Piss, and damp footsteps echo in the hall.

A rather elaborate entrance hall was now a sea of blood or something.

The carpet with long hairy legs fully sucks up the blood and returns a wet rag-like feel as you walk along.

The five around them are already out of breath and have nothing to utter.

"Have we gone a little too far? I could have left you alone."

I don't know the entrance to the basement.

I should have left one to hear that out, but I got that bestially painted gaze, too, and apparently there was blood on my head.

Well, I'm not used to that kind of thing, so let's take a big look here.

My body doesn't have a drop of blood to return to, even though the surrounding area is a sea of blood that has just been spotted as a battlefield.

That's supposed to happen, too, because I'm actually pretty bloodstained, but the way I made it out of illusion doesn't reflect blood back.

As a matter of fact, I've had blood throwing up in my upper body, and I'm in a bloody state where I can see it.

I breathe heavily and calm down in the sight that the beholder cannot help but feel uncomfortable when he sees it.

The smell of vivid blood fills my lungs, but I dared to push that smell out of my consciousness.

First check the condition of the broken armor during the battle.

Is the yarn tangled inside? It cannot be stretched or wrapped. On the contrary, even the other threads had stopped moving.

Now all you can use is the one bottle you were serving, and the limit is about a meter long.

The left armor is heavily shaken and tangled in a complex wrapped around the body, impossible to use as a weapon. I don't have any body here, but I have to cut it off and throw it away.

"... well, can you handle it"

It hurts that the thread can no longer be used as an armed weapon, but there is still a dagger, so there is nothing you can't fight. Plus, one on the right hand is about a meter long. This would be enough to be used in melee combat.

You can stretch the dagger and use it as a spear when you need it.

Anyway, I asked for Elliot's appearance and went back down the aisle with the broken armor thread in my hands.

I guess the piano wire is better used, but the sturdiness and cleavage of this misrillic yarn is still appealing.

Plus if you fight in a passage ahead or in a narrow place like a basement, you don't need much length.

There shouldn't have been a problem, as this kind of two-handed way of fighting would prevail.

Walking down the aisle I noticed a strange 'thing'.

It was left on a wall about a metre high from the floor, traces of plundered blood.

It's the height I got in my eyes because I'm tall, but it's a place I can't get in my eyes without lowering my gaze a little from the good looking adventurers.

There were traces of blood left there.

"Hmm... did Elliot leave it?

Either way, this height looks like the result of his actions to let you know where he is, whether he made it through a rampage and even abrasion when he was abducted.

I followed the blood trail and headed to the back of the aisle.

By the kitchen close to the back entrance. The bloodstains continued in the storage unit by its side.

There's no sign of people inside, so I open the door while I'm vigilant.

Inside the cramped storage, frying pans and spare knives. The pot was narrowly stocked with pots.

Even though it is such a place, there is a place where the walls are unnaturally exposed.

"Whatever it takes, it's too obvious..."

When I approached the wall and checked the area, I was left with traces of blood.

"There's a trick somewhere, and I guess this wall works..."

There's a setup, probably by the wall, in a place camouflaged by tools.

I'm quite used to this kind of trick because I once had the experience of assassinating nobles as well.

After a while I discovered the switch hidden under the pan and manipulated it.

Cacon and, making a small noise, a corner of the wall came off. The other side is connected by a hinge, so that it opens like a door. Haven't you done a big trick like a revolving door?

Beyond the door, it was connected to a descending staircase where the rock had been stripped, and the walls were furnished with magic props with light (lights).

This magic item is generally popular and is not as expensive.

But since the magic runs out in about six months, it's troublesome to keep the numbers together.

Such magic props were distributed at regular intervals to ensure vision.

"I didn't expect to plant magic equipment in such a hidden passage. Luxurious."

Is that all you mean by economically powerful enemies? Count to be taken to the old Gritnil royal family, even if. Apparently the expense to that extent is not fart either.

There's a good chance Elliot's been captured up ahead.

In some cases, it could be used as a hostage. The opponent's power would have been pulled out by the noise above, but we must act cautiously from here on out.

Because Elliot was being held hostage, I had to sharpen my enemy's power so I broke through the front, but this way of fighting wasn't for me originally. If I can, I want to sneak around and defeat them safely.

Though I thought so, I used a secret gift and stopped showing signs.

At the same time, his voice and footsteps lurk, slowly going down the stairs.

There are traces of regularly plundered, brand-new blood on the walls, and we can see that Elliot definitely passed through here.

The stairs continued downstairs to draw a half-circle, which quickly reached the end point.

Is there a depth of four meters at most? Pretty shallow.

Since the ceiling is about two meters high, it can be seen that a basement is being built in an almost secluded area of the basement.

"Now, don't be a room to avoid people."

Thanks to its shallowness, I noticed the existence of a basement, so should I be thankful?

The descent was followed by a short passage, and there was a door ahead. Seeing the light leaking out of the gap, they have a room there.

I close to the door with the signs off, and now I sneak up on my ears.

Then from inside, I heard a wild man's voice and a bitter familiar voice to hear.

One of those voices was definitely Elliot's.

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