In the meantime, Maxwell and I were supposed to discuss the other day's incident after scheduling a future appointment.

First of all, ask about the captured Earl of Talkassir, then.

"No, no. What happened to that fucking nobleman?

"What the hell..."

Rarely does Maxwell seem to say anything.

It should be, too, and Count Talkaseer was assassinated by someone the night he was captured.

"Security should be in place. I didn't build a magical surveillance network, but the guards were supposed to be watching closely."

"And yet, why was he killed? What time?

Question Maxwell sooner rather than later. Apparently, he was murdered last night at the mouth of a night when he was poked through a gap in his surveillance shift.

The guards were just splitting personnel, and the assassins look good.

"In the present situation, the most suspicious... is your lord"

"Why does that happen!?

"If you ignore the motive and assume that you can scratch surveillance, your Lord will not be the first to think of it."

"You don't have a motive for me. Besides, that time was in the bath with Finia."

"Ho? Looks like we're still getting along. Above all. So, how do you feel?

"Don't ask!?

Tastes bad. No, Maxwell knows I'm taking a bath with the finers.

Finia's not big, but she's really soft...... no, it's nothing.

Anyway, let's get back to it. Because the story goes out of line as it is.

"I'm the one who captured you in the first place. If you're going to kill me, I'm just doing it then."

"Right. I mean, the killer has no eye-catcher at all."

"Oh, my God, you can't rely on me."

I threw up on Maxwell's, unusual lapse and began to vandalize the chairman's office.

As usual, Maxwell doesn't imitate blame either. My quest will be cleaned up properly even after it's rough, so there's no need to clean it.

Rather, it is enough that this grandfather's room, which is so messy, is cleaned up in reverse.

Behind a thick encyclopedia of bookcases, discover rare biscuits. It's from the city's famous stores, where sesame seeds are cooked to perfume.

This grandfather has a sexuality of hiding food, as if squirrels were going to be ready for winter.

When I was in the royal family, he said this was because of the habit of keeping delicious things secure because all I could say was what I saw poison.

It is suspicious because he said it most out of sight.

"Don't take this kind of thing all by yourself."

"Leave it rough on its own and say what. Totally......"

Spread the lunch box you brought in to the desk in the president's office, complete with biscuits as a dessert beside it.

Maxwell continued as he behaved tea to me like that.

"It's undeniable that the gap in the alternation has slightly loosened the eyes of the surveillance. Elliott and Priscilla are all over me, and anyone who was on prison security is cruel compared to the others."

"Well...... hey"

Because of the sudden change in the security system, it is common that gaps can be made in reverse.

However, enough people have been mobilized to make up for it, and the surveillance network has been scratched.

Maxwell can't help but think of someone who can do it and think of me first.

In my active life, I've seen a scene where I scratch the eyes of enemies and monsters with dignity.

You mean someone with my covert abilities?

"The number seems pretty limited. I'm gathering information from people who are familiar with the society. As a general public, I have judged it to be the best possible security. Instead, the person who sent the assassin in early might have been a better one."

"That also means the identity of the masked man who escaped...?

I don't know. I'm not serious.

From where Talkaseer is sending assassins within the day of his captivity, there is also the possibility of an assassin of a child.

It should take a lot of time to have a network that said that.

"Then the masked man is someone who knows this city."

"Right. And noblemen. The Talkassir guy is a chunk of authoritarianism. There's no way you can forgive a civilian approaching you."

"Do you live in this city to some extent and are you a nobleman with a position there? But that's not the only way to squeeze it off."

"Well, I'm going to squeeze the siege net one by one. I won't let you get away with it."

"I hope so."

Maxwell showing shoulder to shoulder. In the end, the masked man seemed to escape brilliantly.

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