It was in the woods and the only place where the greenery was interrupted.

The flourishing of plants is interrupted as if to avoid something, creating a kind of different space.

The size is ten meters square at best. It's not as big a place as a square. But with eyes accustomed to greenery, I could feel that even its breadth was wide enough.

And on the other hand of the square...... the north side is like the slopes of the mountains have been cut off and the cliffs are formed.

The surface of the cliff was covered with dark stone, which seemed to be hardened by some high heat.

"Reid, is this the destination? Just a cliff from what I saw...... no?

Maxwell glanced around and swallowed the cliff and broken words.

Obviously, I'm uncomfortable with what's going on around me.

"Whoa, that's the magic specialist. Have you noticed?

"Is this a wall made up of sorcery? Plus, it feels pretty old-fashioned."

"Oh. They say it's an ancient heritage art."

I jump off Maxwell's shoulder and walk towards the cliff.

It was rolling by its side, especially black among the blackened stones - picking up the obsidian pink black stones and beating them to the slightly reddish stones that were stuck in the walls.

Once. And twice. Four more degrees. And once.

Stones and stones collide in the darkness at night, the sound of high armour echoes.

A wild bird flies by surprised by the sound, and the featherworms gush out of the ground.

Other signs of animals waking up in the woods on purpose.

"Hey Reid. No matter how midnight, the flashy noise..."

Maxwell's fears are natural.

I don't know what dangerous organisms are lurking in the woods. It is the fool who inspires the dark clouds.

But I ignored that word and was watching.

Then a while later, part of the rock wall melted and collapsed like sand, and the passage behind it appeared.

"This is...! Hidden passage? But if you just sneak eyes, you can do illusions."

"Illusions can bring in animals and insects with weak vision."

"Hmm, did you have that problem too? Local residents just don't have the same focus."

I step into a cave open in front of me without hesitation.

The cave is illuminated with [light (light)] granted demonic props, with no anxiety at foot.

The back was so deep that it could not be seen from the entrance, and the walls and passages were well reinforced.

"Don't let the passage or the walls be enchanted with [stubborn (toughness)]"

"Really? You didn't notice."

"Moreover, [magic sensing inhibition (countersense)] is also applied to prevent magic from being sensed from outside. Whether you live in hiding or not, it's a big deal."

"Heh. I knew that old man could make magic props... but we're here all the time"

Eventually the cave reached its point, where an old wooden door was mounted.

No, if you look closely, a whole cabin was buried in the ground.

I knock on the door.

As you will notice with the unlocking of the entrance, the blacksmiths who live in this cabin are also very bigoted and disliked.

"That's a hiccup, old man. It's me, it's Reid!

Even if I slap him with cancer, the reaction from inside is thin.

Maxwell was starting to send a white glance at me when I hit the door hard.

"Hey, you're here! Answer me!

"Go home. I know Reid doesn't have such a tall voice"

But coming back from the inside is an answer I haven't imagined. No, it was actually a reasonable objection.

"I have a situation!? Please, open it. This makes me look like a clown."

Half tearful, I heard a chatter as I was begging, and the door opened up vigorously toward "Outside".

Outside... that is, in the direction in which I was standing.


I kept knocking on the door, and I couldn't have flaunted the attack, and I hit him right in the face.

I can see Maxwell laughing behind my back. Remember, Jizzy.

Behind the door was a further passage, decorated with tons of swords and equipment on both sides of the passage.

It emits powerful magic, as you can see at first glance.

"Is this... is it all magic props!? This will be enough money for a small town to buy."

"I guess that's why you're hiding yourself. Blacksmiths here can freely create that level of weaponry if they want to."

"... Oh my God!?

Maxwell, but I lost my word in this sight when I first came here, too.

As much as I thought I'd take one and run away.

This passage on the main road is the most. It would be quicker to get locked up before we can get away with it.

And another door at the end of the aisle about ten meters. There should be a blacksmith waiting for you over here.

I didn't knock this time, and I opened the door.

"Totally. Don't be a goner. Let me in."

"It's natural to be vigilant because you've heard voices you've never heard before, right?

One of the magnificent men inside looked at him and opened his eyes to surprise him.

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