Hanging out, Matheus shows up at a stride as if he were even taking a walk.

The debris behind you is still intact. There is no escape route.

Though his fellow man has been rendered powerless, this man alone becomes a sufficient threat.

"Oops. It's a surprise to see you two down with bare hands. That's where the six heroes are, even if they rot?

"I'm confident in my physical abilities, even when I look like this."

Return Cortina lightly to Mateus, who has no sense of urgency as usual.

Returning a mild tone, the gaze that explores the surroundings does not stop.

"Newcomer, then, was the load heavy? Then I'll have to do my job, huh?

"There's no hot guy who's just serious. I suppose there's some moderate skipping, though?

"Uh, I was born, I've never been hot."

Matheus is by no means inferior in appearance. However, there are signs of sword swallowing on the back of a slight attitude.

I guess the women don't even feel the signs and get close.

"Right. But Reid was hot, wasn't he? I didn't realize who I was."

"I'm so proud of him. I'd probably be hot if I gave it a name, too. Then why don't you sacrifice for me?

"I hope you don't mind that!

Matheus makes assassination a business. The race in this hand is superior to the offense, and if you let him take the lead, this one will be at a disadvantage.

Then this one has to take the lead. Deciding so, Cortina lowers her posture and approaches Matheus.

Along the way, I pick up the sword that the man I defeated had.

I'm slashed with that sword - and I made it look like it, and I tried to slip through the sides.

But the move did not lead to the surprise of Matheus.

"Whoa, I'm not gonna let you get away with this so easily, are I?


He still hadn't pulled out his sword, sticking one leg straight out to the side and kicking Cortina's flank.

Cortina was only watching over her lower back sword, so she was to be properly attacked by this attack.

Misty flank. I can't move into that pain for a moment. He was blown almost directly beside him without any skill to do so, and slammed against the wall of the street.

As it drifts, it collapses to the ground, coughing heavily and staring at Matheus.

"Gu, geho, keho"

"No, you pick up a new sword and you attack it, or you're not alarmed or in a gap, are you?

"Coho, that's my sale. And you're sweet, too. If it was Reid, I would have been killed earlier."

Cortina stands up and sets up an unfamiliar sword, even though she is a brass.

Look at that. Matheus slowly pulls out his sword, too.

"This is my last warning. Will you surrender quietly?

"The answer is the same. Say no."

"Oh yeah?

You anticipated that answer, yet you wave your sword without impression.

An agreement that would not have arrived otherwise. But Matheus' long arms allowed him to attack even at that distance.

Barely take it with a sword that had a blow to the neck.

But the blow was heavy, unable to support it, and he was lightly blown away with his sword.

Cortina, who lays down his hand on the ground, but holds the pieces of the crate that were there, and throws them toward Matheus.

Avoid just tilting this around your neck and pursuing it with another sword.

Cortina couldn't avoid this, and her left calf was thinly slashed and torn.

"Agoo! This -"


Matheus cutting back the first sword and cutting it uninterrupted.

Cortina makes sure she rolls down the ground and keeps avoiding it. Not only do you get away with it, but the area where you fight back with the elementary magic of a short chant is just not the norm.

But Matheus also made it look light.

Matheus, who is slashed many times, and Cortina, who magically strikes back as she rolls down the ground.

Continue the magic that is frequently launched from the low position of the foot.

He says his feet are blind spots for humans, but he doesn't even show how he handles them. I guess the depth of his experience makes him deal with an attack from that position.

Cortina is driven away the other way, without serving the purpose of sliding past Matheus' side.

Rolling left to the right, it was best to do a less effective counterattack.

But that's just a bad scratch, too.

They are gradually hunted down and eventually unsuitable to slip through and pushed back to the rubble.

Cortina is lagging back a heap of crates and exhaling roughly.

Poking his sword at the cornered Cortina, Matheus was convinced of the victory.

"Well, that's it, then, isn't it?

"Yeah, right. The chase is over."

Cortina laughs back at Matheus for making room.

From her legs the bleeding has not stopped and it is difficult to stand and walk. Behind it is blocked with crates, equal to no escape.

I say so, but I can afford to see her being cornered. The moment Matheus was surprised at it - the crate behind him exploded.

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