The students of the School of Magic and the living legendary Six Heroes. An assortment that can't even be enemies by nature.

But if that becomes father and daughter, the story changes. When it confronted him, the training ground was stretched with waves of confusion.

The leader presence of the six heroes, Lyell. It's the poor pretty girl who's just ten years old to confront that him- I mean me.

Initiatives that aren't even supposed to be battles. But the students of the School of Magic and Lyell, they know what I'm capable of.

Regardless, their ability to know is what pulled out my ability to manipulate yarn, and the only strength I inherently know is Maxwell.

I can't use my original power in public like this either, so it's not enough.

Still far more advantageous than Lyell.

The weapon in your hand is a simulated sword made of Keratos beard to avoid injury to each other.

This nature is right for me, and Lyell hasn't been able to feel the nature.

A lightly flexed, unfamiliar weapon.

I'd be overwhelmingly more in my favor if I could feel the feel of the yarn I'm used to using with someone who doesn't grasp it.

"Dude, are you really willing to do a mock fight, Nicole?

"Sure. Today's the day."

"Sure, this might be better than that mock sword over there... but you don't know if you're hurt, do you?

"If I get hurt, I'll have my mom cure me. Instead, I hope your dad takes care of you."

"Well, my daughter has come to say it too...... how about my daughter would be cool!

Riel circles his neck in the middle of a conversation and makes a mysterious appeal to the knights.

You're confronting me from the front, so look at me, you bastard!

"Mmm, because if it takes a lick, it really hurts you!

Even if I intimidated him with full majesty, Lyell just had a dusty look on his face for some reason.

On the contrary, the knights also have a 'I saw something cute' look.

He looked like he was about to blow his nosebleed as far as Cortina.

By the way, Maria always has a loose face, so I can't grasp her emotions.

"Oh, Nicole is a real angel. If you guys get your hands on Nicole, I won't understand!

Again towards the knight, now Lyell raising his voice of intimidation.

The knights were also sweating, waving and denying.

"Enough! Shinpa, signal to start early."

I didn't even try to hide my grump, but I urged judgment.

Hi, this body, while the emotions are easily expressed openly, when the spirit is disturbed, it becomes tongueless.

I want you to spare me the fact that when I get grumpy, I get swollen naturally.

"Ah, yes. So, one simulation match, here we go."

A knight entwined by Lyell signals the beginning without tension.

I wonder if I can compare that. It's a game I'm not supposed to win.

But it's only at this moment that I'm finding a chance.

Before Lyell realized the discomfort of an unfamiliar weapon... and adapted to it, even with my physical abilities now - I can win!



A punch in from my big upper section. In contrast, Lyell moves to take it with a lightly simulated sword.

But the idea is sweet.

The simulated sword had shown more stiffness than expected and had befallen Lyell with a one-tempered attack.

And Lyell's sword, which moves to receive it, was also heavily stiffened, producing one-tempo deviations.

When you become as masterful as Lyell, even the defensive moves are faster than those swordsmen there. The simulated sword is not keeping up with its speed.

My attack, which put the stiffness in the calculation, jerked off Lyell's defense and hit that head - it was supposed to.

"Blink, don't get any harder than you expected, this"


My sword... No, my arm was lightly captured by Lyell.

Lyell, who decided that his defense would not make it due to the stiffness of his sword, offered the opposite arm reflexively as it was, grabbed my wrist and stopped the attack.

Originally, by the time I sensed stiffness, it was too late.

The battle should have been fought against my head if my offense had been strong (done).

But Lyell offered the opposite hand the moment he sensed a defensive discrepancy and took another defensive measure.

This represents his years of experience and good understanding in combat.

It takes time to get used to the sword. Yes, the guy who judged in an instant changed his style in view of the battle with his bare hands.


He grabbed me by the wrist and I was hanging with Bran.

Because I aimed at the head so badly, I needed to jump, and at that moment Lyell caught me.

No matter how agile I am with adult face loss, it's a story with feet on the ground.

If it were my stature, I wouldn't have exposed myself to this ugliness, but now I'm overwhelmingly short of height.

"Ha-ha-ha, Maria, look at that. We got a big guy."

Maria puts her hands on her cheeks with her usual grin at Lyell's behavior as if to show off her caught fish.

"You. If you treat me like that, Nicole will hate me again, won't she?


As a matter of fact, Lyle's behavior is a real waste of what I say.

I may have felt normal in my lifetime, but being a girl is really fragile and delicate.

And I had the delicacy to overwhelm the others.

Lyell lets go in a hurry to find out.

Me falling from a height of just a few meters, but trying to roll down the ground at the same time as landing and retreating to the rear.

In a backward rotation procedure, he kicks up the ground at the same time as he rolls back, kicks the sand up and sets up a blind eye.

Of course I'm not Lyell confused by such a small tip.

Eyelashes do not work, but they also do not cause foolishness that fills the distance with blocked vision.

In that gap, I was trying to get back in shape.

Gatsun, and... a shock ran in the back of his head.

Apparently, when he turned back, he hit his head hard on the stone that was rolling on the ground.

I interrupted my reverse rotation on the way, and I lost my mind, still looking like a frog that flipped to the ground.

"At least a little more, dressed like..."

"To, Nicole!?

On the verge of losing my mind, that's all I barely said.

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