In the middle of the square there is a magical formation about three meters in diameter.

Only the area was litter removed and cleaned nicely. The soil on the floor was peeled out, and a magic formation was painted there with special paint.

Maxwell walks over to Tsukatsuka and his magic formation and puts his hands on it.

"I was in danger. It's a lot weather, so I can't tell in a little while."

"What do you think, do you know where you're going?

"Uhm. This is the direction...... is this the range? Then... southeast of here... the distance..."

Maxwell begins to decipher the magic formation. Meanwhile, I stood near the entrance and kept my perimeter on guard.

If you're leaving evidence like this, it's not weird to leave a lookout.

And after a while, Maxwell looked up and told us the results of the analysis.

"Apparently Crain's headed for Comb or Lilith."

"Is it the home of Matheus? You don't know which one?

"Because the detailed coordinate designation is already gone. From direction and distance, it was only possible to measure in large clutter"

"What about magic? Whatever you are, one or two magicians Crane hired. Wouldn't it be possible to measure the distance of the transition from the size of the magic formation?

"That's the thing... it's a good thing it exists right above the pulse. So we can't measure the transfer distance from magic. I mean, I guess that's why you took this place so forcefully. Draw magic out of your veins all you want."

A ground pulse is a place like a magic spill. Such peculiar power spots rarely exist in the world, he said.

In part, it is also said that the roots of a world tree spread throughout the continent are divulging the power of Genesis in that place, but the truth is uncertain.


"Perhaps Deng's unusual and intelligent auga is also the result of an unusual evolution of magic from the earth's veins."


As Maxwell pointed out, I've never even seen an orga that I can talk to before.

I guess Deng, who is moderate, timid, but highly intelligent for an org, is right in his claim that he is undergoing an unusual evolution.

"I suppose you forcibly drove Deng, a native, away to use this vein, and used it for the magic of metastasis. From the information left in the formation, the only city in the direction of the transition is Comb or Lilith. This is for sure."

"Rather than knowing where on this continent he escaped, he was targeted. Which is more suspicious after all."

"We'll have to go on the ground and find out all about it. But here... maybe we should seal it off so it doesn't get abused."

There are many ways to exploit the ability to draw magic out of a terrestrial vein without limits.

Especially for Raum, his gaze from other countries may also be tighter as he will be able to transfer massive armies relentlessly.

Even at the time of the Mountain Snake incident, if we had known about this place, we would have been able to send troops immediately. At the same time, it also leads to the fact that we can send troops to other countries.

I also know how Maxwell feels about blocking this place and following 'what didn't'.

Regardless of just sending it to Kevin territory, the peculiarity of letting troops fly to other countries can be more of a troublemaker.

"Well... here, I don't recommend it."

"Deng, how many bad guys know about this place, so it's dangerous to live here again"

"Then why don't you stay?

"Right -"

This is where Crain and Matheus know it. If we leave Deng here, he could be crusaded next.

Because throwing it out irresponsibly is pathetic too.

But it's also such a safe zone that it accepts the auga...

"Oh, there it is."

Only one place, I knew it.

To my word, Maxwell tilts his neck. I guess he hasn't figured it out yet.

"Look, it's the mountain where Ast lives. That guy would only think of an orga to the extent of those featherworms, and that mountain is safe because people don't even lean on it."

"Well, that's true... the Huge Crowler already lives there, that mountain"

"Then there's no problem at all with about one more of the orgs, is there?

"Is that what it is?

Whatever it is, you can let him live in my safe house and set him at the treasure gatekeeper.

If you had a watchman, you wouldn't be so close to a detour as to say Ast.

Of course, you won't be able to beat Ast in Den, but if you know you're being watched, you should be cautious about problem behavior.

"Well, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with that, but I need permission from Lord Ast."

"That's about it, you'd be right there. Transfer from here for a moment."

Maxwell can transfer (teleport) to the front of Ast's cave. I just need your permission there and you can pick me up if it looks okay.

If this place were above the terrain, Maxwell's burden would also be alleviated.

"Oh, already. Will you handle the old bones? Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

Answering so carelessly, he draws a magic formation on the universe with a trick he is accustomed to with a leopard.

And the moment he cast the spell, he disappeared. In the meantime, roughly ten seconds.

Even though I'm somewhat used to it now, if Maria is a magic that takes more than a minute, when it comes to its speed - it's the extreme of admiration.

Until Maxwell gets back, I'll talk to Den about where we're moving.

"Good for you. We found a safe place on top of this."

"Yes, what is it? Oh, don't be frightened anymore, okay?

"I might be frightened of another being..."

Huge Crowler lives in the middle of the World Tree Labyrinth nearby.

Besides, it is with the twat that beats that monster with a single blow. In that mountain, an orga named Deng is obviously a lower end.

You live with people who can ravage you in an instant, so your hardship may increase.

"Well, he's not the kind of guy that doesn't make sense, and you don't have to worry. If I were going to get rid of him in the first place, I wouldn't give Maxwell permission."

"Oh no! So, I'm happy with the new Sumika."

It kushalls and distorts the face of a vicious orga, expressing joy.

Sorry, Den...... its face is a bit scary. It's like a monster with its prey in front of it. Undisputed monster, though.

Then I lost so much, Maxwell came back.

"I kept you waiting. Lord Ast gave me permission. No."

"Then take me to my safe house. Let's let Den live there."

"In your Lord's lair? Sure, there's a roof over there, so the wind storm will shine... okay?

"It doesn't matter. Let me be the custodian of my property."

"Is that the intention? Okay, no."

Thus a strange auga was to dwell in the mountains near Mareva.

Well, he's not the kind of guy who attacks people, so there won't be a problem.

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