I'll sneak in and change my clothes so I don't wake the other students.

I couldn't afford to take out the extra baggage, so it's school-designated exercise clothes.

It's a hot summer, so knee-length socks in preparation for a mountain walk in exfoliated summer athletic clothes.

In college-designated sturdy boots, the hair is stringed together in a large mess to put on a hat.

Walking around the city like this, I don't care where you look from...... you just look like a kid who got out for a night out.

"I guess it's okay to get out of town like this, huh?

Whatever you think, it's not a good outfit to roll out into the city at night.

Regardless, there are no blacksmiths of interest all over the city, hiding in nearby mountains, so you don't have to worry about dressing up if you leave the city.

I don't have one... but I think I'm going to bring in some problems by the time I get out of town.

"Well, I have a guardian attached this time, so are you okay? Besides, Maxwell just got some bad rumors."

Since I was in national politics, I've had a lot of bad flirting with outsiders.

Now you won't even care about rumors enough to take your friend's daughter out in the middle of the night.

If there was a problem, Lyell would raid afterwards... but I didn't know that much.

I erased the noise and signs, finished dressing, put Ka-chan to sleep in the blanket instead, and then I went out to my room.

Cuckoo alone doesn't have enough mass, so I'll add Maxwell's user demon as well.

Now the blanket had the puffiness of thinking that one child was asleep.

If we were too messy here, we could wake up our classmates.

Especially since Retina has repeated real-life adventures with me, she's sensitive to sound even when she's asleep.

But there it is. Even if I look like this, I'm the highest assassin in my life.

It is supposed to be before breakfast, such as pretending to scratch a child's eyes.

Go out to the back entrance of the inn and head to the meeting point in the backyard. This is where I was told beforehand by the demon.

Maxwell came first and was standing in the shade of a tree.

If you're just standing in silence, he's very picturesque for an elf.

"Are you here, Reid?"

"Hmm? You called me Nicole in your room, didn't you?

"Can you call your lord's old name in such a place where you don't know who's listening?"

"Oh, you were paying attention for once."

That place, even though she was asleep, had other students.

There is also a slight possibility that there are students who wake up to speak.

"Let me distract you and lend you a cape."

"A cape? Why?"

"If you walk around the city in this outfit, you'll be absolutely suspicious."

My current outfit is the students themselves taking physical training classes.

As I told you earlier, if you bring such a child around in the middle of the night, there could also be rumors of unawareness.

"That's right, I don't want to do that either. Look, you can still wear this."

Maxwell takes off his own feather-woven robe and gives it to me.

There's too much height difference between him and me right now, so I'm not talking about the level of sloppiness.

But I didn't bring a cape, so I can't say luxury.

I didn't have to tease the hem, so I adjusted the length twice around the abdomen to finally wear it.

Honestly, I look like a child forced into my parents' dresses, and I'm very ill dressed, but I can't help it.

On the contrary, Maxwell had a brave atmosphere like a skilled adventurer, as he had planted part armor (point guard) under his robe like a wild (ranger) on a tight body.

"It's not fair... well, shall we go? It's that mountain on the west side of the city, can you fly?

"No, I've never been there before, so I can't."

"Then I'll have to walk away."

The magic of [Metastasis (Teleport)] has the disadvantage that it can only fly to places where the person has once visited.

Instead, I'm afraid there's only that degree of disadvantage.

Me and Maxwell get ready to get out of the inn.

To an old man armed with a dagger and partial armor, it felt like we had failed to wear a cheat robe like a dress, and we were just gathering the eyes of the people we were going to meet.

But no one speaks to Maxwell more intimidating than expected.

Ignore the flicker and the person who's going to see this one, get out of the city early enough... early enough...

"Maxwell, wait a minute. Kitsui"

"Hey, did you bat early...? How can you climb mountains like that?

"Even if you look like this, you're only gaining a little strength."

"It doesn't look that way."

At the same time as he raised his voice like a shudder, he lifted me up and held me on his shoulder like a wheat bag.

This is as if it were a picture of a young girl caught in captivity.

"Hey, you won't have this way of taking charge!

"He's a luxurious guy."

Flip my body around. Then my hips hit his shoulder, so I could sit there like that.

As it was, Maxwell showed unbelievable good legs as a magician and ran through the meadows west of the city.

"This is good. You carry me with you next time."

"Hey, old bone, you little girl."

"Don't say it, little girl. You're going back to being a man one day!

"Be careful not to get pregnant by then. Your Lord's protection is too thin."

"Don't say horrible things!?

Lose as you go and reach the mountain that stands on the west side of the city.

This Mount Maleva is one of the so to speak specialties of the city of Maleva.

It's a pretty big mountain, but it doesn't make a peak, and it's there as a single mountain.

The mountain was surrounded by deep woods from the middle belly to the foot, where various monsters and beasts lived.

It seems that there used to be jaws, hunters and charcoal grills, but they were wiped out by eruptions that were there a long time ago.

It's such a mountain that no one lives in this mountain right now... except one.

Maxwell heads towards the summit as he follows a slight beast path.

That blacksmith lives in this mountain, but the road leading there is completely untouched. It's a total mystery of how you're sourcing necessities.

Scratching a deep weed, Maxwell climbs up to the zoo.

That wealth of health is also a mystery to me.

"Hey Grandpa, isn't that a little unusual endurance?

"Oops, I'm doing some enhanced magic."

"Is there such magic?

"It's not the magic of [Cargo]. It's not magic that was originally developed for cargo workers. It helps reduce fatigue."

"That's awesome. Tell me."

Unfortunately, it's a magic trick.

"... then no"

The manipulative system is a system for dealing with golems and such. Probably buying a long time of action by looking at my body in the golem.

The fact that you can only use the interference system is inconvenient at times like this.

"Oops, move on to the side there"

I point to the seemingly deep bushes and make them change direction.

That's how I changed direction a few times at my behest, and the end I finally arrived... there was a huge rock wall.

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