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That day was the meeting day with Haumea, who was waiting.

She looked ideal for Elliot, so to speak, as if she had grown Nicole into an adult, and had a completely different femininity than Nicole.

Unlike Nicole, who also retains a slightly gutsy, boyish-like maneuver, it makes you feel firmly sophisticated. Then, it also has a cheerful attitude.

It also shows a childish side when eating, and then it also shows defenseless insecurity, like a male friend.

It's like not letting you grasp the essence, a mysterious woman.

I fell in love with her like that at some point.

From that girlfriend, a letter of rendezvous arrived from Maxwell, acknowledging without one or two.

Elliot had been amazingly floating himself since he was contacted.

Returning to her boarding house, she waved her topic all over Priscilla, her only cohabitant, so much so that it often existed that she could turn a laid back look on her face.

Of course, there's no way he could go by saying he wants to live alone. However, as a result of the maximum concession, he has agreed to the men under his command by living with Priscilla and allowing the soldiers of the Kingsguard to live in the surrounding houses.

That's already so depressing floating from the edge that when the day finally came, I tried to jump out of the boarding house a few hours before the rendezvous.

Exactly, this was stopped by Priscilla and she finally left an hour before the rendezvous.

The floating Elliot chooses the shortest distance back road to get to the rendezvous place as soon as possible.

Regardless, the course had been jeopardized by Priscilla, but at that time he had completely abandoned the thing of a sense of crisis.

And almost there was a burglar attack on the street.

You look like an adventurer, but you haven't lowered your ID card from your neck, so you know you're not an authentic adventurer.

There are five such persons. Surrounded the perimeter by accident.

Immediately covered Elliot behind his back and Priscilla took the interception position. There was no mouth for each other, and silently the curtain of the end of the war had been cut and dropped.

Priscilla fought hard.

I can tell you that it was a great effort to put an end to the five of us on our own.

But still, with Elliot covered behind his back, there's no winning fifth to one. Eventually, the sword was bounced off, slashed down by a slash and rendered powerless.

Elliot also desperately resisted to show the adventurers who would come to capture him, but he was still passive in large numbers.

He is beaten to the face, let go of consciousness lightly, and darkens in front of him.

At the edge of his dark-stained vision, he saw Priscilla crawling slightly towards the surface street.

To call for help, or to survive yourself? Either way, Elliot's consciousness fell into darkness, wishing her well.

The next time Elliot regained consciousness was when the carriage stopped.

With that shake he wakes up and finally perceives his condition.

On the way to being shouldered by the men and transported into a strange mansion, he leaves a blood stain by rubbing his face against the wall.

That way, help will come as soon as possible.

The relative head position was lowered because of the shoulder strain, which was supposed to leave traces of blood in a fairly low place, which can be said to be superimposed.

Because I was able to leave a landmark in a difficult position to see.

That's how they carry me into the basement...... now I have a man sitting right in front of me.

There are two adventurous men around. Plus one aristocratic man in a luxurious costume, four in total.

This man was wearing a mask and hiding his identity.

"I will see you first, Your Majesty Elliot. My name is Métos Suria-Talkassir. Lord of Surya, the former Kingdom of Gritnil."

"... oh, I know"

Elliot knew the name.

Surya territory is the furthest from the centre, adjacent to the Stra territory of Raum. Count Talkassir, who houses it, hits the remote edge of the former Gritnil royal family, a nobleman who was opposed to Elliot's reign.

"Are you going to kill me and get to the throne yourself?

"No way! I know exactly what I'm looking for."

Uncle Talkaseer shows his hands spread out and sighed with a playful trick.

"Where I have caused civil strife, I am by no means hostile to you"

"So why don't you let me go soon? Now I'll fix you with a misdemeanor."

"No, unfortunately not. I can't, but my son is pretty good at it. So much so that I want to burden my son with the next generation of the United Kingdom."

"How does that connect to this outrage?

To Elliot's stuffing, Talkaseer comes out on his desk.

Elliot's hands were free, but his feet were fitted with shackles. This makes it impossible to escape.

There was nothing within reach to take Talkaseal hostage or anything that was likely to be a weapon.

"Unfortunately, Your Majesty has no inheritance. That means the next ruler is still undecided. I'd like you to put my son in that seat, if you can."

"There's no way we can do this."

Like throwing up, Elliot releases a word of rejection.

There is also a thing called the right to inherit the throne in the royal palace. And there are also heroes who are famous enough to blow such things away.

Elliot can't actually designate the next king on his own.

"Here is the will. Of course, it's an official document, so there's no doubt about it."

"A will...?

"You can't treat the deceased's will like a hero, can you?

In other words, if you make Talkaseer's son the next king, you will make him leave a will and kill Elliot on it.

Wills are the strongest aspirations of the deceased, so they also exert strong compulsion in this world.

Lyells and the Six Heroes are hard to ignore.

"The College also attends the son of my friend Count Salwa. Wouldn't it be strange if I got to know myself with you through him? You can just sign here."

"Do you think I will?

"Yes, yes, an escort who was protecting you. It might still help now."

Talkaseal to change the subject abruptly. If you want to help Priscilla the escort, sign it, that's what I'm saying.

To Elliot, Priscilla is also like her sister. It is a childhood tame who has leaned closer to him in the shadow sun than he was when he was young and has protected himself.

And that fact was a famous story in the United Kingdom as well.

The existence of a will and Elliot's death will be a must for Talkaseer's son to reach the throne.

Unless you sign a will, Elliot's life can also be described as safe.

Conversely, nothing else is covered.

And if you sign, to publicize Elliot's death, he will be killed, and that death will be publicized.

I don't have my own life if I don't buy time. But if you do that, Priscilla dies. The patrol erodes Elliot's thinking.

At that time, vibrations, like kicking through something, rang all the way down to the basement.

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