"Too small for that potato worm. I can't keep the yarn strong."

"He doesn't look nutritious."

"Too bad. He wasn't a Huge Crowler, he was a Poison Crowler."

Ast's orders were getting tougher and tougher, and the match against Huge Crowler was finally about to enter its tenth.

Though I can fight for once, I can also feel it pulling my blacksmith Ast to the front, so I'm taking the initiative and coming forward, but to be honest, I'm pretty tired.

"Um, I'm sorry, but this guy has endurance issues, and I'd like to give him a break?

"Hmm? Oh, right. I thought you probably did."

"Probably what?

Hi. I was returning a question to Ast, who gave me a mouthful like he was spotting my impoverishment.

But think about it, my body is only ten years old. There can't be endurance.


"Oh no, fine. That's right, you'll see. Thank you. You seem more tired than I imagined."

"In the case of the Lord, you slept in the morning."

"Stun is not like sleep!

I yelled back at Maxwell for giving me a good opinion. I may be a little grumpy because of my fatigue.

Look at me like that, Ast accepts a break.

"Right. I'm still taking the kid out in the middle of the night and letting him work this far. If my daughter-in-law finds out, she'll get fucked."

"Buh!? Hey, you, you were married?

"I'm pretty old, too. Even if you have one or two marriages or experience."

"You can't judge by what you look like, you..."

I blurred from the bottom of my heart at Ast, who was young enough to be a middle-aged man and a young man.

Say this guy, say Maria, there are too many young guys around.

"Sman, I had a good look. Actually, I've only been married once."

I don't care where you are.

When I cut it off in one piece, I start spreading the seat in the corner of the labyrinth aisle with no heart or a soggy look.

As much as you want to ask me where I had that thing ready, I'm ready.

It even provides water in a water bag, so thank you.

"Ah, lemon?

"Mm-hmm. If you leave a peel in it, you'll get sour and tired"

"And this water, it's delicious as if it stains your body!

"The water was drawn from the roots of this world tree, so to speak, the sap of the world tree. The effect of fatigue recovery comes with origami."

"Buha! Some of them have taken out such valuables!?

If you sell the sap from the roots of the world tree to the maniac of that hand, you can give it as much as you want.

Especially as a world tree man, Maria, who's serious about faith, and so on, I'm going to give you whee money. Extremely dangerous.

But as a reality, it was true that fatigue could be removed, and its content was important.

"Oh, I've tried this place before."

"By reason... you were an adventurer. I'm convinced of that offense. That's what Maxwell said?


"You, why are you only polite to Ast?

To my question, Maxwell creased between his eyebrows and sighed.

With a frightened voice, it explains why.

"Reid, if your Lord is also a leading assassin, you understand the importance of discerning the power of your opponent?

"That's natural."

"The same goes for me and the magicians. Discerning the opponent's power is directly linked to life and death. Lord Ast is probably the same mage as me or more."


Is this the magician? Sure, this guy manufactured demonic props... even though they're destructive of that gen trick?

That destructive power can be impending on Lyell if you do poorly. What kind of joke is that?

"Yeah, nice joke?

I'm not kidding. No.



I turn my neck around and ask Ast for confirmation.

But he was drinking out of water with a strange face. In a way, it drifts more than Maxwell.

"Then let's take a break in twenty minutes. First me, then Maxwell. Can you ask for it?"

"What about me?

"Reid, you'd be the most drained, wouldn't you? Rest forty full minutes."

"Damn, I'm sorry I can't deny it."

"People are unsuitable. You are now on the verge of a long war. One of the qualities of an adventurer is to rest when you can."

"You're more experienced here. I'm sorry, but thank you for letting me rest."

This labyrinth in the world tree is also said to be the ultimate goal of adventurers. I'm not stupid enough to go to Ast's word claiming to have plenty of experience there.

If required to act on the spot, the words of the experienced person must be taken care of.

I caught my feather-woven cape and lay on my seat.

The next time I woke up, it was already time for Maxwell's watch to end.

"That, when..."

"The good thing about sleeping is that it's called a child."

"Shut up."

Throw Maxwell the cape that was feather-woven in the blindfold. But it was wrapped around the body, and it didn't seem to gain momentum.

Dancing the flutter and the universe, he wears it to the Ast where he slept.


"Oh, bad. Did I wake you?

In response to that cloak, Ast was awake. He's a shallower sleeper than I imagined.

No, if you were an armed adventurer enough to challenge me here, maybe it's natural.

"No, you woke me up just in time. So let's just..."

Ast to wake yourself up loose. Awaken your consciousness immediately and move on to action.

But odd noises echoed within the labyrinth, so as to block the word.


A long, lingering voice with an aftertaste.

That fills the passage of the labyrinth and echoes.


"Sounds like the same honking sound as Huge Crowler... but don't get the impression that you're stuffed with chopped wings"

"I mean, I think I might be attacked by something"

Ast analyzes, plus Maxwell follows.

Huge Crowler is not so strong in this hierarchy of labyrinths.

In the labyrinth, monsters compete with each other, and it is they who feed on them as a result.

"I'm here to capture you, but I'm not joking about getting attacked by other monsters."

"Right. So far we haven't found a good size prey, but not if the Lord of this voice isn't."

"Then I guess I'll go and help you soon."

Our nervousness is faint because we are not being attacked.

Besides, the subject to go help is the monster, so it wasn't even a plugged situation.

So with some loose air, we rushed to the source of the voice.

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