We are inherently magician candidates, so fighting with swords is not a real job.

But still, I was wondering if a sword touched the harp line of a man's heart, and whether a boy student was happy to train - a chamberlain in the name.

It seems unusual for a woman to have a sword that isn't as good as a boy's, but it doesn't hurt to be slapped, and she was in the training in a way that she was afraid.

That's just the first story, and eventually the fever goes into the training, and he starts banging (haha) each other as he cheers like a boy.

Lettina seems to be no exception, she had an intriguing simulated sword for training, and so she peppered my head and slapped me to see how she was doing.

Cut with a fixed head avoids the attack by sticking it on his back like he was in a panic.


"Holy shit! Micha!? Painful Retina."

"You sound like a toy."

Apparently, my reaction is fun, and gradually the speed of a series of hits increases.

But it's not funny that I just get slapped, either.

He attacked him physically using his corpuscles and struck Letina's knee hard.

Simulated swords are more flexible than expected and sound less powerful than expected. But Retina stood as if nothing had happened.

"You really don't hurt. This is certainly all Dr. Cortina has to look at."

"That's right."

If you look closely, what is used for the inner core was a substitute like animal hair, not bamboo.

It is very elastic and also has some stiffness.

"In this...... is it some kind of hair?

The knight nearby picked up my pompous and leaked words without listening.

He comes up to me and explains it with his hands on his shoulder.

"You've noticed a lot, young lady. It's the beard of Keratos breeding near the city."

"Keratos? The one like that two-legged lizard?

Keratos is a kind of monster that lives throughout this continent.

He looks like an upright lizard, and his personality is ferocious. It is a very dangerous organism for the average person, having the nature to act in flocks with a few.

But for adventurers, it's a delicious prey.

The skin is made of leather armor and other materials, and the bones are strong enough to be used for arrow claws.

The meat is also pale and has a taste similar to that of a chicken. The whole body, it's useless, it's a delicious prey.

A few adventurers graduate from the rush can handle one, so sometimes a few parties go hunting when the presence of a flock is discovered.

He had also appeared near Raum, serving as food for the precious livelihood of adventurers.

Fortunately or unfortunately, our party has never met that herd yet.

He may be a slightly tough opponent in Retina and the cloud, but strong enough for me and Michelle to deal with him enough.

I don't even feel like it's time for you to let me fight for an arms test.

"But surely Keratos' beard shouldn't be this thick?

"Your daughter really knows something. One bottle is certainly too thin and useless, but this is how it ensures its thickness and strength."


I've never seen Keratos use these beards before.

With this simulated sword, I wonder if even Raum could make it? So Maxwell was forced to spend extra money?

"Knight there. What can I do for our daughter?

We raised our voice of interest and looked up at the knight, and there was a voice that contained anger somewhere.

When I saw it, Lyell was sneaking behind the knight with a simulated sword on his shoulder.

"Ah, Dad."

"Daddy? Well, you're the Six Heroes."

"You don't... you've been talking to my daughter a lot intimately, huh? I don't even talk to you that much."

"Yes, no this is...... a misunderstanding, I was just explaining the structure of the simulated sword!?

"Then I'll explain it to you. Look, he's gone that way! Or is there something wrong with my daughter?"

Lyell turns his frivolous gaze to the knight. This is a proposition, no matter what you think.

To solve that misunderstanding, the knight also raised his hand and continued to explain.

"I don't mean to be hairy, it's awesome!

"What, my daughter's not in her eyes? She says she's so cute!

"I admit that..."

"You still had a lower heart!

"How are you going to answer that?!?

I sigh at Lyell's attitude as if he were drunk.

Understandably, I'm loved, but this is overprotective. In the first place, in the rush to this point, I felt like beating the crap out of him.

Slip from the side of the grated and wolfish knight to the side of Lyell and put a blow with a simulated sword in his thigh.

Lyell's sermon was temporarily interrupted, along with the flashy sound of Pasin.

Besides, the other shot sounded pretty good, didn't it?

"Oh, that's Lord Lyell's daughter. You're already using a mock sword."

"What? Really?

A knight raises his voice of amazement in order to divert himself from the topic.

"The simulated sword is often made to flex to avoid injury, but it has become difficult to hit it properly for that matter. Because there are elements that treat you like a whip."

"Oh, I see"

The knight's explanation convinced me. The feeling more familiar to the hand than the sword was because it had properties similar to the treatment of whips close to the thread.

For me to treat yarn like a whip, it goes better than a sword.

Because... isn't this actually your chance now? This place is also called an auspicious day if you think of it, why don't you give it a try?

"That's right, Dad. Been a while since you put on your sword archery?

Yes, this sword could beat this guy, a rival from a previous life.

This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to win with a sword, not to mention a simulated sword, against an opponent who couldn't win with a sword.

Lyell had a bewildered look on my offer at first, but he accepted the chance to play with his daughter.

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