Behind the cave, a small swinging Huge Crowler was being attacked by a black misty presence.

The fog hangs on a giant potato worm, albeit a small swing, and he persists in acting like an attacker.

Each time, the Huge Crowler makes a squeaky noise that makes the body skin rub together and squeal.

"That's a bunch of gusthornets."

"Hornet on Gusto? That's a strange combination."

Gusto is a kind of undead present in this world, characterized by having a misty body.

I don't hear physical attacks, so I've had a hard time too.

A weapon with magic can be dealt with at your leisure, so it would be easier for me to win now that I can use enhanced grant magic.

Hornet, as its name suggests, means bee.

However, in this case, it is a bee as a monster, ranging in size from ten centimetres to one meter, and varies in type.

Regardless, if you are stabbed by a giant bee that can range from ten to a hundred times more than normal, it is life-threatening.

This time, the combination of the two is not really a pin.

"Gusto is a misty monster. As you can see, that's what they call it because they make huge herds of bees until they're misty. One strength is close to the weakest as a monster, but it has the properties to form a very large herd. Only about a few beatings can be tailored, so from the whole herd, it doesn't do a lot of damage. He's a troublesome opponent to defeat in melee."

"Then it's not my turn!

Maxwell, who was unexpectedly absent in this labyrinth, was raising his tense voice.

But this grandfather has forgotten. Our goal is the potato worm that's coming from that bee right now.

If Maxwell's proud firepower gets pounded here, he'll burn it all together.

"Wait, wait. Let's start by pulling the potato worm apart!

"How do we pull it apart?

"Isn't it your job to think about it...... no, fine. I'm coming."

With all that number, my slaughter by yarn won't do much good.

But if you get stuck in the middle of a meal, you'd be offended to say what a bee is.

If the target of the attack moves to me, fine. That's not bad either, as it does some damage even if it doesn't.

"Anyway, I ambush you. If the bees came after me, burn them there."

"I understand."

Maxwell's magic doesn't start as fast as Maria's.

Still, he is a skilled magician, so he won't imitate the timing in the wrong way.

I fly threads and lift myself to the wall outcrops near the ceiling.

Because this labyrinth is made of trees on all sides, it is often helpful to hook it up. Surprisingly, maybe it's a labyrinth that goes well with me.

After lifting myself near the ceiling, I keep the thread wrapped around my body. How many times is that too?

And the dagger was stretched out spear-shaped, securely secured... and fell toward the bee.

Regardless, my body begins to rotate accordingly as the thread wrapped around my body unwinds when it falls.

The faster the drop rate increased, the faster the rotation, and at the same time the fixed spear tip was to be swung with tremendous momentum.

As it enters the herd of gusthornets, the spinning tips indiscriminately slash and tear the bees apart and smash them.

I made an unpleasant noise with Butu Butu and a dozen of them smashed at once in one breath...... I fell on the back of a Huge Crowler.

A rubber-like elastic skin bounces back without causing any damage to me, conveniently landing me on the ground.

When I managed to raise my glue circling vision, an army of bees burning anger at the intruders went into my eyes there.

"Oh, success?

I took a step toward fleeing - I fell.

There was no way I could stand the rough business of losing even my carriage while spinning at high speeds.

"Oh, wait a minute!? No, no, no, no! My legs, my eyes..."

A bunch of gusthornets suddenly strikes me fluttering left and right.

It's too close at the current distance for Maxwell to unleash magic.

You move on to the run as if you were a drunk, but that foothold is completely uncertain. It is imperative that they be chased away as they are.

"Not to mention..."

When I got here, I knew exactly what was at stake.

But there is someone who started pulling me off like that. Huge Crowler himself (?).

Do you grasp the benefactor of life, or is it a coincidence... the fleeing Huge Crowler's short toenail hooked my collar and started running straight out of the swarm of bees.

Regardless, I will be pulled by the motion and pulled to the ground.

And it was totally poking gusthornet surprises.

A bunch of gusthornets who lose sight of their goal of me and storm towards the ground.

Me leaving with the potato worm.

Between the two, a complete 'safe distance' would be ensured at the same time...... Maxwell's magic was bursting.

Probably the magic of a regular fireball.

But released by his magic, it was destructive enough to burn down the gust hornets from flock to flock.

What's more, bugs burn very well.

Only one shot, and that was it, and Gasthornet was lightly devastated.

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