After Matheus, who disappeared across the street corner, Cortina ran into the alley.

A shadow that at the same time turns further back corner. The characteristic long arms and the hanging of two swords on the hips, as you can see from behind, are unmistakable.


Cortina is also aware of the danger of single-handedly pursuing an armed assassin.

But still, I can't go after the Inn boy more than he's being taken hostage. There's no way that being a hero can be more embarrassing to Reid than anything else.

Turn one or two streets as you are guided, eventually completely off the boulevard.

And there Matheus was waiting.

"Hey, Hero. Looking good, above all?

"Is that what you are, a man named Matheus, for sure?

"Exactly. That's a good guess, isn't it?

A strange way of talking up the tail subtly reverses Cortina's nerves.

But now we have to put that behind us.

"Where is that girl?

"Hmm, I could talk to you if you'd come with me, huh?

"I'm not in the mood to hang out with a lousy numb."

Cortina sticks out a wand for protection and takes the posture of battle. It is also an aid and a sturdy favorite cane that can be used for caning.

Seeing the motion, Matheus glanced over his shoulder.

"Yes, sir. Actually, you didn't kidnap him, did you? This guy just bought and ate that kid and bought out that dirty apron, right?


"You did the price to that kid. So I was buying fried potatoes. This red is the mark of ketchup. Isn't it about time you ate our young stoop and took a nap in the park?

"... so they lured him out well."

"No, should I say we got into the enclosure well?

A figure also appeared behind Cortina to match Matheus' words.

Thin, dirty clothes, used leather armor. One-handed sword at right hip. An adventurer who at first glance feels a little tired. Relatively light armaments are not unnatural to see throughout the city.

But it cannot be considered a coincidence that two people appear in line behind us at this time.

It blocks the front and back of the street and blocks the escape route.

"Are you ready? But this one's getting pretty ready, too."

"Heh? But, well, you're right about being ready. It's my job to get rid of the people who come after my husband. It is assumed that you will come after those magic formations. [M] Besides, I don't think I'm gonna lose as much as you're prepared?

"The magic team left it on purpose? If you don't like being chased, you can just turn it off."

"Oh, do you ignore the difference in skill? Well, just running away doesn't mean you're gonna have to hide in the middle of nowhere. I don't want any trouble, do I?

The two behind me packing a stir and an intermission. Surrounded by private houses, this back alley has no other way.

"If we hold you down, the six heroes lose control, too. And you're the easiest of them all. Right?"

"I don't know if I'll do it. I'm quite a jerk, aren't I?

Indeed, Cortina is the weakest of the six heroes and has been targeted for life several times in this way.

But every time, she was cutting through in many different ways.

"Besides, if she's safe, you don't have to go out with an innocent man."

"You say it's impeccable. The rough stuff is troublesome, so I'd appreciate it if you surrendered. I mean, you're pretty good with the story, aren't you?

"Surrender, huh? Thanks for the invite...... but too bad. Reid, if you say so in style, the answer is' resolutely no '!

Borrowing the words of a former companion, Cortina returns her heels at once. And ran toward the two behind me.

Did you assume Cortina was coming towards you, there's no way you panicked at the men.

To intercept calmly, pull out the sword and set up.

But Cortina, right in front of those two, stuck her wand to the ground and rose to the universe.

Grab the stick that protrudes and use it as a stick to jump heavily into the universe.

But with a wand that's less than two meters long, you don't make much altitude. So I kicked a narrow street wall, made more altitude, and jumped over the men's heads.


Two people raise their dismay at Cortina for manoeuvring beyond expectations.

Cortina does not dare to kill the momentum of the landing, rolling down the ground and earning distance.

Then he rose to momentum and moved on to fleeing.

"What are you doing, you guys?"

"Shh, excuse me!

To the voice of Matheus, the two of them return their apologies. But he wasn't standing on a bar, he's quickly moving on to the pursuit of Cortina.

When you look at where you can move from stunner to chase action, you probably have quite a few places to step on.

Cortina against is also a cat tribe with excellent physical abilities. I don't feel like losing in a fugitive play that took control of my flight.

Running back to the original path for a breath, you can't flashy imitate it if you go out on the boulevard. That's how I calculated it. I just bent the corner, and I stopped my leg.

Because a pile of crates had been smashed into the streets where there was nothing to come.

Crates vary in good quantities, and it just breaks bones to get over them. or so, it takes even longer to get this thing out of the way and break through. Both means are deadly for the escaping side.

It would be possible to jump over with bar-high jumping guidelines, as earlier, but the wand for it was throwing away when it jumped over the men.

It takes too long to get over it or get out of the way.

Advice, the men chased me after a while.

"Wait, here!

"Fuck the trouble!

Men rushing over, cursing at each other.

Cortina against is completely handless. There was no way to resist - I thought so.

But she picked up the crate and slapped it against a man who approached defenseless thinking he was unarmed.


A man who was alarmed because he thought he was unarmed cannot avoid the attack.

But I'm not dumb enough to take it decently. I used my sword to defend myself, so I avoid taking heavy damage.

A wooden box that hits an iron sword and smashes it, and a man who collapses about.

Cortina slapped the pinky side of her clenching fist on the man's neck. It is what is called an iron hammer.

This method is the easiest to help, and then there is less risk of fist pain.

inferior to power, so dangerous that even a woman's cortina can uncover a man. Take it upon the neck, which is a steep spot, and not a single one.

A man who loses consciousness in an instant and slowly collapses. Another man, one step behind in a sudden counterattack, is finally slashed here by Cortina.

But Cortina dares to slip under the falling man, shielding his body and avoiding the attack.

The slaughtered man tried to stop the sword in the act, but he couldn't kill the momentum and occasionally struck down his people.

It was at best to shift the blade muscle and avoid placing a deep hand on it.

Cortina, pushed down to the ground by a man's underlay, took a fragment of a crate scattered across the floor.

The crushed wooden plate has a pointed tip and can be used as it is instead of a spear. As she fell, Cortina shook her arms wide and stuck the fragment to the man's ankle.

If this had been outside the city, it would have been prevented by the toenails (greaves).

But this is the whole city. Less heavy equipment can also catch the attention of the average person.

The man, who thus remained a regular leather shoe, was severely injured in the back of his foot by that blow.


The bones on the back of the foot are actually thin. And it's hard to muscle. Even wood fragments can be fully crushed.

The man falls to the ground in agony.

Just powerless the two of them, Cortina crawled out from under the man.

Slowly walking over there, the last man - Matheus - was finally chasing us.

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