The God of Discipline raises one finger with Bisili and proposes.

The way you go up into the living room, upright, and send your gaze over here from a slightly diagonal angle is like a teacher standing on the stage.

"A substitute?

"It is problematic to physically give artifact class items first. So sell your charm with nearby utilities. Nutritious Queen Hua honey. You've already got this, haven't you?

"Then I can prepare the eagle. I was thinking of it as a gift from me."

"By the way, Queen Hua's honey is dangerous for a baby, so give it to your mother. Better postpartum fattening."

"Why would it be dangerous for a baby?

"Queen Hua's honey will strengthen her emancipation. If the baby benefits from it, it is highly likely that it will be in a state of magic waste leakage. So it's always a state of magic depletion -- that is, it's fixed in a state of fatigue."

"Speaking of which, you used it to treat Nicole."

raw materials to eliminate my lack of emancipation. And the nutrients of the Trento species that retain high magic power. The nourishment seems too strong for the baby.

Originally a rare material, no one has ever done a human experiment of giving it to a baby. Maxwell was now trying to give without even knowing. It was a very dangerous place.

"So I thought about another gift. Baby's skin is really delicate. Then you have to use your nerves to take care of it."

"I understand the honey. Don't tell me you sell aftertaste. Call it an expression of family affection."

"Reid, don't you look more like Lyell, Lord?

"Don't say."

Ignoring Maxwell's scratch, the Disciplined God began his lecture by waving his finger as he walked left and right with Teco Teco.

I do have a point... but I had one question.

"Hmm? Wait. Speaking of which, I don't remember being particularly concerned about that, do I?

"In your case, the most recent crisis was bigger, so I guess it wasn't your skin."

Speaking of which, I was having a hanger strike that time of year, wasn't it?

Maria, Lyell, and Finia were so wretched watching by their side.

"I am so sorry about that verse..."

I didn't think, I bowed my head toward the Cortina house where my parents would sleep.

Speaking of my obsession, those three have a sense of concern.

"Besides, you are drawing my blood thick. I am so full of the system's ability to attract others that its blood is also taken over by you. So you don't have to take care of anything. It's your skin with salad. It's sbesvey and punny, CONCHISHOO!

"Why are you going to regret this?

"No, I have tried to represent an unspecified number of resentments about a being that can maintain beauty without trying."

"I don't know!

Well, if it's around Cortina, it's likely to leak a grudge.

"Anyway, the next child to be born doesn't inherit as much blood as you do. So you have to take care of your skin care and so on. Oh, by the way, the girl who's born is a girl."

"You're not even a rose, you idiot!?

Oh...... I was excited about being a man or a woman in one of my earlier words. My feelings cooled all at once.

Oh, or was it my sister who was born? I would have played a lot if I were my brother. No, can even my sister play?

"Wait... if you defeat your sister with women's power, isn't that a crisis of dignity as a sister?

"I don't think you need to worry about that. Even Elliot is a lady."

"Come on, that's the stain of my life"

"Ten years or so. What's life like?"

"Add in the last life."

Maxwell and I were about to start an argument, but it made me switch consciousness and stop by the God of Discipline slapping me on the bread and hands.

As it was, there must have been an extended barren exchange and a morning ahead of us.

This grandfather has that kind of lazy tongue skill.

"That's it. Based on the fact that, cleanliness is the biggest element in repelling the disease. That's why you should prepare skin-friendly soaps, hair cleansers, etc.?

"Yeah, isn't that bad?

If you're a girl, it's important to tone your skin and hair. And if you have to, you can use me, Finia, and Maria. It would be nice to divide it into cortinas.

But my grandfather doesn't even know that material.

"That's fine, but where do I buy such ingredients from?

"Of course it is...... the sea!

"Hai 'i?

Here Raum is a kingdom surrounded by forests, as the name of the kingdom of forests suggests.

They don't mean forests everywhere, but port towns also exist on the western edge.

But we have quite a distance to go there. It's not such an easy place to extend your legs.

"That's exactly what I can't do at times."

"No, Reid. Think about it. No. It's almost the end of the year, isn't it?

"Oh, speaking of which, wasn't there a month later? But in the western harbor, it's not enough to go back and forth."

"What, you keep just the right island in the west town. Let's open an accommodation there. of the Lord."


"Lord and Miss Michelle, Miss Retina. And Miss Finia in the cloud."

"We know the four of us, but even Finia?

Finia also trains in swords, but not so authentic. My training with Lyell is also finally over six months old. I don't feel a little comfortable putting it into action.

Isn't it tough to follow our sleepover with your current strength?

That's what I feared, but Maxwell seemed to have a different view.

"She's working desperately hard, too. You're trained with the cloud. We can keep up with the lords. Besides, I'm not the only ones..."

"Not just?

"Who's going to take care of the meal?

"Oh, whoa..."

I remember my last life too, so I can cook some... but that's a lot to say and to the point of being coarse.

Grandpa's ability to cook, too, is extrapolating.

If we leave it to Retina, there will undoubtedly be an extinguishing coal.

Michelle would be able to cook enough meat, but it seems impossible to cook anything else. I want you to give me a break for the three-meal BBQ.

Cloud is...... sad, he shouldn't be able to cook a lot of food in that guy who even runs into the village eighths in preparation for a meal.

"Accommodation, that's good. I'd like to join..."


I miss this guy, Michelle, but I'm not just going to introduce him to the existence of an evil god sleuth.

To my refusal words, the God of Discipline gave me pathetically sad eyes. I can't just look at that face and cut it off. I rush to say it.

"No, I appreciate your cooperation, but you're not going to be able to get out in public much either."

"Well, that's true."

"We'll gather the ingredients properly, so help us with the information."

"Wow, do you want to compromise around here"

A God of Discipline who changes his expression and recovers. Is this guy crying a lie now?

He then made Maxwell prepare the paper and note the material he needed there.

That's right, God, the handwriting was so streamlined that it gave me a sigh of relief.

It should be noted that Matheus, who remained petrified and forgotten, was healed by the God of Discipline responsibly… the next night.

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