Originally, because the School of Magic attends a large number of affluent and aristocratic descendants, the funds exist in Lunsai.

That's why even if the operator is nostalgic about everything, this is also considered a problem.

Therefore, many opportunities were offered to travel in the name of off-campus learning.

By doing so, the students can spread their insights and avoid accusations of making too much money.

"It's not a scheduled trip, but fortunately the college's budget still affords it. I have enough room to send my senior classmates everywhere after four years."

"After four years? Why don't we just have our grades?

"If you do that, you'll only be stuck in the Lord's grade. If we're gonna take him on a trip, we're all gonna have to do it."

"Then take him to junior year."

"You're just too young for junior year. Few kids know better than you do. And some students are reluctant to leave their parents."

Colleges attended by nobles from all over the country have more students living in them than dormitories have also been set up.

But that's not everything. There are also a certain number of students like local nobles and millionaires...... Matisse.

Many of the young students who said so are afraid to travel away from their parents.

At an age where you can't tell, you don't necessarily have to take problem action at the destination.

If you're going on a journey, if you're old enough to discipline yourself to some extent, you'll have more trouble.

"I see. So, what do you mean, everywhere?

"If all the destinations became Alexmar Sword Kingdom, some people would come out to think there was something in his land, right?

"If it is a trip to the Sword Kingdom for a few grades on a trip that did occur in a jump, don't come out with people thinking there's something out there."

"That's why we're changing many destinations. The highest grades are Matara's Confederate States, five years in the Northern Trinity."

"So, we're going on a trip to the 'Coincidence' Alexmar Sword Kingdom?

"Then you won't feel uncomfortable."

I travel to different parts of the continent for more than one academic year, so there's nothing strange about me being lost in one of them.

But sending hundreds of people everywhere should cost a huge amount of money...

"Is the money okay?

"I'd rather have too much trouble. Because the reputation of the Raum School of Magic has grown to a little brand value."

"I mean, there's still room," he said?

"Two or three more jump trips, we can throw them out."

"You're making more money than I expected, Oi!?

I was surprised to have the funds to send nearly three hundred people everywhere.

I don't think the donation alone would make that much money.

"It's a good story about the economy, but isn't it weird that the donations get that far or something?

"What the hell is that? Look, it's because of the Lord, isn't it?


"Bye. Son of Lyell and Maria. That's what I go to magic school for. There are many aristocrats who want to take advantage of this. Since your Lord entered school, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of applicants from the aristocracy. Thanks to you, it's not know-how, is it?

"Don't treat me like a rare beast."

But I don't even know what Maxwell means.

There is no doubt that my presence will be quite an important figure in this world.

It is believed that Lyell and Maria will begin to see decay from now on due to their life expectancy, but the truth is that thanks to drugs conceded over the God of Discipline, they will remain active for a few more decades.

Even though Maxwell is old, he has a longer life expectancy than a bad person.

Cortina and Gaddles, too, still have a way to go.

With such a thick pipe on them, I can be an important figure in the world.

It's also natural that there are many aristocrats who think about staying close to me like that.

A nobleman with a son in his nearest years would try to send him to the School of Magic.

Fortunately, my life is not threatened now because Retina has become an excellent breakwater.

"Well, that's why. Money is unexpected. Besides, I need to give back to Miss Retina, who is protecting your Lord's life."

"Is that this trip?

"If she debuted to the social world, the Marquis's Lady, there would be such an easy opportunity to embark on a journey. If you want to play, we can do it now."


It's a forgettable fact, but she's a marquis too. After I graduate, I have to debut with the social community and deal with the nobility of this country.

Now, thanks to the educational policy of the Relentless Marquis, I'm doing an imitation of me and the adventurer, but that's not a long time.

Only now can she stretch her feathers.

I guess that's why Maxwell wants to offer the most enjoyable trips possible.

"Right. So... what about the Adventurer Support School?

Specifically, it is Michelle's treatment.

It's pathetic that she's the only one who left a message.

"I don't know... I don't make a lot of money over there, so it's hard to pay for travel."

"Well...... I guess so"

The proceeds from the School of Magic are just a secondary effect of a visitor named me. The benefits would not have increased because the effects have not been felt by those in Adventurer Support Schools.

Plus, it's just called the Adventurer's Support School, and many people have adventurers for their parents, and donations from there aren't much.

"Will Michelle leave a message this time..."

"I can take you out with a", but that's not a very good thing as an educator. "

"Can't we turn the magic school budget around?

"There's no confusion. They run on that budget."

Maxwell makes tea with a sinister face.

This is why I and Maxwell decided to travel to the Alekmar Sword Kingdom.

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