Grant (Enchant) on Finia and the Cloud with such certainty... I learned the feeling of a cold sweat on my spine.

Zokri, similar to warfare. Maxwell was also starting to chant as I looked back at the chills.

"Michelle, behind you!

I scream and at the same time jump the thread I was holding.

The yarn was sneaking up to ten meters behind Michelle's back, accurately capturing the face of another Fangwolf.


The scream of the beast that resonates shortly afterwards.

There were also Phineas on this occasion, so this was an act that might have found out who they were, but it was an emergency, so I had no choice.

Right behind you...... in this case, looking at the Fangwolf you've been fighting for since the beginning, Finia was just finally looking back at this one.

Apparently, they didn't have to see the scene where I jumped the thread.


For the first time here, Michelle realized she was being targeted.

One head draws our attention to the lockhound and the other sneaks behind that gap.

This is a tactic frequented even by wildlife.

Fangwolf would have taken that tactic the same way.

An effective tactic because it's a highly covert fangwolf. We almost fell into that trap.

When I restrain it, it's almost the same, and Maxwell activates the magic of the firewall.

A firewall to protect Michelle. Now Fangwolf can't be attacked in a detour.


"Focus on the cloud before. You have me for a time like this!

My position is Medium Guard guerrilla. It is a reserve when the avant-garde is broken through, as well as a force to prepare for these situations.

Sneak back the yarn and punish the armor to avoid splitting on the finer. Instead, I set up a dagger and moved behind Michelle.

Thanks to Maxwell putting up a firewall, the scars on Fangwolf's face are invisible to the Phineers.

Around choosing magic that has the effect of simultaneously attacking, stopping, and blocking sight as well as defense, I admire Maxwell just fine.

"I'll take the back, so focus on knocking down the front"

"Wow, okay. Please."

Michelle and I must have a short meeting. And at the same time as I was in position, the firewall (firewall) disappeared, relative to Fangwolf.

They're good opponents for them, but easy opponents for me. It's impossible to straighten it out with your body right now, but you can still hold out enough.

Having accumulated experience with powerful enemies such as Gideon and Matheus, he was accustomed to fighting opponents better than his physical abilities.

As you can guess, I had the clouds slaughter the enemies in front of me while I was playing muddy with Fangwolf behind me and headed to join us.

If you concentrate on your power, you can't stand it as much as you can.

Thus the Fangwolf crusade ended without delay.

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