A bright moon night when the full moon illuminates.

Me and Maxwell, and Den of Auga, rose in the sky that night.

It looks good when it comes to silver-haired girls dancing in the night sky and sorcerer-style old people, but it really makes Den look too floating.

"Something like this... aren't you like a gaga?

"Flying is a magic thing that's been around for a long time. What the hell?"

"I know about that, but I don't know... okay. Deng, show me ahead."

"Woe to me. Oh, yeah, I will."

Deng, unfamiliar with flying in the sky, slowly moved out of the universe as he stepped out as if walking.

Have you grown accustomed to flying gradually, increasing its speed?

Me and Maxwell have had so many flying experiences that we can run through the sky without having to act like that.

The magic of flying (flight) is half as fast as it travels, so you don't have to rush it so fast.

I'm just starting to stay up late, and the time itself is still there.

Instead, we needed to be careful if Deng didn't fly in the direction of the ground and crash, or if they didn't spot an orga flying off the ground.

Going north from the capital, a dozen minutes. So I realized I shouldn't have noticed.

And I can't help but check with Maxwell about that.

"Hey, Maxwell..."

"What? Don't lose sight of Deng, okay?

"Don't worry, it won't pull out there. More than that, I should have used this magic, when Mareva, right?

At that time, I went in by the time I left the city and exposed myself to the ugliness of being carried on Maxwell's shoulder even after I left the city.

If you could have used this magic then, you wouldn't have had to expose yourself to it.

"Mareva has a good view in the meadows. What if they see us flying in the sky?"

"That too...... no, but isn't that still the same thing now?

"Raum has a thick forest around. Anyway, just above the capital, the angled, diagonal sky is a bad prospect."

"Is that what this is about?

"So in this neighborhood, I decided I had no problem flying"

"Oh well. I hope you're okay."

While I also have somehow uninterrupted thoughts, I follow Den afterwards.

When I flew for about an hour in time? Deng suddenly stopped moving.

"Follow me, here"

He says so without words, pointing to the corner of the forest.

It was an odd place, protruding out of a huge rocky forest.


"That rock. Downstairs, it's open. Oh, there, I'm sorry."

"Aye? Oh, you're hollow under a rock."

Because Deng's words vary few words, it may take a little time to grasp them.

But it's strange because when you get used to it, you don't even feel so strange.

"I see, I see. Is that what you mean..."

In the wake of Deng's words, he's leaking words like Maxwell was oddly convinced.

Sure it's a noticeable rock, but is there something odd about it as well?

"Let's go, Reid. I'm getting a little interested in this."

"I just want you to be interested, not a little. We might have a lead on Crain up ahead."

"There's that, too. No, rather that's why..."

"I don't know.

"Because I'm not sure yet. See you on the ground for details."

When you say that to me, Maxwell descends toward the rocks in a straight line.

Deng also follows in a fascinating way. Look at that. I raise my voice in panic.

"Hey, don't go before the scouts! What would you do if there was an ambush, not at all..."

After Maxwell, I went down to the rocks, too.

On the north side of the rock, in the shady, mossy spot, was the entrance to Den's residence.

Mixed with tea and greenery, it doesn't look like there's an entrance to the interior in the distance.

Had it not been for the slightest trace of consolidation, I would have overlooked it, too.

"Damn, you're doing great. That's a natural disguise."

"Ouch. Inside, that kind of thing."

"Oh, there doesn't seem to be any sign of people, and it won't be a problem. Maxwell, get the light, please."

"Hmm, Zhu's One, Mountain Blow's Five, Jade's One - Light (Light)"

I made a request to Maxwell as I pulled out my dagger. And small lights are created in response to Maxwell's spell.

One of the Zhu means a minimum amount of light, and five of the mountain blows means a light that lasts five hours. Jade is a spell that specifies the distance, so this shows the distance to my dagger nearby.

There is a magical light in my dagger that illuminates my surroundings like a torch. Even the least amount of magic has too much light to illuminate the surrounding area because it is the right magic for the light.

The cave to Den's residence was quite long and stretched just around the center of a huge rock.

It has a slightly wider open space, where animal bones and skins are discarded. There were other fruit cores. It would be Den's leftovers.

An unpleasant odor is gushing out of the rotten skin and bones, filling the space.

"Wow... Den, it's not ventilated, so just dispose of the garbage. You're gonna get sick."

"It was okay. So, so, so, so sturdy."

"I envy you. Come on."

If I lived in a place like this, I'd be confident I wouldn't have three days to get sick.

In the middle of such a garbage-filled square, a huge magic formation was left behind.

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