What I heard was cheerful, and then a voice that sounded from the bottom of the earth, not sure if it was bright or dark.

Neither Maxwell's sensing magic nor my ability to detect signs caught me at all, and he approaches his side and utters his voice. Such a presence... he will still be the only one.

"Shinto, don't you want a shrine? Yeah..."

Maxwell's living room faces the courtyard, one side of which is a glazed drawer.

And the edges were set up, and they were also built to relax overlooking the courtyard.

From its edge, only half a small white head is sticking out.

"What are you doing, God?"

"Mmm, aren't you surprised? He said he was worried about his appearance."

I waved my arm as I said so. That alone turned Matheus into a stone in an instant.

Probably a magic called the Petrified Curse (Stonekers). It should have been a fairly high-ranking magic of local attributes. That in an instant... is all the more so now.

We saw Matheus, turned into an unspeakable statue of stone, and as he wept a cold sweat, we welcomed the God of Discipline.

Instead, where Matheus has been mercilessly turned into stone, he has been drained of his dexterity.

"I don't need that care. Appear normal, normal."

"Isn't that boring? It is, then, the divine trust."

A disruptive god who forcefully proceeds with this opinion as he overtakes it. It is harmless and adorable from the side, but it is still a little ayashi with evil god certification. It's not good for people to see.

I just want you to avoid me drawing attention, and I want you to run errands and walk away as quickly as possible.

"Thankful is the word of God, so heartily listen"

"It's all ruined the way it appeared."

"No, wouldn't it be helpful if you would normally appear from me, too?

"Oh, Grandpa wasn't good at dodging?

"I was so dodgy, I almost got poked. No."

"That's Tyhen. We have to get ready for resuscitation."

"Can't you even accidentally die..."

A God of Discipline who proclaims with his chest outstretched, and Maxwell who drops his shoulders and exhales.

World-tree, resuscitation magic is forbidden to the public, but such circumstances seemed irrelevant to God.

You can be surprised all you want because you can be forced to come back to life even after a poke has passed.

"When it comes to resuscitation, the next step is to consult. So..."

"Wait, what are you talking about?

"So that's it! Now, if you go to that guy, you're gonna be Eli, right? I got the Evil Dragon material and my willingness to invent is going wild."

"Ast... I guess so"

That workaholic has the finest ingredients in front of him, and there's no way he can stay calm.

Nevertheless, I was a little concerned that the God of Discipline looked odd when he heard Ast's name.

"If you take the story, you'll be able to create a misrillic maternity clothing backed by an evil dragon's mask, a fire-giant bullet that won't get a scratch (Talisman), or a nanny that won't even be scared to get trampled by a behemoth."

"Isn't that already called an artifact? Whatever it takes, that's it..."

"To be honest, I thought I'd be sure first because I have a proven track record"

"You have a proven track record!?

God of Discipline stands up his fingers numbingly against Maxwell, who pleads out in cold sweat.

Does that mean you've had comparable materials in the past and made birth and clothing?

Whatever, such a dangerous substitute is just... just...

"Yeah, it's no substitute for family safety"

"There's no one here either!?

For the sake of my new family, I am bored with the God of Discipline holding my head when I decide to make the artifact.

But I want you to wait a moment. It could be an error if you wear one.

And newborns have a very high mortality rate. If that danger can be reduced even slightly, the material of evil dragons will not be spared.

"Wait, wait, Reid. Whatever it takes. It's not good."

But it was unexpectedly Maxwell who waited there.

Grandpa, who is also a companion, thought he would agree with me, but he disagrees.

"What the hell. Is there a problem somewhere?

"It's all there is! Evil Dragon material is unique in this world in the first place. There are only six other crocodiles who have crusaded it. On the day you say you gave away the clothes made of that material, you'll find out who you are."

"Well, why don't you just decide it's from Grandpa and give it away?

"Sure, if you give it as a share of the eagle, some deception may work, but in that case, don't let the Lord's gift mean it's a feat of eagle"


A gift for a new family. It is not desirable that the thought be taken away by Grandpa.

In case that goes on for a long time, the schematic is complete for my brother or sister: Maxwell, who often gives me presents and adores me, and my sister, who does nothing for me. We must avoid such a situation at all costs. It must be firmly prevented.

"You can't. You must avoid a situation where my presence is sumptuous. I want to be admired, sister."

"Hmm? Is it okay with 'Sister'?

"Guru...... but I can't be 'brother' as it is now, so I just have to. And if you imitate me like that, you'll find out who I am."

To be your brother, you have to use change (polymorph).

If he shows up as Reid and says, 'You can call me brother,' he'll be taken care of around Maria.

No, don't be sure to find out first.

"Hmm, what the hell is going on...?

"That's where I'm entrusted. First of all, if you want to ensure postpartum health, you'll need amulets to keep you from getting sick"

"That's for sure. But I don't know the material."

"Well the quickest thing to do is to use the dragon balls of the carbuncle -"

"Big dismissal!

Ka is already a part of our family. It can't be possible, such as pulling out the treasure balls on its forehead.

Besides, I don't know if he's my brother or my sister, but imagine my little brother playing with me.

A baby who wiggles her short hands and feet and runs tight. Ka runs away, caring about that but maintaining a distance from being caught.

Eventually, the baby falls and starts crying heavily, and she rushes by her side to lick her face and comfort her.

And a baby who sleeps tired of crying while holding Ka. Me watching gently by my side.

"Shit, I adore this. Too dangerous."

Unexpectedly keep your nose down, and groan at me. Seriously, I thought I'd get a nosebleed.

"I generally know what you're imagining, but for now the answer to that is within your assumptions. So let's get a replacement."

That's how the God of Discipline smiled niggardly.

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